An op-ed piece in today's Salt Lake Tribune by cartoonist Pat Bagley touched on the subject of the current fiscal crisis the United States finds itself in. I wrote the following response to that op-ed:
"First of all, typical to a Bagley op-ed cartoon, this just doesn't make sense. The words of the character don't correlate to the rest of the picture. Plus, Bagley's drawings are amateurish, at best. Try looking up David Horsey, the Pulitzer Prize winning editorial cartoonist. His pictures are vastly superior to Bagley, and his comments always make sense.
Second, as I read things about the Congressional spending habits, I find it interesting that no one has remembered that the basic fiscal approach from both parties has flip-flopped. Until sometime early this century, the Democrats wanted to 'Save, Save, Save!' And the Republicans wanted to 'Spend, Spend, Spend!' Why the basic philosophical shift in dealing with America's money woes?
Unfortunately for both sides, partisanship will destroy this country. We can all thank Slimy Newt Gingrich for that one when he pressed the Republican Congress to fight any bipartisan efforts in any aspect of government. His "Contract with America" was the beginning of the current fiscal crisis.
In order to end this whole crisis, both sides of the aisle need to set aside the suspicions and anger and work cooperatively--as they did for decades of growth--to find solutions that will get us back on track towards fiscal health.
Lastly, in the entire debate as to what programs can be saved, and which ones can't, another lost bit of history looms over the entire discussion...that as of 2010, had Congress stuck to their predecessors guns and kept the plan in place, the United States would be out of debt, Medicare and Social security would be just fine, and the country would not be in trillions of dollars of debt to China--a debt that may never get paid off now.
Who is to blame for our current crisis? Both parties, and two consecutive Presidents...and all the voters who kept them all in office. In other words, we ALL are responsible. So before you go around pointing fingers, you'd better take a look at yourself.
Monday, December 17, 2012
Friday, December 7, 2012
Remembering a Day of Infamy
It is December 7th.
Seventy one years ago was the attack on Pearl Harbor. Truly a "date which shall live in infamy," I hope that you take a moment to reflect on that terrible day that launched the Greatest Generation into the greatest conflict in history.
We all owe those men that were lost that day our respect, out deepest thanks and our honor. They will never be forgotten!
Seventy one years ago was the attack on Pearl Harbor. Truly a "date which shall live in infamy," I hope that you take a moment to reflect on that terrible day that launched the Greatest Generation into the greatest conflict in history.
We all owe those men that were lost that day our respect, out deepest thanks and our honor. They will never be forgotten!
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Filming People In Public--Rights or Wrong?
An op-ed piece in today's Seattle Times, written by my friend Monica Guzman, looked at the legality of filming people in and around public places, and whether or not a cameraman would have any responsibility towards those he/she was filming.
The comments mostly ranged around anger, threats, compensation to anyone filmed if said images were used to profit [on the part of the cameraman], etc.
My response to the article:
"Filming people in/on public spaces may be legal, but it is not very respectful; especially if someone expresses their desire to NOT be filmed.
In all of the technological advances of the last fifteen years, no one has stopped to ask the question, "Just because we can, does that necessarily mean we should?"
In the ever evolving fight of an individuals' right to privacy, that basic question, based in basic human compassion and respect, is being lost and buried so deep that most people rarely even think to ask, ponder, or even consider it in passing.
Personally, I think that that lack of introspection is to the detriment of us all."
The comments mostly ranged around anger, threats, compensation to anyone filmed if said images were used to profit [on the part of the cameraman], etc.
My response to the article:
"Filming people in/on public spaces may be legal, but it is not very respectful; especially if someone expresses their desire to NOT be filmed.
In all of the technological advances of the last fifteen years, no one has stopped to ask the question, "Just because we can, does that necessarily mean we should?"
In the ever evolving fight of an individuals' right to privacy, that basic question, based in basic human compassion and respect, is being lost and buried so deep that most people rarely even think to ask, ponder, or even consider it in passing.
Personally, I think that that lack of introspection is to the detriment of us all."
