Sunday, December 20, 2009


The following is a reply I made to an article regarding the perceived decline of the solely African-American holiday known as Kwanzaa. My reply addresses the racial aspect of this article. It also goes along the lines of an earlier post I wrote on this very subject entitled "We're All Just Americans."

I'm going to make an inflammatory statement here, but please, let me explain.

I am NOT of African descent. I personally feel that Kwanzaa, while admirable in what it exemplifies, is an attempt to further drive a racial wedge between those Americans of European descent and those of African descent.

The line between races and cultures is getting blurry with every passing year. But there will always be people yelling about the inequality of the black man; how the whities just keep oppressing. Tell me I'm wrong.

Now, if Americans of European descent decided to have a holiday to celebrate their culture, to show pride in their heritage, elements of the black community would be screaming racism. Yet, the leaders of the Kwanzaa movement (from what I've read) seek to isolate the black community by setting this holiday apart from whites and those of other racial backgrounds. Isn't this called 'reverse discrimination?' Or maybe a better word--Hypocritical.

Personally, I don't think there should be ANY division amongst races in the United States of America. Yes, we are all (aside from Native Americans) immigrants to this country. America is a melting pot of cultures. We should all learn about our ancestral heritage, and be proud of where we came from.

But, we are ALL just Americans. Regardless of race, heritage, ancient social orders etc, we are ALL Americans. No African-American; no Japanese-American; no Hispanic-American, etc. How about just saying, I am an American!

I say, take pride in being American. Celebrate THAT!

Everything else is just a reminder that certain people in this country want racism to continue existing so they have a reason to continue with their finger-pointing rhetoric while raising racial self indulgence to an art form.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Thanksgiving: Losing Its Meaning

(This post is a response I wrote to a cartoon editorial by the two-time Pulitzer Prize winning editorialist, David Horsey. This particular commentary focused on how Thanksgiving has become overshadowed by the hysteria surrounding Black Friday, and the obvious lust for deals on all the cool stuff that is to be had. The cartoon is on

Another editorial that is Bang On the truth!

I have yet to read anything online about Thanksgiving. The Holiday is instead replaced by rumors and speculations about where the best Black Friday deals will be, and whose ad was "leaked" prematurely.

Thanksgiving is about celebrating the abundance in our lives, and in sharing that with those we love and care about the most. In this time of economic recession, we should all stop and remember what we are thankful for; because even when we have less, abundance is all around us. We just have take the time to recognize it in whatever form it exists.

I for one am out of work and have very advanced stage 4 kidney disease. But I am surrounded by friends and family who abundantly love and care about me. For these things, I am truly thankful. Thanksgiving could never be sweeter.

Thank You, David, for this editorial; and for trying to help us remember what is most important.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Children's Obesity--A Response

(I read an article today on the growing childhood obesity problem in America. The following was my written response to that article)

Everyone out there is incessantly pointing fingers to lay blame for the obesity problem in the United States. The fast food industry is causing it!; the genetic modification of seeds is the cause!; The processed foods so abundant in grocery stores is the problem!, etc, etc, etc.

Well, here's a novel approach...Instead of placing blame on this industry or that, how about taking personal responsibility for the health and well-being of your children? Are they active for two or three hours a day? Do they go outside to play? or do they sit around playing video games, or watching hours of TV? What are you, as a parent, doing on a daily basis to ensure that your children aren't growing fat due to inactivity?

The children of this country were healthy for generations, no matter what they ate. Obesity was extremely uncommon. Somewhere during the past twenty years, it became OK in American society to lead a sedentary lifestyle. Kids are playing less, running less and are generally less active.

What happened? Why the shift? What suddenly made it OK to allow our children to sit for hours doing very little, all while feeding them bigger portions, and consuming sugars in such mind-boggling quantities?

I suggest we all look at what we have done within our own families that has precipitated the obesity and subsequent health issues before pointing fingers. After all, no one is making you buy those fatty, sugary, empty foods for your family. No one is telling you that your kids must sit on their butts for mindless hours. How have you justified the decreasing health you have placed your kids in?

Think about it.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Hollywood: Hoping We're Sheep

(I wrote this as an article response to a story about Hollywood and its agendas)

The executives and filmmakers in Hollywood use the medium to push their messages all the time; whether done so overtly or not. The article has told me nothing new. Hollywood pushed the fear of the cold war on its viewers all the time with films which told us to fear an imminent Soviet invasion. They constantly tell Americans that religion is not real and a waste of everyones time; that being Christian is a bad thing. We are told that casual sex is ok and that marriage is a thing that can be thrown aside like used piece of gum. We are led to believe that everyone who disagrees with homosexuality is a bigot who should be scorned and attacked.
Filmmakers glorify and endorse violence then feign innocence when real world crimes match those seen on film. They seem to be insulated from the very messages they spew.
In relating "made up companies" to real-life ones, the parallels are obvious and to claim innocence is just plain silly. The average American viewer is not as stupid as these people think.
But, that won't stop producers or directors from making movies awash in social commentary whether the average American viewer believes the message or not. These guys are just hoping that more and more people with a sheep-like mentality start buying into their false messages.
If you don't think these messages are in the films you watch, then you really haven't been paying attention. From the time since Birth of a Nation spewed out the goodness of the Ku Klux Klan (DW Griffith was a Klansman), to the films of today, the endorsement of social commentary has marched on unabated and will forever continue to do so.

Monday, October 12, 2009

"Tumbling" Gas Prices

(I posted the following response to an article on the recent "Tumbling" gas prices across the country. In actauality, the average prices have dropped a whopping 4 cents over the past two weeks.)

Four cents? Since when is a lousy four cent drop even considered a "tumble?" The gas prices have stayed at the same level in my area since May. There has been no "tumble" in the price [locally].

And to compare last years' greed driven prices to this year is nauseating. "(Compared to last year) that's down 83 cents." The media is simply trying to placate the american public by regurgitating useless facts that were caused by self-serving energy speculators.

Gone are the days when actual fundamentals dictated the price of oil and gasoline. They have been replaced by hype, over-sensitive market conditions, excuse driven spikes in prices, and the always timely "[insert facility name] refinery is down for maintenance."

Greed drives these commodities now more than ever, and the Federal Govt. sits on the sidelines doing nothing but raising taxes on every gallon of gas we pump. It's no longer a free market when a few companies control everything. The last time this happened, Standard Oil was declared a monopoly, was broken up, and independent dealers thrived.

But that will not happen again. Too many and too powerful are the lobbyists that are constantly pushing their agendas on Congress. Greed wins out over the wishes of constituents.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

More Beltway Disconnect

The latest move in this pathetic display of the same-as-usual politics in the ongoing healthcare reform debacle comes to us courtesy of Senator Max Bacaus (D), Mont.

The good senator has proposed that once healthcare reform is enacted, any family not paying for coverage could be fined $3800. Sure there are financial ceilings and various criteria that would have to be met, but the basic line being proposed is 'if you don't have coverage, you'll be fined.'

What the #@&%!!?

If a family cannot afford insurance under healthcare reform, how could they possibly afford a nearly $4000 fine?! This makes absolutely NO SENSE!!! Senator Bacaus is clearly displaying more of the Beltway Disconnect that our national politicians are constantly accused of.

I don't know what mystical land his brain dwells in, but it clearly is not in a land of reality shared by millions of Americans who cannot afford insurance. A $4000 fine would be an insurmountable burden for families already struggling to keep a roof over their heads or eat enough food to stave off hunger.

This proposal REEKS of a far off land where people enact laws without any real thought of the impact they have on the populace they govern....wait...That's Washington DC...inside the beltway! No wonder they just don't get it!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

A Brief Tribute for Ted

We've lost a great part of America.

An Extraordinary statesman;
A Polarizing figure in Congress;
The Heir to a family political legacy;
A man devastated by the deaths of three older brothers;
Who had a clear, constant vision of the direction this country must take;
A Loving Father and grandfather...

Senator Edward M. Kennedy
22 February 1932 - 25 August 2009

Thank You for your decades of service;
and for all you were forced to sacrifice.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Cheney's Angst & Other Bushie Issues

About a week ago (as a way of generating pre-book publication mouth wagging), former VP DICK Cheney stated that Gee Dubya Bushie got soft on him in the former President's second term. He apparently was giving in to public pressure on issues such as the two wars, the Guantanamo prisoners, etc. DICK felt as if he were alone in making tough decisions.

Awwww. Poor little DICK. He didn't get his way, and now he decides to cry about it. You gotta feel sorry for him....Really...He was so well liked. I mean, his 13% approval rating [at the end of his term] just goes to show that everybody loves DICK.

...And now he actually thinks that someone will listen to his rants about the worst President in our history. Sounds to me more like DICK is crying wolf, and nobody's listening anymore.

-enough about DICK-

As more time passes we are hearing tidit after tidbit about various GEE Dubya Bushie items and the running of his Administration. We already knew about the reports of Bushie's complete disinterest at Cabinet meetings; his NINE vacations a year; his flat out lies about bringing to justice anyone involved in the Valerie Plame CIA name leak case (ummm...if you'll recall the Libby pardon, as well as allowing Karl Rove to flaunt the law and refuse to appear before a Federal Grand Jury, etc); and his pell mell destruction of Natural Resources for the sole benefit of corporate big wigs; among many, many, many other issues.

