This law, passed and signed by Representatives of The People, clearly favors the Rights of the vast majority who see the very possible use of the law for sexual predators to use restrooms for their own licentious purposes, and that the privacy and moral rights of the majority outweigh the desires of a relatively few citizens to use the restroom of their chosen identity. This is the way laws are made in this country, and circumventing the process does nothing but trampling on the Rights of everyone else.
Below is my response:
"So the rights of a few outweigh the rights of the majority? Passing laws that give power to a few is one of the reasons this country is in a downward spiral as lawyers have twisted the Bill of Rights into something that was never meant to be. Now, every person with a gripe can get laws changed to make them feel "comfortable," while everyone else has to change their views to accommodate one--or a few. The LGBT groups are so vocal that they are drowning out the bigger picture and instilling judicial fear in everyone who opposes them.
Litigation through coercion is not equal rights. Unfortunately, the NCAA and others fail to see that these groups are trampling on the "Rights" of the vast majority so that these relatively few people can feel 'comfortable.'
President George Washington said, "Laws made by common consent must not be trampled on by individuals." In this case, the North Carolina Legislature--the voice of the people--created a law. Now, the LGBT folks want to trample on that law in favor of a few people. How is their position right? Why should local businesses suffer from lost revenue (by the NCAA's actions) because a small minority wants to trample on the rights of the vast majority?
Unfortunately, these groups only see their "Rights" instead of the bigger picture. Rather than wait for the slow, inevitable changes that occur over time, they seek to force everyone into a position of acquiescence through litigation, and literally making the voice of the people moot just so they can 'feel' comfortable. How completely ridiculous.
The NCAA is wrong to punish the small businesses in the areas that surround the lost events. The people spoke, a law was passed and a few don't like it so they whine and complain like an impertinent child and scream so loud that people begin to pay attention rather than seeing them for what they are. THAT is why the position of the LBGT backers are wrong. Rather than working within the system they claim to support, they run screaming and crying to the courts and overturn the will of the people. Can anyone else see that this approach is wrong? Or do they just run and cower because the child is throwing a temper tantrum?
I am not say the LGBT folks don't have rights. I am only stating that they should be doing things the right way, and to stop coercing everyone through the litigatory process. How is that a bad thing?"