Monday, November 5, 2012
The Right, Priveledge and Sacred Duty to Vote
As John Hancock wisely admonished:
As you go to the polls this Tuesday, encourage your friends and family to do the same! For a Christian, voting is not a right, it is a duty! So make sure and vote this election!
As Charles Finney declared:
[T]he time has come that Christians must vote for honest men and take consistent ground in politics or the Lord will curse them.Voting righteously is not only important today, but was also something the Founding Fathers considered to be extremely important to the future of America.
As Samuel Adams declared:
Let each citizen remember at the moment he is offering his vote that he is . . . executing one of the most solemn trusts in human society for which he is accountable to God and his country.As you go to the polls on Tuesday, be sure to be informed! Know where the candidates stand on the issues. is a great place for you to find church-friendly voters guides for your specific states.
As Noah Webster stated:
In selecting men for office, let principle be your guide. Regard not the particular sect or denomination of the candidate - look to his character. . . . When a citizen gives his suffrage to a man of known immorality he abuses his trust; he sacrifices not only his own interest, but that of his neighbor, he betrays the interest of his country.Make a difference that will impact not only your future, but the future of your children and grandchildren for years to come. Pray, learn about your candidates' positions and then vote!
May God bless you and may God bless America!
Monday, October 15, 2012
Upcoming Election
I know that I haven't put out any blogs on here in quite a while. This is entirely due to my ongoing struggle with Polycystic Kidney Disease.
If you follow my PCKD blog, you'll know that, overall, I am doing a bit better. However, I still am lacking the mental energy to write about the current events surrounding all of us. I want to only write with a clear, logical and educated voice. Unfortunately, what mental energy I do have does not allow any of this to happen in a concise and well-written manner; so, I don't write...for now. Once I have my transplant I am sure I will be back to my former self, and be making regular entries. Until then, I can only provide small glimpses. Which is why I am here today.
With the General election coming up in about three weeks time, I thought I should get on here to remind everyone that they need to get out and vote!
Pick up your local voter pamphlet, study it--understanding your local referendums, elections of city, county, State and Federal appointments, judges, etc--and know before you go into the voting booth how you will vote on each item on your local ballot.
I always take a piece of paper with me that lists my vote for initiatives, referendums and all elections. It's ok that you do this!
Please, be an educated, informed voter in this coming election! If you choose not to vote, then you have no say in how your local and Federal governments are run. However, if you vote, be sure you are voting for the best candidate in each item you vote in. Forget about parties. Ask yourself, "Who is the BEST candidate for this job?" Then, vote according to that decision.
This Presidential election is one of the most important elections in my memory. The very heart and soul of the United States is at risk, and how you vote will determine the future of this country.
So get out on election day! Go early! Be informed and be a part of what makes the United States the greatest country on earth!
If you follow my PCKD blog, you'll know that, overall, I am doing a bit better. However, I still am lacking the mental energy to write about the current events surrounding all of us. I want to only write with a clear, logical and educated voice. Unfortunately, what mental energy I do have does not allow any of this to happen in a concise and well-written manner; so, I don't write...for now. Once I have my transplant I am sure I will be back to my former self, and be making regular entries. Until then, I can only provide small glimpses. Which is why I am here today.
With the General election coming up in about three weeks time, I thought I should get on here to remind everyone that they need to get out and vote!
Pick up your local voter pamphlet, study it--understanding your local referendums, elections of city, county, State and Federal appointments, judges, etc--and know before you go into the voting booth how you will vote on each item on your local ballot.
I always take a piece of paper with me that lists my vote for initiatives, referendums and all elections. It's ok that you do this!
Please, be an educated, informed voter in this coming election! If you choose not to vote, then you have no say in how your local and Federal governments are run. However, if you vote, be sure you are voting for the best candidate in each item you vote in. Forget about parties. Ask yourself, "Who is the BEST candidate for this job?" Then, vote according to that decision.
This Presidential election is one of the most important elections in my memory. The very heart and soul of the United States is at risk, and how you vote will determine the future of this country.
So get out on election day! Go early! Be informed and be a part of what makes the United States the greatest country on earth!
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
80 MPH on Utah Freeways?
There has been a recent push to increase the speeds on Utah's rural freeway system to 80 mph. The responses were a predictable Yes! with various reasoning as to why the respondents thought so.