Now we are hearing that Karl Rove actually endorsed the firing Federal Judges in a blatant trampling of the Separation of Powers. Of course, Rove still denies any knowledge of the issue, and he continues to throw lawyers and legaleze in front of him as a means of insulating himself from the continued investigation of the Federal Grand Jury.
If you ask me, the fact that he refuses the Grand Jury summons tells me he knows far more than he's willing to admit. Maybe he just wants to stay retired on the lecture circuit and make his $115,000 per appearance fee. Or, maybe he just wants to stay out of prison. In either case, Rove continues on with the delusional idea that he is actually above the law.

Next, Bushies beloved creation, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) continues to abuse the very broad definitions of its scope of powers at our nation's ports of entry. Technically, the TSA is supposed to look for weapons, drugs, and and threats coming into the country. Well, they are doing that, and more. Now the TSA is assessing purported odd behaviors of law-abiding citizens leaving the country on business or pleasure trips. Reports of racial profiling are coming to light, as well as unnecessary body searches, detainment without notification, etc.

Congress is really to blame. They allowed GEE Dubya to ramrod a non-specific creation bill through both houses of Congress because of fear. They allowed Bushie to indefinitely extend the provisions of the Patriot Act in 2005 because he made Congress fearful about the security of the United States. Now the TSA is continuing to abuse the letter and spirit of its charter in keeping the United States safe. Where (or when) does it end?

Finally, Today Tom Ridge, former TSA Director stated that the Bushie Administration pressured him to elevate the "Terror Alert Level" prior to the 2004 Presidential Election. True, there was increased chatter and threats against the US, but (from what I've read) nothing out of the ordinary as far as rhetoric and real, assessable threat value. Makes me wonder if the President wanted the Alert Level raised as a way to remind the American public of everything he had done, and that they were safer with him than with another man in the White House. Hmmmm.....

I'm sure we will see even more tidbits come out as time passes. I look forward to reading them.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

NRA Fights a Losing Battle

The National Rifle Association, probably the singularly most powerful Lobby in DC, is finding itself on the losing side of its latest lobby attempts. For the first time in its history, the NRA is seeking to actually influence the outcome of a Senate vote for a Supreme Court Nominee.

The NRA is so powerful it openly dares our lawmakers in Congress to go against their wishes; as if they (the NRA) make policy, not Congress. They can bounce a sitting Rep. or Senator from office [in the next election cycle] if that person votes on a bill contrary to the wishes of the NRA. This is done through their considerable political influence over millions of registered voters. What the NRA says it wants from its members is generally what it gets come election day. The same can be said regarding its influence in Congress in matters of policy it (the NRA) deems vital to the interest of the entire country.

"The NRA derives much of its considerable clout from what has become a kind of mantra on Capitol Hill: Defy the gun lobby on something it cares about and face recriminations at the polls; back it and enjoy a substantial political boost.
It's something of a self-fulfilling prophecy. Lawmakers generally are terrified to test it, and the NRA is politically savvy about which issues it takes on. Its won-loss record adds to its reputation as untouchable."
(msnbc 08/01/09)

With Court nominee Sotomayor, the NRA "came out in opposition to her, calling her "hostile" to the Second Amendment right to bear arms." (msnbc 08/01/09) But it appears this maneauver is going to backfire. Many Senators are seemingly disregarding the objections to Nominee Sotomayor's appointment. They are literally shrugging their collective shoulders and saying, "Well, I've got a good rating [with the NRA] no matter what; so I'll vote however I want to vote."

It will be one of the first times in recent memory that the NRA does not get its way. Then again, wading into the Confirmation of a Supreme Court Nominee is probably not the best move the NRA has ever made. Personally, I think it was a mistake on their part. It's ok (sort of) to influence policy making; it's quite another to get into a fight over the national legal landscape--someplace the NRA really has no place being...and our Congress men/women know it.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

International Issues Facing Us All

(This post is an expansion on a paper I wrote for a political science class I am [currently] enrolled in. There are many issues and concerns affecting every person alive in some degree. These areas are not exclusive to certain income or life station demographics--they affect everyone one of us--and we should all be concerned.)

The areas I will be looking at regarding international issues and their ranked importance are:

1) Population Concerns
2) Food Supplies
3) Energy Supplies
4) Energy Research
5) Pollution
6) Disease Control
7) Healthcare

Why these? Simply because they are all vital concerns that affect every person on the planet. These areas are not exclusive to any country, government, political agenda, or group. They affect us all, mutually.

*Population Concerns
It is estimated that there are now as many people on the earth as there have been throughout all the millennia of history combined. We have 6,000,000,000 (Billion!) people living on approximately one third of the surface of the earth (the rest is ocean). And that number simply keeps enlarging. Previous to the mid-twentieth century, there were many things which kept the world population in relative balance.

These included major pandemics; fluctuations in food supplies; regional warfare; little (if any) healthcare; poor general nutrition; natural disasters and the resultant health crises which inevitably followed, etc. With the advances in science and technology, these balancing factors are being negated, and thus, the world population is swelling.

*Food Supply
In the United States, with our abundantly stocked store shelves, it is easy to forget the food supply issues facing most of the world. Aside from North America, Europe and parts of Asia and the pan-Pacific area, food stocks are not nearly as abundant, or are teetering on non-existent. The United States has been the “bread basket of the world” for decades. However, with climate problems, a decreasing number of farms, use of grains for energy enhancement, exporting issues, and wasteful consumption by Americans, our ability to feed the world is decreasing.

There are currently efforts underway in places such as Russia, Ukraine, and numerous emerging states to increase their domestic crop abilities, and to rely less on the US for grains, fruits, etc. Until (or unless) this effort takes full effect, the pressures on world food supplies will continue to increase along with world population.

*Energy Supplies
The most obvious form of energy supply is Oil. Found over most of the world, this seemingly inexhaustible resource has been at the forefront of global economies since the end of World War II. But this dominant resource comes with its own inherent, unique problems. To name a few: air, water and ground pollution; toxic chemical byproducts; global demand; exclusivity of product capture and conversion by multinational corporations, etc. Additionally, as we have seen in parts of the US, the supply of oil is not unlimited, and will eventually exhaust itself.

Next, let’s look at Hydroelectric Power. Aside from the costs of dam construction, hydro power is one of the least expensive forms of energy in the world. There are few (if any) pollution concerns, and as long as rivers flow, the ability of a dam to produce electricity is unlimited. But like oil, the production of hydroelectricity carries inherent problems…a few of which scientists are just beginning to understand.

First and foremost is the loss of millions of acres of habitable, arable land that is buried beneath billions of acre feet of water behind the dams; land which could be used for human habitat, farming, etc. Next, is the now evident impact these dams have on the salmon populations around the world. Dams have been preventing the re-population of historical salmon runs for decades, and now, several populations have collapsed.

For instance, on the Elwah River in Western Washington (prior to the construction of two dams) the salmon runs ran into the millions. Native Americans in the area had an abundant food supply that only scratched the total number of these fish. In 2007, a DNR study found a returning salmon run of just 3.

Additionally, the decreasing salmon population is causing an ecological collapse as ocean species, dependent upon salmon as a food source, are looking for other species to feed on which causes a ripple effect that could endanger entire ocean-based ecosystems. Such a collapse would affect economies, and food supplies throughout the world.

As previously stated hydroelectric generation depends on rivers flowing. As climate issues cause deviations in weather patterns, snowpacks that are vital to river health are shrinking, rainfall patterns are changing, and ultimately, dams may not have enough sustainable water supply to continue generation of power.

The next area I want to briefly examine is Wind Power. Here is another source of relatively inexpensive power generation. The main costs are construction and maintenance. Wind is free. The biggest hindrance to more widespread use of this cheap form of energy is people. A NIMBY attitude is pervasive (at least in the US), and environmental groups contend that wind farms present a grave danger to bird populations. As to whether or not such a claim is true, I do not know; nor have I read any research about this concern—if any has even been done.

Finally, I want to look at Nuclear Energy. This type of energy is truly unlimited. It currently supplies approximately 20% of US electrical energy needs. The drawbacks to nuclear energy though are severe. The Chernobyl disaster showed exactly the severity of the dangers surrounding these plants. Additionally, there are grave concerns regarding Spent Fuel Rod storage, and the safe storage or disposal of nuclear waste water.

*Energy Research
In the United States the research towards more and viable forms of so-called Alternative Energy is done mostly in the private sector. The pace is slow, and the US government has done little thus far in funding any research. For instance, in the 2006 (?) energy package passed by Congress, Oil Companies received over $600,000,000 in tax breaks. Grants for Alternative Energy research totaled $7,000,000—a clear indicator of the power of the Oil lobby, and of the unwillingness of Congress to adopt new forms of energy.

Around the world, research continues, but I do not know to what degree it is being pushed. I would hope that areas such as Cold Fusion, Hydrogen Power, and other forms of potentially clean, cheap energy are being researched with urgency. After all, we only have one planet, and to continue polluting it only serves to hasten [potential] environmental collapse.

