Sunday, October 9, 2016

Donald Trump Remarks

The recently released taped conversation involving by Donald Trump--from 2005--are unfortunate, at best. The language is foul, and is in no uncertain terms plain and simply wrong.
That being said, I in no way support such language, nor in the objectifying of women. However, this wholly private conversation is being used as a political tool to degrade the Trump campaign in the final weeks prior to the US Presidential Election. Accusations are flying, endorsements are being pulled, and the Clinton campaign is just sitting back, watching the whole thing explode...with glad hearts, no doubt.

Why? Because this obviously pre-planned release had the effect they were hoping for in order to sweep Hillary Clinton's numerous scandals under the proverbial rug; at least for a while. The public gaze moves off of Clinton, lessening the heat she is rightfully feeling, giving her whole campaign a much needed boost in these final weeks. The recording tears a HUGE hole in the momentum of Trumps move towards the White House. It is yet to be seen if the damage is irreversible.

To his credit, Trump has apologized for this "locker room banter," and his apology seemed to be sincere. His body language and use of verbiage also backs that up. To me, he truly seems to be a man humbled by this past misdeed, with no intent to mislead voters.

My issue with this tape is manifold.

First, the timing. The Clinton campaign has likely had this recording in their possession for some time. The release of the tape is purely strategic. It was timed to do significant damage to the Trump campaign, which it has. In these final weeks ahead of the election, this tape will indeed sway many voters away from Trump and into the Clinton camp. The release of this tape is mudslinging politics at its worst.

Second, this private conversation was had eleven years ago. Who remains the same over the course of eleven years? Trump was unmarried at the time, blowing off steam in a true locker room bit of male ego bonding. While that is not an excuse for such language, I must ask every person who is jumping on the hate wagon, 'How many times have YOUR private conversations gone to places, talked about people and subjects that you later found to be an embarrassment?' 
The Biblical phrase, "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone" is aptly applied. Yes, this even refers to women who often get caught up in mean-spirited gossip, or who talk about people and events with catty disregard and contempt.
In eleven years, no one stays the same! We all change attitudes and outlooks as life teaches us, shapes us and leads us to being better people in many aspects of our lives.

Third, by releasing this tape, at this time, the Clinton campaign managers are, as I've already stated, diverted public attention away from the many scandals embroiling Hillary, which only favors her chances in November.
   -Her husband, former US President Bill Clinton has been revealed to be a sexual predator. How can he possibly command any public trust anymore?
   -In the years since the Clinton White House, many opponents and whistle blowers of anything Clinton have turned up dead under always suspicious circumstances.
   -Judicial Watch, a DC watchdog group, has proven through Freedom Of Information releases that then Secretary Clinton used her State Department role to garner millions of dollars of pledges for The Clinton Foundation in exchange for access to State Dept favors for private individuals around the globe, as well as special appointments to various Departments in the Federal Government. This so-called "Pay for Play" scheme not only violated Federal Laws, but also raises serious questions about Integrity, as well as Special White House Access by people who would carry significant influence over policy should Clinton be elected.
   -The latest WikiLeaks release has unilaterally proved that Hillary Clinton, as Sec of State, intentionally sold weapons to the Islamist jihadi group ISIS--a serious violation of the law. Yet, it too is being swept under the rug.
   -Clinton, rather than comply with a Federal Court Order, destroyed laptops, phones and servers she used in her time as the Head of the State Dept. Plus, she intentionally destroyed public emails that implicate her in various scandals--again, another illegal move that was intentional. Clinton's claims that she didn't know the designator of "Classified" on Dept emails is ludicrous, and a flat out bold-faced lie.  This raises monstrous concerns of her handling the biggest secrets in America. How can she possibly be trusted?
   -Lastly--though certainly not the last in a VERY long list--is Hillary's health. She is obviously hiding something. Everyone sees it, yet she blithely excuses issues as a cold, or pneumonia, or fatigue or whatever her handlers come up with. Her hands tell me that she has advancing Parkinson's Disease. She cannot control what her hands do, and often places them against her chest in order to keep them still.
Then there are the times she seems to lose conscious thought, seeming lost and unable to talk or respond. She often seems dazed and involuntarily and inappropriately laughs out loud, her face distorted in what would normally be highly uncomfortable positions. Her handlers will jump in, soothing her, talking quietly. Bill, if there, will talk quietly in her ear, guiding her with is hand on her back. Something isn't right with her, and her campaign is definitely withholding that from the publics' right to know.

These are only the tip of the iceberg! Hillary Clinton has too many questions and issues to be our President, and the release of this Trump conversation has done its job in diverting the attention of the voters away from her many scandals and squarely onto the shoulders of a recalcitrant Trump. Meanwhile, Hillary has now begun to scream how unfit Trump is for the Presidency. She attacks, attacks, attacks.
I have yet to hear from her about ANY policy she will be trying to achieve, if elected. All we hear from her is how unfit Donald Trump is to run the Country. If THAT is her stand, why would anyone vote for a candidate with zero plans to improve this the US?

Oh, wait...

The voters chose to elect Barack Obama, an empty-suited orator with no clear policy reform or other plans. Well, other than tearing down the American way of life, place the "rights" of illegal immigrants over those of American citizens, enacting the horrible Obama Care, erode the Bill of Rights, destroy the trust of countries around the world of the United States, act like a weakling in political negotiations, embarrassingly support the violent Black Lives Matter movement, ignore serious domestic issues--or open his mouth when he shouldn't, undermining local and national law enforcement, take highly expensive and extravagant vacations, make constant end around movements in order to make laws without Congress, get the point.

We've had eight years of a worthless bozo that is Barack Obama supposedly leading this Country. Hillary would do nothing more but push us further and further away from where we should be, continuously working to destroy our Rights as guaranteed by the Constitution. And that would be on top of unforeseen political scandals, corruption and who knows what other awful things her Administration would do.

The Trump tape release has done its job. I can only hope the American people can look past their complacency and see Hillary Clinton for what she truly is..a dishonest, corrupt, conniving, hateful woman who will use any method, any tactic to destroy her opponent, or to protect herself with redundant "I don't remember" statements, yet claim to be fit to lead the United States.

I am NOT saying that Donald Trump would be any better. He has many serious character questions that he would have to disprove. However, between the two, I cannot clearly vote for either one. For the first time, I may have to do a "Write-In" vote. At least I could vote my conscience and not merely settle for who is the best of the worst we have seen in a long, long time.