Here is my response:
"It is amazing the justifications people use to exceed the speed limits on ALL roads here in Utah.
I was trained as a driver in another state and follow the laws as best I can whenever (and wherever) I drive; often resulting in other drivers honking, zooming by me, or pulling unsafe, boneheaded maneuvers all around me. As a former paramedic I have seen the results of speeding on the human body; and what I have seen and worked on would make most people vomit.
In Utah the State Patrol rarely pulls anyone over for speeding because they are too busy breaking the posted speed limit themselves. I have written the Governor and my Reps asking for better State Patrol funding to combat the horrific driving habits in Utah; only to have my inquiries met with silence.
Fact--The faster you go the less margin of error you have; the greater the stopping distance required. Higher speed equals greater trauma in any accident due to the excessive kinetic forces at work.
But, I suppose this too will fall on deaf ears as Utah drivers are too busy speeding (to wherever) to actually consider the issue with any thoughtful deliberation."
Here is my response:
"It is amazing the justifications people use to exceed the speed limits on ALL roads here in Utah.
I was trained as a driver in another state and follow the laws as best I can whenever (and wherever) I drive; often resulting in other drivers honking, zooming by me, or pulling unsafe, boneheaded maneuvers all around me. As a former paramedic I have seen the results of speeding on the human body; and what I have seen and worked on would make most people vomit.
In Utah the State Patrol rarely pulls anyone over for speeding because they are too busy breaking the posted speed limit themselves. I have written the Governor and my Reps asking for better State Patrol funding to combat the horrific driving habits in Utah; only to have my inquiries met with silence.
Fact--The faster you go the less margin of error you have; the greater the stopping distance required. Higher speed equals greater trauma in any accident due to the excessive kinetic forces at work.
But, I suppose this too will fall on deaf ears as Utah drivers are too busy speeding (to wherever) to actually consider the issue with any thoughtful deliberation."
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Chik-fil-a and the Gay Agenda
Recently the President and CEO of Chik-fil-A stated his company's stance of non-support of gay marriage; choosing, as a company, to support the biblical definition of marriage. His comments were in no way inflammatory or in a tone of hatred or intolerance. However, the gay community has jumped all over his comments with vicious attacks and claims of bigotry, hatred and has become the standard procedure for the gay community and their backers. All of the arguments I have read about this story thus far are hollow, and completely unsubstantiated. Here's my response...
"So, the gay community and their supporters have become so bold that they are now beginning to tell everyone that they can no longer have a differing opinion from this very vocal minority group. If the Chik-fil-a company chooses to not support the gay agenda, that is their right. As much as someone may not like that stance, the company--and anyone else for that matter--has every right to have and express their opinion without fear of reprisal or retribution. Whether or not you or I agree with someone's opinion, even if we hate it, we must respect their opinion. That's what make the Consititution and the Bill of Rights so great! However, I fail to understand how not supporting gay marriage is a broadstroke of civil rights abuses, as the gay community claims. Numerous laws already exist that protect civil unions and those involved from insurance issues to partner recognition concerns. I have yet to have anyone explain the actual civil rights abuses that Chik-fil-a has committed.
The tolerance that the gay community so loudly espouses is completely lost as they spew hatred towards anyone who dares speak out against the homosexual lifestyle. Sorry...but last I checked, this is STILL the United States of America, where opinions are as different as the backgrounds we ALL come from. Time to step up and allow those who don't agree with or support the gay agenda to voice their opinions just as loudly as the LGBT community does. When THAT is allowed by both sides, then we can have some civil discourse on the topic."
After my post was made, I had numerous people telling me that I was filled with hate towards gays, and that I just didn't "get it"...whatever "it" is. Not one respondant explained how the above opinion was hateful--even after I asked for an explanation. Further, other individuals threw words at me like bigot, scumbag, ignorant, uneducated, etc. Those responses only go to illustrate what my opinion was stating...that the gay community is not the least bit interested in the right of Americans to choose whether or not they support the gay lifestyle. Great way to gain acceptance.