One of the gravest threats we, as a world citizenry, face is the problem of pollution. From industrial waste to chemical contamination, to human waste in its many forms, pollution is a major problem around the world. Waste contaminates groundwater, aquifers, oceans, etc. It releases huge amounts of methane into the atmosphere, and causes unhealthy levels of airborne contaminants to be released into the air we all breathe. Its impact can be seen in our food supply as livestock, fruits, grains, fish, etc are all affected in ways both great and small.

There are ways to help reduce the sheer volume of pollution we produce on a daily basis, but the known methods are expensive to both enact and maintain, thereby making them prohibitive to even start. These things include: burning garbage (one tone of trash can be reduced to one pound of ash); strict, effective environmental controls (and supervision) on industrial businesses; safe chemical decomposition of certain waste waters and chemical byproducts, and other emerging methods.

Through pollution, diseases are spread which can affect people around the world. These might include E-coli, Hepatitis C, Cholera, Diphtheria, Trichinosis, Botulism, etc. In countries with inadequate healthcare, a disease, once contracted by a single person, can spread so rapidly that it can affect thousands before it is detected, and ultimately millions before it is controlled.

Also, disease caused by genetic mutation can spread rapidly, quietly. Before anyone is aware, any disease in this category can spread to every continent on the earth. Such is the case on the recent Swine Flu outbreak which originated in Mexico. Others include common seasonal Influenzas, the cross species Avian Flu, Spanish Influence (the last true pandemic), etc.

Other factors influencing disease generation and spread are: Population density/over-crowding; general nutrition; availability and quality of healthcare; lack of clean drinking water/use of infected waters by multiple communities downstream from one another; over-exposure to the natural elements; transmission from infected animals to humans via consumption of meat, etc.

So, what can be done? The United Nations (through the World Health Organization) works daily on improving nutrition, healthcare, prevention of water contamination, etc. Further, many private organizations such as the International Red Cross (or, the Red Crescent in the Middle East) work with communities to address such needs. Charitable Foundations such as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation spend billions of dollars every year to try and eradicate disease and hunger.

Aside from a majority of industrialized countries, healthcare around the world is woeful at best, tragic at worst. In many parts of the world, healthcare is a once yearly visit from a doctor (of some sort) who may see you for all of five or ten minutes. In other areas, people may go for years without seeing a doctor even once. Or, you may have availability to healthcare, but are required to wait weeks for a visit. In either event, the lack of adequate healthcare in many parts of the world is a glaring reality.

Living in an industrialized nation is no guarantee of available healthcare. In the United States, it is estimated that over 40% of the population cannot afford even a simple visit to a doctor. We’re talking around 144,000,000+ citizens in the wealthiest nation on the earth who cannot afford healthcare. The problems in the US are beginning to escalate out of control, and attempts by anyone to address the issue are stopped dead in their tracks by lobbies representing the healthcare industry. In Europe and parts of Asia Socialized Healthcare is working. Some places are better than others, but countries such as Great Britain, Germany, Sweden, Japan and Taiwan guarantee every citizen yearly visits to doctors, and affordable advanced care as needed.

So the problems are not insurmountable; we just have to be willing to do what is necessary to ensure that everyone benefits. Will these be easy to solve? Not a chance; but they are solvable. And it will take the unbiased, unselfish, coordinated efforts of every government on the earth. Anything less and the results will be far from what is absolutlely necessary; and our battle to preserve our food, resources, and quality of human life will fall short, and we will have no one to blame but ourselves as we look to a future with diminishing ability to meet the basic life needs of the peoples of the earth.

Monday, June 29, 2009

The Michael Jackson Circus Redux

Just watch...

I can already see it happening...

The Circus that was the life of Michael Jackson will return in a tour de force now that he's dead.

His family will (very publicly) fight over his will; his funeral will be a media frenzy; his ex-wife will want a cut of the pie; Sony Music will demand BILLIONS for Jackson's share of copyrights; his dad will make a spectacular fool of himself [once again];

his brothers and sisters will use his death to make themselves richer by preying off his name; his kids will be hounded by the paparazzi who will document every action they make; accusations will fly; Jackson's mother will make demands regarding Michaels Estate; the will will end up in court, contested by every family member and slimeball wanting a piece of the Michael Jackson pie; and on, and on, and on.

The new Circus is just beginning, and it will be a pathetic display of manipulation, disgusting greed, and self-serving interests.

Now, let's see just how much of this comes about....

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Hypocrites and Michael Jackson

(I'm probably going to take some heat for this one; but truth is still truth...even if you don't want to hear it.)

How soon we forget...

First he was a MoTown sensation.

Then he was a Pop Music genius.

Then he was called "The King of Pop."

Then he started getting "weird."

Then we heard rumors of increasing and disturbing peculiarities regarding children at his Neverland Ranch.

Then he was charged with [basically] pedophilia.

Then, after exhoneration, he fled the country in shame.

The press hounded and derided him. Tabloids called him "Wacko Jacko." Pretty much everyone with any sense distanced themselves from him. His financial empire crumbled faster than any of Jesse Jackson's presidential campaigns. His life was pretty much in ruins, and nobody seemed to care.

Then, on June 25th of this year, Michael Jackson died suddenly, unexpectedly from an apparent cardiac arrest at the age of 50.

Suddenly, a media transformation ocurred. Gone were the accusations, intimations, and derisions. In death, Michael Jackson had gone from a humorless joke to beloved pop icon once again. The "world" is suddenly praising the man who once had familially unrelated children sleeping with him in his bed.

Don't get me wrong here--I'm truly sorry that his kids are now without their father; that his family is undoubtedly heartbroken by his death. I really am.

However, the same press and other detractors who once made fun of Michael Jackson every chance they could, are now praising him for his impact of popular music, and the legacy he leaves behind. They cannot say enough good about the man.

I only have one word for these writers and commentators, and that word is "Hypocrites." That is exactly what these folks are. It was just fine to tear him down in life, and point out his abundant falacies; but in death,...well...everything is forgiven...right? We'll forget about the humiliating public scandals, and his trial for pediphilic activities. We'll just ignore the remembrances of holding his infant out over a hotel balconey railing some 5 stories up showing the kid off to the press; or how he brought humiliation and derisive commentaries upon his children by parading them around in full bhurka-type clothing.

Naahhh...all that stuff doesn't matter any more because we'll only remember all the good things about Michael Jackson. Things like...Let's see...Thriller (the video and the song)...ummm...Billie Jean (and some illegitimate child)... and ummmmm....the moonwalk...and.....oh yeah--how cute he was as a young member of the Jackson 5...and.... well,...hmmmm...nope, that's really about all. The rest is really all about weirdness, scandal, and, well, more weirdness.

I sincerely appreciate what Michael Jackson contributed to Pop Music. Even though he hasn't had a certifiable hit single in over twenty years, his impact on the music industry can be felt to this day. Musically, he'll be remember for years to come.

But unlike so many other icons who died early (Buddy Holly, Richie Valens, Elvis Presley, Freddie Mercury), Michael Jackson will not just be remembered for his music. He'll be remembered for all the things in his life that went wrong; that hindered or stalled his career; that brought shame upon himself, and his family. Not exactly a legacy I would be proud of; but one that is there nonetheless...even if the world press chooses to hypocritize themselves by praising the same man they once splashed so many disturbing headlines about all across their front pages.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

A New Direction in International Relations

Historically, the Department of State (informally known as The State Department) follows the lead of the President in our relations with other countries. The President is the one who sets the tone and intention of the diplomatic emphasis of the State Dept.

Under George W. Bush, the general tone of the diplomacy coming out of D.C. was adversarial at the least. Following the terrorist attacks on the United States on September 11, 2001, President Bush, in attempting to form a coalition of states with which to make war on Afghanistan and the Iraq, made the statement that governments were “either with us, or against us.” This easily, readily defined the International Relations tone of the United States, and the Secretary of State was the face of this aggressive rhetoric.

This hard-line diplomacy was met with skepticism both domestically and abroad. The 'join us or you’re our enemy' tactic was, I feel, poorly advised, and executed even worse. For decades the USA has been the model of diplomacy, and of the democratic process. Countries wanted to be like us. Over the course of GW Bush’s two terms, many solid allies began to question the real intent of the United States. Where before we had been a leader, many countries now began to see us as the big bully who would threaten you if you went against our wishes. Decades-long friendships were in jeopardy, or lost all-together.

I think that for a number of countries, the end of President Bush’s time in office couldn’t have come any sooner. Diplomatically, the US was in a deep hole; and it had a multitude of fences to mend with allies, with estranged governments, and potential enemies.

The choice of Hillary Clinton (By President Barack Obama) as the new Secretary of State was a wise decision. Her former experience as First Lady, and as a New York Senator has proven to be invaluable; and unlike her predecessor, Mrs. Clinton has the tact required to actually engage in constructive diplomatic efforts.

In his recent trip to the Middle East, President Obama set a new tone regarding the intent of the United States in its relations with the world. Gone are the adversarial tone and actions of the former Administration. Instead of it being us against the world, President Obama is looking on Secretary Clinton to heal the wounds caused by the Bush policies, and to open actual dialogue with governments that have, over the last 8 years, been treated as enemies.

