Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Jihadists and Hypocrisy

British Prince Harry recently returned from a military assignment in Afghanistan, serving as a gunner on a helicopter gunship. He apparently has a number of enemy kills to his credit for which the Prince has come under condemnation by the Taliban, with the usual death threats by this murderous group. An article in today's Seattle Times highlighted this aspect of the ongoing conflict. Here is my response to that article:

"What I don't get is the hypocrisy by these jihadists when it comes to killing people. They murder with impugnity anyone they claim is against Allah (God)--which of course changes as new enemies come up-- but then throw a temper tantrum in front of the international media when anyone kills even one of their fighters and call opposing military personnel sinners, pigs, dogs, a disease, etc.

At least these groups could leave religion out of the discussion and call their efforts what they really are...a power grab with repercussions for anyone who would dare oppose them.

As far as British Prince Harry is concerned, as a soldier he was doing his duty. So he killed Taliban fighters while on field duty; yeah, well how many British troops were killed by the Taliban while Harry was stationed in Afghanistan?

Wait...I'm goes back to that same hypocrisy I was talking about earlier. It isn't how many soldiers the Taliban killed; it's all about how many of these jihadists were "martyred" by the imperialist dogs of the West. bad."