"So, the gay community and their supporters have become so bold that they are now beginning to tell everyone that they can no longer have a differing opinion from this very vocal minority group. If the Chik-fil-a company chooses to not support the gay agenda, that is their right. As much as someone may not like that stance, the company--and anyone else for that matter--has every right to have and express their opinion without fear of reprisal or retribution. Whether or not you or I agree with someone's opinion, even if we hate it, we must respect their opinion. That's what make the Consititution and the Bill of Rights so great! However, I fail to understand how not supporting gay marriage is a broadstroke of civil rights abuses, as the gay community claims. Numerous laws already exist that protect civil unions and those involved from insurance issues to partner recognition concerns. I have yet to have anyone explain the actual civil rights abuses that Chik-fil-a has committed.
The tolerance that the gay community so loudly espouses is completely lost as they spew hatred towards anyone who dares speak out against the homosexual lifestyle. Sorry...but last I checked, this is STILL the United States of America, where opinions are as different as the backgrounds we ALL come from. Time to step up and allow those who don't agree with or support the gay agenda to voice their opinions just as loudly as the LGBT community does. When THAT is allowed by both sides, then we can have some civil discourse on the topic."
After my post was made, I had numerous people telling me that I was filled with hate towards gays, and that I just didn't "get it"...whatever "it" is. Not one respondant explained how the above opinion was hateful--even after I asked for an explanation. Further, other individuals threw words at me like bigot, scumbag, ignorant, uneducated, etc. Those responses only go to illustrate what my opinion was stating...that the gay community is not the least bit interested in the right of Americans to choose whether or not they support the gay lifestyle. Great way to gain acceptance.
Monday, May 28, 2012
Memorial Day 2012
On this Memorial Day 2012, let us all pause to remember, and give thanks, to all the men and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice to create and sustain our great nation.
From the field at Concord to the dusty battlefields of Afghanistan, to those who have died we owe a debt of gratitude. For without them we could not have the lives we enjoy today. We would not have the freedom to debate topics of interest, or argue our opinions before the public. I would not be able to write my blogs that often criticize our leadership; and you would not be able to disagree with any points I make.
Every Memorial Day I personally give Thanks to the men and women who gave their lives for me.
I hope that everyone pauses, for even a few seconds--from their bbq's, their picnics, their family gatherings--to remember the sacrifice of others so that we all have the freedoms we enjoy.
Memorial Day 2012.
From the field at Concord to the dusty battlefields of Afghanistan, to those who have died we owe a debt of gratitude. For without them we could not have the lives we enjoy today. We would not have the freedom to debate topics of interest, or argue our opinions before the public. I would not be able to write my blogs that often criticize our leadership; and you would not be able to disagree with any points I make.
Every Memorial Day I personally give Thanks to the men and women who gave their lives for me.
I hope that everyone pauses, for even a few seconds--from their bbq's, their picnics, their family gatherings--to remember the sacrifice of others so that we all have the freedoms we enjoy.
Memorial Day 2012.
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Motherhood and Presidential Politics
In a recent on-air statement, democratic pundit Hilary Rosen stated that Anne Romney (wife of Republican party front-runner Mitt Romney) had no basis on which to comment on the economy because Mrs Romney had never worked a day in her life and therefore couldn't relate to the working moms throughout the country.
Of course this comment was pounced on by Republican supporters, and even President Obama joined the fray by insisting that Rosen retract her comments because, as he stated, motherhood is the hardest job there is. Rosen, under intense pressure from every side, finally offered what can only be described as an insincere apology, at best.
The reason I am bringing this up is because if Mrs. Romney had been a working mom, I guarantee you that Rosen would have attacked her for not putting her family ahead of her work. This is typical election year hypocrisy that either side will hammer the other with relentlessly.
I sure would love to see a campaign in which the candidates abandon the tactic of attacking their opponents and instead, opting to discuss solutions, policy changes and how they would help Americans of every economic standing to prosper and live the American Dream. That won't happen...but it sure would be nice.
Of course this comment was pounced on by Republican supporters, and even President Obama joined the fray by insisting that Rosen retract her comments because, as he stated, motherhood is the hardest job there is. Rosen, under intense pressure from every side, finally offered what can only be described as an insincere apology, at best.