President Obama’s speech in Cairo really let the world know that change is coming. He wants to assure world leaders that the policies of the GW Bush Administration are gone, and that the USA no longer views things as “with us, or against us.” It is a long time coming, and I am hopeful that the new approach works as well as President Obama hopes. Though we are the world leader in many regards, even the US cannot stand alone. I can only hope that Secretary Clinton can show world leaders how much we all need each other, and how much the future depends on this new diplomatic approach.

Friday, June 5, 2009

The "Offensive" US Flag???!

Political Correctness has now reached complete lunacy. Last week a nursing supervisor in Houston had a flag of the United States removed from her office (without her consent) because someone [who worked in the hospital] was actually offended by the flag. read that right...someone was offended by the US flag!

The hospital, seemingly desperate to conform to a single complaint, didn't even wait to inform the supervisor--they went into her office, took the flag down, rolled it up (not folding it as stipulated by regulation), and left it on the floor of her office (a complete disrespect of the flag)! The reason? Because a female employee, who is an immigrant of fourteen years, decided that the display of Old Glory was offensive!

What the FRACK??!!!

This one completely boggles my mind! I cannot even begin to comprehend how this woman could possibly be offended by the universally recognized symbol of these United States of America--the country she immigrated to; the country she lives in; the country that gives her the freedom to live her life in any way she chooses. I just don't get it.

We, as a people, should be up in arms over this one. It's not as if we're talking religion, bibles in the classroom, homosexual equality, animal rights, or anything of the sort. This is about a single person deciding they were offended by the flag of their chosen country, and about the whoosie hospital administrators who actually agreed with the complaint enough to disrespect the flag by not only rolling it up, but also by leaving it on the ground.

PC-ness run amok is an understatement here. The Administrators should lose their jobs, and the complainant should get over herself. The supervisors personal rights were trampled on. She deserves praise for showing her patriotism--not vilification. This whole thing stinks a stink so intense that even the ACLU would be crying for mercy.

I am proud of the history of the United States! I am proud of my Citizenship! I am proud to see our Flag and all that it represents. I say, God Bless the United States of America!!!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Why I Won't Watch The NBA Anymore

Well, the NBA Finals are here once again, and it is yet another year I won't be watching. Why? First, because the Lakers are in it...again...(BORING!). Second, because I don't feel that NBA stands for National Basketball Association any more. Nope. I think the more appropriate name would be the National Basket-BRAWL Association.

You see, there was a time not so long ago (i.e. pre-Detroit Pistons of the late 80's/early 90's) when the NBA maketed a game based on actual skill...not on how brutal a player can be against another before getting called for a fowl.

I know that some of you out there are going to whine and say the game has changed; blah, blah, blah. As far as I am aware, the rules are still the same; it's the enforcement of the rules that has changed.

It used to be on free throws that no player could step into the lane prior to the ball leaving the hands of the shooter. If they did, it was a lane violation--usually a team foul. In today's game, as soon the shooter begins a shooting motion of any kind, we are seeing players crowding the lane, jockeying for the best rebounding position.

How many steps are involved in a traveling violation? Well todays players would have you believe it to be at least 4 or 5 steps. In actuality, the rules stipulate two steps (while holding the ball) are legal. A third constitutes a Traveling violation.

Lastly (or at least, the last of what I'm highlighting), placing your hand/arm on an opposing player's back used to be an automatic defensive foul. In order to defend, you relied on footspeed, non-contact arm waving, and mental anticipation of what to expect of the player you were defending against. In today's basket-brawl, we see players leaning into opponents, placing whole forearms on a back, and simply pushing an offensive player around. No skill is required...just brute strength/force, and the officials not caring that fouls are being committed all over the court.

These examples are just the surface of a game that has almost entirely lost its identity as a performance of actual skill. Instead of strategy and finesse, we see pushing, shoving, throwing players to the floor, flopping, brutal elbows, slapping, whining, and the disgusting "I didn't do anything!" attitude now permeating nearly every professional sport.

The NBA admits that it has an image problem. It knows that gate receipts are down, merchandizing income is low, and owners are so hungry for a winning team that coaches are on a revolving platform as they get shuffled in and out faster than Mark Cuban can accrue fines.

(Did you know that in the 21 years Jerry Sloan has managed the Utah Jazz, there have been over 250 Head Coaching changes throughout the rest of the NBA?--an unbelieveable stat!)

Commisioner David Stern does nothing to solve the real issues that are damaging Professional Basketball. He looks at ratings, marketing, and the next big wave to further elevate the business. What would happen if actual skill was expected of players entering the league; or that the NBA employed refs that actually enforced the rules of the game; or players actually stopped whining about whatever babyish thing, and actually learned to play basket-BALL?

It would be a joy to watch the game once again. It would be fun! But I also think that the fans of today have gotten so used to the brutality of basket-BRAWL that a game of actual skill would be boring to most people. Too bad on that, because the truly great teams of years gone-by relied on skill--a concept now almost completely lost.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Cheney, Still Being (a) DICK

When is someone going to shut DICK Cheney up? The man has not been Vice President for nearly six months, and he is still acting like he's in Office.

His pal, Georgie Dubya had the wherewith all to leave the governance of the United States to his successor. DICK still thinks that he can push everyone around just like he did during the tragic former Administration.

The RNC needs to put a muzzle on this Republican malcontent, so the Obama Administration can go about righting the wrongs that DICK and friends created. If they don't, discord will be sown amongst the Congressional Leadership...but, maybe that's just what DICK wants.

In any event, the FORMER Veep's publicized rants need to desist or the efforts of the current Administration to fix this country will be frustrated by a splintering, partisan Congress, and the path towards a better future will be lost.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Obama Vs Bush in Two Points

Just under five months into the Obama Administration and we're already seeing differences in approaches and policy. The Department of the Interior administers the National Parks, Natural Resources, etc of the United States. My purpose today is to illustrate two of the major differences between Obama and Georgie Dubya Bushie.

During the Bush years, it was a cowardly, but common practice to make announcements regarding both small and sweeping environmental policy changes either in the middle of the night, or during long holiday weekends. This afforded the Administration the ability to basically minimize the impact of changes because when these announcements were made, there were few (if any) reporters at the West Wing.

By the time it was better known, other news stories, having more precedence in the media, would break, and the policy changes would get swept away unnoticed. By the time anyone did notice, it was too late for any outcry, thus allowing the changes to move forward—usually without Congressional or Public comment.

So far, the Obama Administration is strongly avoiding this practice by conducting high-profile announcements in the middle of the day such as Sec. Salazar’s recent announcement (at Red Rocks Natl. Conservation area) regarding “$305 million [that] will fund more than 650 Bureau of Land Management projects across the country under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. The investments will restore landscapes and habitat; spur renewable energy development on public lands, and create jobs.” (Dept of Int. website) The method of announcement was clearly, loudly a departure from Bush Administration tactics.

Next, the coal industry has had a financial hey-day the last eight years due to loosened regulations regarding recovery of coal from the Appalachian Mountains. Historically, tunnels were dug spider web fashion to extricate the maximum amount of coal possible.

However, “Topping” has become a faster, less costly method. Instead of digging tunnels, the tops of mountains are literally blown away, and crews can dig open pits to access the coal easier, and with less danger.

The drawbacks? All waste is generally dumped into valleys adjacent to the mine, and the coal companies have not been made responsible for the environmental and aesthetic damage caused by this method of mining. Streams are polluted, aquifers and watersheds damaged, and gigantic holes are left where mountains once stood.

The caveat in this whole thing was the accelerated approval process for such mining which reduced or eliminated environmental review for each application. The last I read, more than 1200 mountains had been topped, with applications pending for some 1500 more.

As soon as the Obama Administration began, the permitting process slowed to a crawl, and a review ordered of past issuances in Topping permits. While the practice continues (based on issued permits), the future of this type of mining is in doubt as actual environmental reviews proceed, and the long-term impacts are determined.

So, the question comes to this—Is the Obama Administration differing its approach to the running of the Dept of the Interior from that of the GW Bush Administration? The answer is a simple, “Yes.” The GW Bush Administration was secretive and covert in its approach to environmental policy; often executing critical changes to laws/regulations that legally required public comment. It allowed the acceleration of permitting for Mt. Topping in the Appalachians while blatantly ignoring the devastating environmental impacts it would create.

Meanwhile, President Barak Obama seems to be fulfilling his promise of a more open government though very public announcements, and by actually reviewing the permitting processes used by the former Administration in regards to coal mining. He is showing the American people that he cares about the damage caused by the former leadership. These two men (and their methods) couldn’t be more diametrically opposed.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Local Observations About This Recession

I'm seeing probably my 3rd or 4th severe recession. As I look back over the previous economic problems versus today's, I can't help but notice some strong differences amongst the general population that I haven't seen before.

Now, I don't know if that is because I live in an area that I have not previously experienced recession before, or if what I'm seeing is reflective of a national attitude. Let's get started...

First, as I look around I am seeing far more unnecessary debt. By that I mean that there are more people who are buying 'toys' simply for the sake of having them--not because these things are needed; but because they are simply wanted...desired (for lack of a better word). 'Toys' can range from seldom used snowmobiles to one car for every person in a household; from always having the newest, coolest video game console to being obsessed with owning the latest in telecommunications technologies (phones, blackberry's, etc); from flashy but useless automobile gadgets to showing friends your monstrous new 100" HDTV. It's as if we aren't satisfied with what we've got...we simply want to have more stuff than our neighbors.

