Friday, June 6, 2014

70th Anniversary of D-Day

Today is June 6th, and it is the 70th Anniversary of Operation Overlord; the day Allied forces breached Fortress Europe; the day the end of the European side of WWII began.

Many brave men--on all sides-- lost their lives that day on the five beaches of Normandy. It is our duty to remember these men from the Greatest Generation who so bravely, so selflessly waded ashore under a terrifying storm of bullets and cannon fire in order to begin the liberation of France, Belgium and so many other nations. Many of our finest young men failed to return to their families; though their sacrifice will never be forgotten.

Every year I offer a prayer of thanks to these gallant men who paid the ultimate price for our freedom.

As always, my thanks are but few words and feeble; while their sacrifice was extraordinary.

Thank You.