Monday, January 26, 2009

Bored of the Super Bowl

Well folks, the week of the Super Bore is here once again. Time for the literally endless prognostications regarding the "possible" outcomes, the "sure-fire impact players," how this team or that team is "destined" to win it all, blah, blah, blah, blah, blabber, drone, yawn, yawn,.....zzzzzzzzz...

This one game is the most hyped, most watched, most commerically expensive, and most boring of any pro sporting event of the entire year.

Very rarely does any Super Bore actually deliver the excitement. It's usually a blowout. As I was passing by a bank of display TV's the other day, there were three separate shows on offering whatever "unique" perspectives they had about the big game. Analysts wearily droned on and on about this factor, or that outcome, etc.

As Sunday approaches, I am trying to figure out what I'll be doing that DOESN'T involve watching that game. Probably plug in a DVD or watch old reruns of the Twilight'll definitely be more entertaining that being bored with another "Super" game.