Next, during the previous downturns, the number of cars on the roads dropped dramatically as commuters would carpool, and weekly household errands were done in one trip. Since the crash last Fall, I have not seen a decrease of traffic on my local roads. There seems to be no increase of carpooling or even public education about carpools; no increase in mass transit options or availability.

How about dining out? In my experience, during recession, the foot traffic at grocery stores increases dramatically, while restaurants see a significant drop-off in weekly sales. With the current recession, the restaurants around where I live are just as busy as every; while the grocery stores aren't any busier than a year ago--a real paradox when you stop to consider that people historically are extremely proactive about saving every penney when things get tough.

In decades past, it was rare to see someone actually pay for anything with a credit card. I'm not talking about a debit/cc, but a real CREDIT card. Today, the average american household has about $5500 in credit card debt; that is, the amount of monies owed to a credit lender (plus fees, interest, etc).There are far more people living on money they don't have than I have ever seen before. Pretty scary when you stop to think that literally everything you own could be taken away from you because you defaulted on your credit payments.

Lastly, I recently read an article which stated that the average american is only saving a fraction of their income compared to even ten years ago. We are spending nearly everything we are earning! The post-baby boomer generation has no way to pay for retirement. Why? Because they are spending at an unprecedented rate, driving up inflationary numbers far higher than they should be, and causing economic upheaval on a scale never before seen.

Yes, there are a great number of varying factors which formulate the economic impact we are feeling today; and what has been described here is but a cog in a HUGE wheel; but, these thing are indeed new to this recession. They have contributed, and they will continue to contribute to a fading economy so long as we (the spending public) continue on our reckless course towards financial devastation.

It's time we asked ourselves what we are doing every day that is adding to the economic woes besetting our country; and by so asking, knowing what we must do and then enacting those things which will strengthen our individual viability. Only then can we begin to add our small part to the huge economic wheel which we are all a part of; and the upkeep of which we are all responsible for.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Perez Hilton Is An Idiot

Perez Hilton is an idiot. In his ongoing attack against California's Miss USA representative, Carrie Prejean, Hilton has resorted to disgusting name calling.

I don't know if it's because no one will listen, or that people are indeed listening and hanging on his every word, but this immaturity has got to stop.

When will this man be willing to accept that not everyone in this country thinks that the homosexual community deserves the right to be married? The very notion of homosexual marriage goes against the bible--a text revered by billions around the world for over a millenia. Were all these believers wrong and deluded?

Mr. Hilton and friends would have every religious person in the US believe that religion should not shape our thoughts or character. That morals should not be based on mere right or wrong, but on personal choice (Who cares if it goes against millenia of accepted priciples; so long as Perez (or whomever) chooses to think something is right, then everyone else alive should think that way, too!).

After the win of Proposition 8 last November, the gay community (as a whole) has been on a rampage against anyone who thinks marriage should be between a man and a woman.

There is no respecting of opinion from the one side. They have been wronged, and everyone is gonna pay--or so they would have you think. So, when Mr. Hilton challenged Miss Prejean with his obviously slanted, loaded question during the Miss USA Pagaent, it is obvious that only one answer would suffice; and when not given, he feigned anger, and is using the honest response (answered based on personal belief) as a springboard for continued attacks against the proponents of the millenia old view of marriage.

Mr. Hilton, grow up! Stop throwing your little attention grubbing temper tantrum. You remind me of a spoiled brat who whines and whines to anyone who will listen until someone lends a sympathetic ear. And anyone who actually listens to your pouty rant is pathetic...not sympathetic. You will never get your way so long as you try to cram your agenda down everybody's throats.

No one likes being told what to do or think, and your approach just won't work. The harder you push, the more resistance you'll encounter. So lighten up! Take a chill! Continue the slow, steady fight that has won the rights you have attained thus far. If you do, over time, you will see the realization of complete equal rights for the homosexual community.

Until that happens, please allow people to think and believe the way they choose to believe. The way that the Constitution, the very same document you wave in everyone's faces, guarantees all Americans to think, believe, and even speak. Even if their beliefs make your blood boil, you must still respect their individual rights.

If not, then you may never get your way, and your self-indulgent temper tantrum will be ignored for years to come.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

In Support of Miss California

Do we not live in a country where the First Amendment to the Constitution guarantees Freedom of Speech? In that same vein, can we no longer tell someone exactly what we think even if someone else disagrees?

Blogger Perez Hilton, an openly gay 'celebrity' (and I use that word very...hesitantly), and the ever prevelant PC Police are out yet again (in force) to tell the country that it was hateful and bigoted for Carrie Prejean (Miss California in the recently completed Miss USA pageant)to answer a question about how she felt about same sex marriages in a manner Mr. Hilton (and company) personally disagreed with.

To quote, she (Miss Prejean) answered that "it was great that the option is available in some states, but that in my country and in my family, I believe that a marriage should be between a man and a woman -- no offense to anyone out there."

Personally, I think the answer was poignant, yet embracive of everyone listening. Here she was, answering what was assuredly a highly loaded question, and Carrie Prejean answered from her heart, but was all inclusive as well. It was a fabulous answer.

Mr. Hilton however, stated on his blog that he was offended and angered by the answer because it (the answer) "excluded millions of gay and lesbian Americans and their friends." He went on further to state that if Miss California had won the crown, that he would have "gotten on stage and ripped the crown off her head."

Wow! A loaded question answered in an honest way, only to be met head on with venomous hatred. What's wrong with this picture, folks? Here is Perez Hilton displaying the hate and scorn he has been fighting against for years because of an answer given in honesty.
When I grew up, this kind of contempt and hatred was called 'Reverse Discrimination' and Mr. Hilton epitomizes it. I would also call it hypocritical.

But here he is on tv shows whipping the media into a frenzy as he is relentlessly continuing his attack on Miss Prejean and her personal beliefs.

Again, Don't we live in a country where one of the greatest freedoms we are guaranteed is Freedom of Speech? In this day and age of PC speech, expression, etc, it's looking more and more like no one can truly speak their mind for fear of personal attacks and retribution because someone else disagrees with them.

I praise Miss Carrie Prejean for knowing that speaking her mind could cost her the win; but deciding to NOT cave in to perceived social pressures, thereby keeping her morals and personal beliefs intact. This woman should be praised for her stance...not vilified. She certainly doesn't deserve the hateful attacks brought on by a very small minority who sew the same bigotry and hatred they themselves have fought against most of their lives.

Shame on Perez Hilton and his smattering of supporters. They deny someone else their Constitutionally guaranteed right of Free Speech because the answer given to a deliberately loaded question was 'offensive' to them.

Well boo-hoo. Grow up; move on to other things, and continue your fight towards the equality you seek. But don't ever tell someone else that what they think is wrong, even if it causes you to burn with anger inside--just a your opinion may do to someone else. Everyone has a right to their own opinion, just the same as you do.

Let someone else listen to your incessant whining if you can't afford to give the same courtesy that you seek. And if you can't do that, then call the Waaaaahmbulance because I just don't care.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Sean Hannity--GOP Puppet

Sean Hannity is a Republican party whore. He is so blindly following the pathetic agenda of the republican party that he cannot see the forest through the trees.

I first came to listen to Mr. Hannity on AM Radio while working on a construction site, and my co-workers loved listening to his show. His democrat bashing words would spew out of the radio speakers ad nauseum. It didn't take long to understand that any caller having a differing opinion from this republican prostitute was immediately shut down, and the conversation ended. He isn't the least bit interested in fact...just the advancement of the Republican Party agenda.

Throughout Georgie Dubya Bushie's travesty of an Administration, Hannity was all rah, rah about what the president was doing, yet would relentlessly attack any politician who might question Bushie's policies, decisions, etc. His constant referrals to former President Bill Clinton's infidelities (instead of his actual record of service) only serve to show what a shallow, narrow-minded media whore Mr. Hannity truly is.

Now, I'm neither Democrat, nor Republican. I am a registered, unafilliated voter who crosses all party lines on election day. I choose to vote for those whom I believe will be the best at whatever job they are seeking, no matter what party they belong to. I am an educated, informed person when it comes to politics. Being a student of the democratic process, I ignore party rhetoric, and look at facts, history, voting records, etc.

Anyway, here we are once again with a democrat as President, and once again, Sean Hannity attacks our leader with vicious attacks on his agenda, his plans, and policies.. (I know--a terrible shock, this one...). The latest attack has Mr ho' whipping up his listeners into a frenzy about taxes and getting his small-minded cronies to start little revolutionary 'Tea Parties' across the country to protest the taxes being imposed on the citizens of this country.

I don't know about you, the readers out there, but this to me smacks of nothing more than an attack on our new Democratic President to undermine his ability to try and pull this country out of the economic free-fall it finds itself in because of the reckless spending and war-mongering of Georgie Dubya Bushie and henchmen.

I really don't get why Sean Hannity is attacking Barack Obama when it was the former Republican leadership that got us into this mess in the first place.

Maybe it's because it really wasn't the republican party that was in charge the last eight years...No, Dubya was DEFINITELY a republican. Then maybe it's because Bushie let the democrats in Congress do what they wanted...No,..quite the reverse actually. President Bushie and top Henchman DICK Cheney literally shoved Congress into doing whatever they wanted...even to the ultimate degradation of this country. Ok, how about this--Sean Hannity is attacking President Obama because he is looking to blame anyone but the Republican party for the whole mess we find ourselves in today.

