Monday, March 22, 2010

Follow-Up to Seahawks HC Firing

The gripers and groaners amongst the pro football fans in Seattle is going once again. They just cannot let go of the past season and continue to vilify now former Head Coach Jim Mora. I wrote the following response to all the bandwagon jumpers who lie in wait to spew their hate-filled rhetoric upon the sports public whenever they are given the chance.

"-Front Office
-Head Coach
-Coordinators & Position Coaches

Let's see...Out of all the griping going on in this post we continue to see a failure to blame the PLAYERS for their collective roll in the tragedy of last season. There are at least these four sets of individuals responsible for the success or failure of any pro team. Setting aside emotion for the game, I still maintain that it is the players who should step up and accept part of the blame for the dismal season.

How many reports have we heard out of the Seahawk locker room about player discord, disrespect, big ego's, personnel clashes, apathetic attitudes, etc? If the players themselves don't give a hoot about working together, then everything will fall apart.

Many of these guys are paid more money in one season than I'll see in my lifetime. They are paid to be the BEST in the land; yet their efforts on the field are pathetic, at best. You could see the defeatist attitudes and ill will on their faces.

They just didn't care!

Mora made some huge coaching mistakes, to be sure. So did the front office management, the coordinators and various coaches, and especially the players. It is NEVER one man's fault that an entire pro sports franchise performs that poorly. Blame Mora all you want...but be sure you are also acknowledging everyone else's role as well."