The reason I am bringing this up is because if Mrs. Romney had been a working mom, I guarantee you that Rosen would have attacked her for not putting her family ahead of her work. This is typical election year hypocrisy that either side will hammer the other with relentlessly.
I sure would love to see a campaign in which the candidates abandon the tactic of attacking their opponents and instead, opting to discuss solutions, policy changes and how they would help Americans of every economic standing to prosper and live the American Dream. That won't happen...but it sure would be nice.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Social Security ReDux
I just read an article on that elaborated on the sooner than expected demise of Social Security. As is usual, the article goes on and on about fund insolvency, and time running out, but once again fails to address the whys of the issue itself. Knowing the real history of this issue--not to mention that fact that I am now directly a part of the issue because of my disability--I just had to respond with a non-smart alleck answer that were so prevalent on the site.
My response...
"Everyone--especially our leaders in Washington DC--wants Americans to forget that as of two years ago (2010), Social Security was saved, and the US should be debt free, and in the black financially. Under the leadership of then President Bill Clinton, Congress passed the needed cuts so all the vital govt. programs were secure and we were already on their way to four consecutive years of budgetary surplus.
Then, Gee! Dubya Bushie stepped into office and plundered every solvent program within his first year in office, and began piling up unsustainable levels of debt that the current administration keeps worsening. President Obama seemingly refuses to look to the past success of the Clinton leadership, instead opting to inexplicably outspend even Gee! Dubya, yet expect things to get better. Congress, thanks to the slimy former (and disgraced!) House Speaker Newt Gingrirch, is so partisan than they cannot easily be brought to a peaceful coexistence and work together to really address the budgetary mayhem we now see.
There are now no easy solutions to this entire mess. However, President Obama has failed to actually lead this country towards financial solvency. He can't because he doesn't know how. Plain and simple. We need a leader in the White House who will bring the parties together in a truly cooperative effort. Until then, the US will edge ever closer to financial insolvency and therefore, be on the verge of collapse."
So far since my post, there have been no dissenting opinions to my thoughts. There are however, lots of rants without any other real discussion. I guess people are more concerned with whining rather than offering thoughtful discourse.
My response...
"Everyone--especially our leaders in Washington DC--wants Americans to forget that as of two years ago (2010), Social Security was saved, and the US should be debt free, and in the black financially. Under the leadership of then President Bill Clinton, Congress passed the needed cuts so all the vital govt. programs were secure and we were already on their way to four consecutive years of budgetary surplus.
Then, Gee! Dubya Bushie stepped into office and plundered every solvent program within his first year in office, and began piling up unsustainable levels of debt that the current administration keeps worsening. President Obama seemingly refuses to look to the past success of the Clinton leadership, instead opting to inexplicably outspend even Gee! Dubya, yet expect things to get better. Congress, thanks to the slimy former (and disgraced!) House Speaker Newt Gingrirch, is so partisan than they cannot easily be brought to a peaceful coexistence and work together to really address the budgetary mayhem we now see.
There are now no easy solutions to this entire mess. However, President Obama has failed to actually lead this country towards financial solvency. He can't because he doesn't know how. Plain and simple. We need a leader in the White House who will bring the parties together in a truly cooperative effort. Until then, the US will edge ever closer to financial insolvency and therefore, be on the verge of collapse."
So far since my post, there have been no dissenting opinions to my thoughts. There are however, lots of rants without any other real discussion. I guess people are more concerned with whining rather than offering thoughtful discourse.
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Another Utah Legislative Session? Whoopee...
The Utah State Legislature is once again in the midst of its yearly fifteen week period of worthless, time-wasting legislative meandering. An article in today's Provo Daily Herald talks about what a slow start the legislature is off to as members refine bills and conduct their endless discussions over language, content and budgetary issues of said bills. I've made it no secret what I think of this State's Legislature. This article gave me yet another opportunity to let local readers know just what a waste of time really happens in SLC every year. My response...
"The Utah Legislature is doing what this near worthless body always does each legislative session...make their bills, discuss them endlessly, posture and threaten, waste time for thirteen weeks, then, because they're short on time, cram fifteen weeks worth of real work into just two.