That's it! I've hit it squarely on the head!

I'll be the first to tell you that I am astounded by all the taxes we pay. I even wrote a post about that very subject. However, this country will complete its financial free-fall into unthinkable economic depression if hard choices are not made, enacted, and seen through. There are no easy solutions to fixing the financial problems besetting us today. But if we ignore them, and simply assign blame on an opposing political party/President/Congress, then the problem simply grows to unimaginable complexity that will almost certainly end in ruin for the once strongest economy in the world.

Sean Hannity is not the least bit interested in what HAS to be done to salvage this country. He is merely pushing, spewing, and fomenting the Republican rhetoric that got us here in the first place. He could care less that hard times demand hard choices, and difficult sacrifices by everyone. So long as a Democrat is in office, Sean Hannity is going to attack our President; even when our President is working to rebuild this country after the near complete the destruction left over from a Republican Adminstration.

At least President Obama is trying to fix the problems--unlike his predecessor who was constantly turning a blind eye to the social, economic, and environmental devastation he was causing.

Instead of placing blame, maybe Mr. Hannity should try supporting the efforts of our new President; helping the American people to understand that these difficult times require dedication, hard work, and an unwavering eye on the ultimate goal of economic recovery.

Wait...I was starting to forget the basic fact here...that Sean Hannity is nothing more than a Republican whore who is doing nothing more than selling the party rhetoric of his agenda-minded republican pimps. You go Hannity. You should get employee of the month! What a ho!

Monday, March 30, 2009


A personal gripe of mine here, but when will sports interviewers start asking intelligent questions of sports figures (coaches, players, etc)? You know, questions that don't illicit a "Duh" response from the person being interviewed.

For instance, last week the University of Kentucky released its basketball coach after a few dismal seasons. A reported actually asked what his biggest regret was. The response? "That we didn't win more games."

Well DUH!!

If UK had actually won more games, the coach wouldn't be out of a job. A real no brainer.

In every sport you hear stupid questions followed by even dumber responses. In basketball you'll hear the question, "Why didn't you win tonight?" A typical response, "We just didn't make the shots."


In football you'd hear a running back asked "What was the difference in your poor game today?" You'll hear "I just didn't run well."


In baseball a reporter will ask a losing pitcher why he didn't win after giving up say five or six runs. The response, "I wasn't pitching well."


My point is that sports media, so rampantly hungry for any kind of a story will go to ridiculouness in order to attempt to have something new and resfreshing for fans to read, only to regurgitate obviousness ad infinitum.

It would really be nice to read a sports interview that wasn't chock full of "Duh's." But then, maybe the untalented sports writers wouldn't be able to actually ask intelligent questions that don't have unintelligent answers.

One can only dream...

Monday, March 16, 2009

Like Saying Goodbye To A Friend

On Tuesday, March 17th, 2009, the Seattle Post-Intelligencer (better known locally simply as 'The PI')will print its final paper edition after a long 146 year run.

I grew up in the Seattle area, and I had looked at the PI every morning for decades. Its sports stats were top-notch, its reporting was first rate, and it employed a two-time Pulitzer Prize-winning Editorial Cartoonist. It was a phenomenal paper.

So, as it goes into the sunset (as I'm sure many other newspapers will also go), I can't help but to feel like I'm saying goodbye to a I have personally grown with over my 46 years.

I know, I know,...sappy; and somewhat ridiculous. But when you lose something that has literally been a part of your entire life, one does become nostalgic; reminicing over seemingly trivial things that don't really have much meaning.

And so here I am, losing a friend. I will miss the Seattle Post Intelligencer. It really was the phenomenal newspaper I make it out to be.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Out of Touch?

$174,000. That is what each of our Congressional Delegates are now paid every year. This year's cost of living increase was $4,700, a roughly 02.76% increase.

Let's see, last year I took a roughly 33% pay CUT just to stay employed. This also came hand in hand with increased hours, and a dramatic increase in physical effort each day on the job as labor costs also took a huge hit.

Right now, approximately 8.1% of working Americans are unemployed; and that number is growing with each passing day. Millions of households are in financial crisis, adults and children are going hungry, and Congress takes ANOTHER raise.


As time goes on, it is increasingly evident that our Leaders in DC are seriously out of touch with the citizens they claim to represent. Republican or Democrat, or Independent; it doesn't matter. These men and women are seemingly turning a blind eye to the realities of the "average" American household.

In my blog entitled "Who Will Feed America's Hungry?" I alluded that while billion dollar aid packages are being sent overseas, our Congress ignores the rampant hunger problem here in the US. This same problem has since been amplified many-fold as our national (and world) economy sinks to depths nearing depression-level weakness.

Amidst the terrible financial crisis gripping this country, our elected Representatives and Senators take a $4,700 pay raise, and now must try and get by on a mere $174,000.

I don't know about any of you reading this blog, but I'd love to see my Congressmen and women live for a year on what I'm currently making. Maybe then they'll realize that feeding their family, paying their bills, and living without health insurance on a fraction of what they make is more common than they currently think, and is a real and wide-spread problem that must be addressed.

Somehow, I truly doubt that many of our officials really care much about the difficulties many, many American households are having just to live at a subsistance level, let alone being able to move forward.

$174,000. Must be tough to subsist on that.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Fox News Shows Its True Colors

I read recently that Fox News was actually trying to portray itself as a more balanced news organization that leaned less towards a Republican slanted bandwagon out to get any Democrat or Democratic ideology it found was in conflict with anything Republican.

I happened to tune into Fox News today and caught an interview that Neil Cavuto was conducting. He had a guest interviewee on who is an economist (the guy actually looked like a stereotypical economist).

Cavuto's question on which the entire interview was based was, "Is the stock market giving President Obama a vote of No Confidence?"

As the economist was introduced to the question and began his response, it was immediately evident that Neil Cavuto was not interested in fact. Every time his guest began to talk about prevailing market conditions and outlook based on fundamentals, Cavuto would interrupt, and loudly, blatantly try to get the economist to say that President Obama was to blame for the nose dive our economy has taken.

The economist, clearly seeing where this interview was being steered, stuck to his guns and continued to elaborate on economic factors and how the new Administration was in no way responsible for the near-depression level economy. In actuality, he went on, the Bush Administration was at the heart of any and all blame for the financial sickness of our country.

Three times Neil Cavuto interrupted his guest, and three times his guest would not be bullied. Finally, after NOT getting the economist to agree on his hypothesis, Cavutio rudely stopped the interview and went on to other things. The economist graciously said "Thank You for allowing me to be here." Cavuto even dismissed THAT offering.

It was highly evident that Fox News has not changed one bit. The purpose of the interview was only to place blame for the economy on a President that has been in office for just six weeks; and a DEMOCRATIC President at that.

This Republican propoganda machine fronting as a legitimate news agency really needs to examine its intentions here. It stood by a President that devastated our economy and our public lands; ran up $7.5TRILLION of National debt; performed an ecological firesale for the sole benefit of his friends in the big energy companies; eliminated many of the vital social services for Americans living (and working) at or below the poverty level; turned a blind eye towards the off-shoring of millions of American jobs--the list just goes on and on.

Where was fox News to tell us about these things, and shove down our throats that the President was destroying the country? ...

...oh, wait. Bush was a Republican! Silly me to forget that little fact. A Conservative slag rag will staunchly defend its own, even when its own are destroying this country. But heaven forbid if a Democrat takes office. Then they cry out to us all for 'heads to roll.'

Simply put, Fox News disgusts me. They are neither fair, nor balanced, and show time and again that they have neither interest nor inclination to be so.

Monday, March 2, 2009

When Money Isn't Everything

Finally, a pro football player with his priorities in line.

Over the past week we've been reading how Albert Haynesworth signed a $100 Million dollar contract with the Washington Redskins ($45M of which is guaranteed!). We see more signings around the league that show pro players are more interested in the almighty dollar than and getting more of it than the next guy. And here I was, all prepared to write a nasty blog about their greed, self-serving, and lack of caring about who ultimately pays their salaries...the fans.

Today, I read an article that made me stop and rethink my blog. I came across the news that shows me that at least one pro player (football, that is) actually has his priorities in line.

The same Washington Redskins that signed Haynesworth to that ludicrous contract today released Defensive End Jason Taylor because he wouldn't commit to a mandatory 3-a-week workout at the teams' training facility for eight of the thirteen off-season weeks. He loses $8.5M in salary, and must now look for work with another team.

But he doesn't mind. His priorities, and his integrity are both intact. Mr. Taylor's excuse for saying "No thanks?" He wanted to spend the off-season with his wife and kids.

Hooray for Jason Taylor! Hooray!!!

The man had spent most of the past year away from his family due to football and appearances, and wanted to be with his family. Instead of caving in to the demands of an uncaring employer, Mr. Taylor stuck to what he knew to be right, keeping his integrity intact, and earning greater respect and love from his family.

Jason Taylor sacrificed much to be with his family; but the price he would pay in his personal life had he chosen otherwise would have been far greater.

