Thursday, November 20, 2008

Governor Schwarznegger--What Gives?

You know, one thing the voting public in this country really hate is an elected leader not following the will of the people. This happened with Lynden Johnson (ramping up the Vietnam War), George W. Bush ("read my lips...No New Taxes!"), and George H.W. Bush (lingering wars, horrible economic policies, etc), to name a few.

In California, the recent passage of Proposition 8 which [the State of California] Constitutionally defines marriage as between a man and a woman has created many eye-opening events. Homophobia (against backers of Prop 8), bigotry, and defacement of religious properties were the starting point. National Media outcry for homosexual equality quickly followed. Celebrities from Hollywood to MoTown jumped aboard the Frenzy Express to denounce all those who actually voted their conscience and favorably voted for Prop 8.

Politicians were no exception. California AG Jerry Brown, who first made news by re-writing the language of the Proposition after it was submitted, has encouraged the gay community to fight the election results in Court. From what I've read, all the major politicians in the State are either speaking out against the establishment of the law, or are saying nothing, which basically says that they support those who are in an uproar.

By a very FAT 4% margin, the voters of California chose to pass Proposition 8. Now, given that the victory was so wide politically, you'd think that a Governor would stand up and defend the will of the people. After all, a Governor is elected by the People, and should (ideologically at least) have the best interest of the people in mind.

In Sacramento, this thinking does not hold sway. Governor Arnold Schwarznegger, in breaking from the will of the people, has himself called on the California Supreme Court to overturn the newly established law that was, again, passed by a majority of the voters of the State of California. This simple definition has speared the very heart of California, and its Governor is failing in his responsibility to lead the people.

Not once has he raised his voice above the din of protest and ask for calm and reason. He has not denounced the hate crimes being perpetrated by the losing side of the election. He has stood idly by as mobs assailed places of worship; as they accosted backers of Prop 8 with verbal, emotional, and physical attacks; as businesses, whose owners contributed to the passage of 8, became targets of hate and retribution; as members of the gay community angrily did everything they could to harass and intimidate anyone, or any organization that backed or voted for the establishment of a simple definition.

I have to wonder who is in the Governor's back pocket; who is pulling his strings; who is garnering political favor by manipulating a Governor of the United States of America into allowing the trampling of civil rights by those who so forcefully advocate love and tolerance, yet are themselves participating in these heinous actions against their fellow citizens.

Governor Schwarznegger, you should be ashamed of yourself for allowing a small minority of your states' population to dictate hatred against those who think and feel differently. Those who perpetrate these acts are criminals by definition. Yet you, for whatever inexplicable reason, are allowing the bigorty and acts of hate and violence to commence unabated.

This inaction, by an elected official is just shameful at the very least. Your calls for a Court of Law to overturn the Will of the People is reprehensible. You have not risen to the challenge in this matter, and should face an impeachment by the citizenry of your State. Your stance to wilfully ignore the civil unrest and trampling of civil rights constitutes a negligence I have not seen since the days of former Mississippi Governor George Wallace.

I for one hope that even the liberal Supreme Court of California will recognize what is happening, and enforce the Will of the People and strike down the legal maneauverings of a small minority group. Upholding the law that is Proposition 8 is indeed the Will of the People. Anything less, and we have yet another example of a very small minority literally forcing their will upon the vast majority. Haven't we seen enough of this already?