At the end of all that they've passed unwanted/unneeded or just plain poor legislation, overlooked real problems and issues and fail to assure proper budgetary oversight problems which redundantly end in the loss of tens of millions of wasted taxpayer dollars.
It'll be a cold day in you know where before the Utah Legislature actually becomes a responsible, thoughtful and actionable governing body."
"The Utah Legislature is doing what this near worthless body always does each legislative session...make their bills, discuss them endlessly, posture and threaten, waste time for thirteen weeks, then, because they're short on time, cram fifteen weeks worth of real work into just two.
At the end of all that they've passed unwanted/unneeded or just plain poor legislation, overlooked real problems and issues and fail to assure proper budgetary oversight problems which redundantly end in the loss of tens of millions of wasted taxpayer dollars.
It'll be a cold day in you know where before the Utah Legislature actually becomes a responsible, thoughtful and actionable governing body."
Inspiring Story: Lucas and Juno
This story is absolutely amazing. Please read his. It will bring a new meaning to the term, "Man's best friend."
Lucas and Juno: Special bond of a rescue dog and dying boy
Lucas and Juno: Special bond of a rescue dog and dying boy
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Gingrich the Hypocrite
I've been quietly watching this years' presidential political process--not writing any blogs because of how my brain is processing information--and have not, until now, written anything because I've having difficulty writing clear, coherent and legitimate essays. However, after listening to the New Hampshire Primary coverage, I just have to write even if I don't get my thoughts out properly.
My angst comes from Newt Gingrich's recent attacks on fellow candidate Mitt Romney. Slimy Newt is accusing Romney of being "a liar...and being falsely pious" in his self presentation. Plus, Gingrich is further attacking Romney for his comment yesterday about liking to fire people...a quote taken completely out of context that is intended solely to harm Romney's bid for the presidency.
The real clincher here is that this comes from the lips of a man who resigned from Congress in disgrace over unpaid taxes and some 80+ other ethical violations; and who purposely destroyed Congressional bipartisanship in his 'Contract with America;' and who has demonstrated his lack of moral integrity and commitment by cheating on two wives, and is married to the third woman with whom he cheated on wife number two.
And he is calling another candidate a liar, and questioning his integrity? Mitt Romney has never been removed from office, he ran a successful venture capital firm, and has been married to the same woman for 40+ years. Plus, Romney ran a successful business, transformed a disastrous Salt Lake City Winter Olympics--scandal ridden and financially destitute--into the best run, most profitable Olympic Games ever, and successfully led a vastly majorative Democratic Massachusetts as a Republican Governor.
Damn that Romney. He just lies, and lies and lies. Poor Newt has never done anything but be honest his entire political career, and always takes the high road both personally and politically.
Newt Gingrich can be summed up in a single, glaring word...Hypocrite.
My angst comes from Newt Gingrich's recent attacks on fellow candidate Mitt Romney. Slimy Newt is accusing Romney of being "a liar...and being falsely pious" in his self presentation. Plus, Gingrich is further attacking Romney for his comment yesterday about liking to fire people...a quote taken completely out of context that is intended solely to harm Romney's bid for the presidency.
The real clincher here is that this comes from the lips of a man who resigned from Congress in disgrace over unpaid taxes and some 80+ other ethical violations; and who purposely destroyed Congressional bipartisanship in his 'Contract with America;' and who has demonstrated his lack of moral integrity and commitment by cheating on two wives, and is married to the third woman with whom he cheated on wife number two.
And he is calling another candidate a liar, and questioning his integrity? Mitt Romney has never been removed from office, he ran a successful venture capital firm, and has been married to the same woman for 40+ years. Plus, Romney ran a successful business, transformed a disastrous Salt Lake City Winter Olympics--scandal ridden and financially destitute--into the best run, most profitable Olympic Games ever, and successfully led a vastly majorative Democratic Massachusetts as a Republican Governor.
Damn that Romney. He just lies, and lies and lies. Poor Newt has never done anything but be honest his entire political career, and always takes the high road both personally and politically.
Newt Gingrich can be summed up in a single, glaring word...Hypocrite.
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