THANK YOU Jason have made a fan out of me, and have earned my admiration and respect as well.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Earlier this week a story surfaced that indicated that our current Congress was looking at the possibility of taxing America's drivers for each mile they drive their cars.

This is being looked at due to the supposed decrease in revenues caused by the recent inflated costs of energy that has resulted in fewer gallons of fuel being purchased, and hence, fewer taxes rolling in to government coffers.

Subsequently, the politico's in DC are examining various ways to keep that revenue stream going at its recent pace. They claim that more money is needed to shore up the transportation infrastructure across this great nation. Our roads are aging, our bridges are becoming hazardous, etc.

So, the idea of taxing us for the each mile we drive has been floated...again. This is not a new idea. It literally surfaces every few years as tighter and tighter budgets are proposed.

What's disturbing about this concept is that the only realistic way to gauge any car's miles driven is by installing some sort of GPS or other similar technology in every car in the US. THAT smacks of too much governmental intrusion in our lives; a sort of Orwellian prophecy fulfilled.

I immediately emailed my House Rep and said "No, No, NO!" We are already taxed when we buy gas; buy a car; renew our car tabs every year; pay for repairs etc. Why should we pay yet another tax for something we are already paying taxes for--the owning and operating of an automobile? This one stinks!!!

I've got an idea...instead of taxing the US consumers, how about paying the contractors that work on our roads less money? Further, how about insisting that any repair jobs are not only done under budget, but are done so that the fix is permanent; instead of having to go back six months later and repair the same thing yet again? These things can be written in the contracts; and any overages are the responsibility of the contractors--NOT the US government. You do THAT and I guarantee you that costs would drop, and repairs would be better, and last longer.

Enough of taking the hard-earned money out of our pockets. It's time our Senators and Representatives take responsibility for the mess they (and their predecessors) have created. They need to insist on lowered costs across all the various aspects of building and repairing the highways, by-ways, and other national infrastructure.

If this was actually enacted and enforced, I wonder how many billions of dollars we would save every year, and how much safer our infrastructure would actually be.'s just a dream. One I'm sure we'll be taxed on just for having...

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Bailing Out Detroit...Again.

The US taxpayer has already spent $700 Billion dollars to purportedly shore up the weakend financial sector because their over-paid, over-compensated leaders failed to see the disastrous path that they themselves laid out through bad investments, over-zealous mortaging practices, and billions for top level leadership bonuses.

Today, President Obama signed more legislation that will cough up another $787 Billion to further shore up our economy. Together, that's $1.87 TRILLION dollars spent over the past few months that goes to corporations, banks, auto companies, etc.

Also today, both General Motors and Chrysler Corp. announced that they still need an additional $21 Billion dollars in order to stay afloat. Tomorrow (or the next day) we'll see more companies begging for another government handout.

Meanwhile, people are losing their jobs, food is getting more expensive, foreclosures on homes are nearing an all-time yearly high, and personal bankruptcies are up 37% over last year.

My question here...what happened to a free market economy? You know, the normal ups, downs, laterals, openings, closings, etc? Since when is it the responsibility of the government to spend OUR tax dollars to save a huge corporation from folding? We (the American consumer) are already overpaying for goods and services of all types. Now, our tax dollars are being used to financially prop up these failing businesses. What's wrong with this picture? It's like I'm getting screwed twice by the same companies (once by the company itself, then by my tax dollars going to them as well).

In a true free-market economy, a company will prosper or die because of market conditions, consumer preferences, good (or bad) financial accountability, superior (or inferior) products or services, etc.

The previous and current bailouts throw that whole approach right out the window. Why close your business when you can get a loan from the government so the leaders who caused this whole mess within your company can waste even more of OPM (Other People's Money)and then collect hefty bonuses that most American families won't see in their entire lifetimes?

[On a corporate scale] The free market economy is being strangled. Personal and corporate accountability seems to be lost. Thousands of jobs are disappearing because of wasteful financial practices, poor oversight, and a lack of vision as to the future of the economy.

I once heard that big business is not the true strength of our economy; rather it is the small business men and women that really power our economy. I suggest that big business take a few lessons from the small business community about surviving bad times, and being responsible in good times. I guarantee that these two issues go completely hand in hand.

Our small business owners get through the tough times, and survive for many years. They prosper in the times of plenty, and trim the fat in times of lean. But there they remain--the real driving force of the in and day out. No luxury corporate outings; no billion dollar bonuses; no condos or houses in Aspen or the Hamptons; no private jets; no billions in preferred stock options, etc.

Nope, we are economically powered by the hard working men and women who work 10-14 hours a day, 5-6 days a week, who struggle to feed their families, but who gladly do so because they are proud of what they do, and who continue to dream of a better life.

THESE are the lessons those big corporations need to learn. If they did, maybe our hard-earned tax dollars wouldn't be wasted bailing out poorly run businesses.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Entertainment "News"

I don't know about any of you, but I really am getting fed up of all the so-called "entertainment" news being tossed about so blythly these days. It seems as though the more trivial and banal the tidbits of info, the more they are hyped like these things really matter.

For instance, tonight on the MSN homepage the 3rd entertainment headline reads 'Etta James: "I can't stand Beyonce." The article goes on to elaborate about Beyonce singing "At Last" for President Obama at one of the recent Inaugural events. (I only read that much because I am writing this blog!)

Now, I don't know about you, but the very first thought I have whenever I read this type of useless headline is, "WHO CARES?!!!" Really! Yeah, there are enough interested readers out there who will take an avid (and completely ridiculous) interest in such things, and who will swear by the truth of anything they read about any celebrity.

My objection here is that the virtual, print, and video rags that exist make this junk out to be vital to our everyday lives. (To immitate the William Shatner school of pause acting....) We-just-CAN'T-live-without-knowing-
that- John-Doe-actor-said-something-negative-about-his-gardener! (or whatever drivel we are force fed and told is vastly important.)

I know that there will always be people out there who will soak up every piece of irrelevant entertainment news like it was manna from heavan; but get a grip, please!

Entertainers, pro athletes, and anyone who has a high public profile are just like you and me. They have problems of all sorts that they must address every day. They are literally no different than anyone else. It just so happens that their problems have become fodder for entertainment "news."

I have known a number of pro athletes over the years, as well as Congressmen, and a few in the entertainment industry. Believe me when I say that they are just like you and I. They really are. The only real difference being they have more money than we do.

Let me address that one for a minute. I know that many of you will say that though they have problems, celebrities at least have all that money. I want to give you a piece of info that many of you may not realize...Just because you have money certainly does NOT mean that your problems disappear.

Marriages both thrive and suffer, bills still stack up, kids get sick, personal injuries occur, people get robbed, you might be out of work for six months or a year, etc, etc.

I for one have enough to deal with in my life to be putting any thought or energy into what is happening in someone elses. I care about what is real news that truly affects my life; things like the economy, our government, advances in healthcare, the education of our kids, the proper management and stewardship of our environment, and what my friend in Australia (who is a former drug user) is doing with her life.

THESE things are important. These things matter. They matter to me; they SHOULD matter to you. These are things that affect, and effect our lives every day, all around the world.

Let those in the so-called public eye have their privacy. Knowing one more interpersonal spat just doesn't matter one iota. And believe me, these good men and women would really rather keep their lives to themselves instead of feeling like they're in a glass cage twenty-four hours a day.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Bored of the Super Bowl

Well folks, the week of the Super Bore is here once again. Time for the literally endless prognostications regarding the "possible" outcomes, the "sure-fire impact players," how this team or that team is "destined" to win it all, blah, blah, blah, blah, blabber, drone, yawn, yawn,.....zzzzzzzzz...

This one game is the most hyped, most watched, most commerically expensive, and most boring of any pro sporting event of the entire year.

Very rarely does any Super Bore actually deliver the excitement. It's usually a blowout. As I was passing by a bank of display TV's the other day, there were three separate shows on offering whatever "unique" perspectives they had about the big game. Analysts wearily droned on and on about this factor, or that outcome, etc.

As Sunday approaches, I am trying to figure out what I'll be doing that DOESN'T involve watching that game. Probably plug in a DVD or watch old reruns of the Twilight'll definitely be more entertaining that being bored with another "Super" game.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Our New President

When Barack Obama was running for the Democratic nomination, I was more than skeptical about his vision, and his qualifications. Not enough time in office, no clear agenda, etc.

Today, whether some choose to recognize it or not, we were all witnesses to living history as Barack Obama became the 44th President of the United States. It is historically significant because what was once regarded as impossible, is now a reality--a black man has risen to the highest office in the land.

I still have many doubts about the path we are now upon; But for the first time in over 8 years, I now have hope that our government actually cares about its citizens, and will work towards improving the issues facing many Americans here at home.

In what was a pointed and poignant Inauguration Speech, President Obama promised peace, prosperity, and stability for America. He chided former President George W. Bush on many fronts, and unapologetically stated that Mr. Bush's agenda was plain wrong, and worked against the will and the benefit of the American people.

He is a great orator; now we get to see if he is a great Leader. This nation hopes that is so. Mr. Obama, I think, believes he can buouy up the pride, confidence, and prosperity of America. He asked directly that ordinary Americans rise up to the challenge of rebuilding this country, and I for one, expect him to lead us all by example.

The prayers of a nation are with our newest President; and many strongly believe that we will all be better off in four years. I look forward to seeing the changes that await. It will be a wonderful journey.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

A Final, Parting Shot

Unless he does something else pretty stupid (and hence, noteworthy), this will be my last blog on our 'friend and good ol' boy of a pal, Georgie Dubya Bushie.

In a sign that surely backs up my obvious opinion of our (thankfully) outgoing President, Newsweek magazine released its last GW Bush poll that shows he is exiting his office with the LOWEST approval rating in the history of the poll. Just 22% of Americans approve of the job he has done over his long eight-year administration.

Let me put it another way...out of every 100 Americans, 78 disapprove of Mr. Bush and the job he has done.


When he was re-elected following his disgusting character assasination of Senator John Kerry, Mr. Bush carried 62% of the vote while only carrying a 47% approval rating. It's been all downhill ever since.

Only Richard Nixon and Harry Truman had comparable disapproval numbers at the conclusion of their presidencies.

Additionally, our very hated Vice President, DICK Cheney, is exiting his office with a mere 13% approval--and most of that is from partisan supporters! That is THE lowest Veep rating in the history of the poll.

I am not surprised by these numbers. The GW Bush Administration was perhaps the worst in the history of this country, and these polling numbers definitely support that opinion.

What was once promised by Georgie himself to be a time of the strengthening and uniting of this country by a White House that cared about us, turned out to be nothing more than lies, deceit, and campaign rhetoric that won an election (well, sort of won--I think STOLE is a better word for his "victory" in 2000) for the worst President in history.

Friday, January 16, 2009

A Final Public Delusionary Statement

Just when we thought we were pretty much rid of perhaps the worst president in our history, up he pops in his final Farewell (and good riddance!) address. And for one last time our pal Georgie Dubya Bushie opens his mouth and astonishes yet again with his total lack of honesty, and his ongoing delusions about his presidency.

From his address: 1) "You may not agree with some tough decisions I have made, but I hope you can agree that I was willing to make the tough decisions."
(Tough decisions?! What the #@&%!!? You mean sending our men and women to war based on lies? Or financially trampling the middle income Americans with made up energy crises? Or irreparably harming our environment through the tossing out of most environmental protections? Or was the decision to no-bid the Iraq war contract to friend and Veep DICK Cheney's company such an agonizing one? About the only tough decision he made was just how many vacations he would take every year in his beloved little Texas--hint, it was at least seven trips to Crawford every year! I wish I could take seven plus vacations each year!)

2) "Like all who have held this office before me, I have experienced setbacks," said Bush. "There are things I would do differently if given the chance. Yet I have always acted with the best interests of our country in mind. I have followed my conscience and done what I thought was right."

(Honestly here--does this man really have a conscience? He was a complete idiot when 9/11 was happening; he organized the money pit of a department called Homeland Security; he LIED to the entire world via the United Nations General Assembly in an effort to finish the war his daddy started; he completely, unethically, and immorally assasinated the good name of Senator John Kerry in the 2004 election; he appointed key cabinet posts to men and women who had no governmental experience whatsoever; he and DICK Cheney told Congress their agenda (post-election, of course) and that anyone who stood in their way would be drummed out via election ASAP (read 'Against the Tide' by Lincoln Chaffee. Eye-opening doesn't even begin to describe Bush's Administration!); His foreign policy was a disaster on nearly every front;
His domestic policies were ludicrous, at best; instead of being the "Uniter" he promised all of us, we are now deeply divided; we are now over Ten TRILLION dollars in debt; we have the worst econmomy since the great depression,...and I could go on and on.
Yeah...he really acted on his conscience and did what he thought was in the best interest of the country...what a pal!)

3) 'Trumpeting his domestic record, Bush said he has presided over higher standards in public schools, a new Medicare prescription drug benefit, lower income taxes, more help for people suffering from drug addiction and the appointment of two justices to the Supreme Court.'

(His so called Higher Standards in Public Schools is a joke. Basically, if schools don't raise their success rates in the core subjects (reading, writing, math, history) the schools lose their Federal funding. In an effort to meet this, many schools had to cut funding to arts, music, drama, sports, etc. Last I read, only 20% of states were able to meet the No Child Left Behind criteria. What a success, though!

Lower medicare prescriptions? He only did this to help the already wealthy drug companies make bigger net profits by basically stopping American dollars (and subsequently tax income) from going to our neighbor to the north. What a win!

Lower income taxes? I'm still paying the same amount...oh that's right! It's the WEALTHY who are paying less taxes....silly me; I forgot...

He may have indeed funneled more money into treatment problems, but the rampant illegal importation of drugs into the US overshadows any success here. We are creating more drug addicts every day than we are able to treat. Another rousing success for Georgie!

And he appointed two judges to the Supreme Court? Big Deal. Just about every president appoints one or two new Judges. So what? This is certainly no cause for celebration.)

So, in his last ditch effort to keep the Spin Machine spinning, Georgie Dubya Bushie was obviously on his own, because that spin cycle is definitely broken, with no repairman in sight.

A Lame (DUCK!) speech by a really Lame (DUCK!) President. Too bad no one was around to insult him by tossing their shoes at his head. It would have been more fitting than the delusional address he gave.

Farewell Georgie; and damned good riddance.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Georgie Dubya Bushie--Environmental Champion!???

With the upcoming changeover in Presidential leadership, I just have to jump on Dubya any chance I can. This week, he has provided us all with yet more fodder.

You see, in his waning days, Little Georgie had the thought that he wanted to be remembered as a champion of the environment. He decided to create three new Marine Sanctuaries in the Pacific Ocean.

They are 1) Waters at the northern end of the Northern Mariana Islands, including the Mariana Trench.
2) Off American Samoa, the Rose Atoll — the world’s smallest coral atoll and one of the most remote.
3) And the central Pacific coral reefs, pinnacles, sea mounts, islands and surrounding waters of Johnston Atoll, Howland, Baker and Jarvis Islands, Kingman Reef, Palmyra Atoll and Wake Island. These areas harbor some of the most pristine coral reefs in the world.

Now, while I appreciate the creation of these Sanctuaries, my initial thoughts were that first, these pristine areas had zero energy producing capabilities, so why not do this?; second, that they were so remote that no one will really care one way or the other; and third, that Bush was doing this simply to make (in the last days of his miserable presidency) everyone forget that he just got done with eight years of raping the environment for the financial gain of a few companies (and hence, "friends")while leaving the land irreparably scarred for generations to come.

Hmmmm.......knowing little Georgies eggregious environmental policies, I'm sure he wanted more than anything to do this for the benefit of all Americans, to make their lives better; to help their job security to increase; to provide better education for all the under-educated kids in America; to bring more home-grown jobs BACK to the US; and to put more food in the stomachs of hard-working Americans everywhere.

Wow! I'm so enraptured by this unexpected development that I'll forget about the disaster known as "No Child Left Behind;" I'll forget about the intentional srapping of nearly all environmental protections and endangered species reviews; I'll forget about the fact that he and his Cronies lied to the WORLD about why we were going to war; that he and DICK Cheney authoried torture against prisoners of war; that they both leaked the name of a CIA operative to the media; that he is leaving this country not debt free (as it was well on track to being when he took office--see my earlier blogs) but to now being over $10,000,000,000,000--that's TRILLION! in debt; to NEVER (at least that I've read) being at Andrews AFB when planes carrying the grim cargo of slain military personnel arrive so he might honor the fallen (why? Because he didn't want the press to perceive him as being a President who sent our men and women to war--true!); and the list could go on and on, and on.

Nope, I'm going to remember Georgie and DICK Cheney for being the watchmen of our forests, and rivers, and oceans, and friends to all wild creatures.

Yep...Georgie Dubya Bushie, or Environmental Champion--heee's my heerroh! :0(

Monday, January 5, 2009

ANOTHER Bush in the White House?!

I couldn't believe my eyes when I read this morning that former President George HW Bush wants to see his other son, Jeb, in the White House.

This one just blows me away. The whole family and its elite, wealthy circle of friends must be in complete denial about the state that George and his son Georgie left this country in.

I guess that two Bushes weren't quite enough to ruin this country. A third would certainly complete the job! This is a political family that seems to liken themselves to the Kennedy's; but it just ain't gonna be remembered that way.

The Kennedy's are remembered with affection, a sense of something better that is now lost. I think the Bush family will be remembered as a power-hungry, deceptive, and ruinous clan whose sole wish was to do as much harm to the environment, economy, educational system, health care system, and foreign relations as any Presidents in history.

The only bright spots will be that they helped their wealthy friends and family members get wealthier, while the average American household ate less, paid more for gas and heating oil, paid far higher taxes, had less educated kids, and saw millions of jobs that used to be done here in the USA shipped out to places like India, Malaysia, Mexico, etc. Why? so the wealthy could get wealthier by paying less wages and less taxes for those wages; less healthcare costs, etc, etc, etc.

What a wonderful legacy...And now Daddy wants to see yet one more son in the White House. Gosh--I don't know about you, but I can hardly wait to see what would happen should one more Bush and all the disgusting Cronies that follow him actually get in the Presidency. (yeah, right...)

...Let us all hope and pray that this tragedy waiting to happen doesn't actually come to pass...