Just when we thought we were pretty much rid of perhaps the worst president in our history, up he pops in his final Farewell (and good riddance!) address. And for one last time our pal Georgie Dubya Bushie opens his mouth and astonishes yet again with his total lack of honesty, and his ongoing delusions about his presidency.
From his address: 1) "You may not agree with some tough decisions I have made, but I hope you can agree that I was willing to make the tough decisions."
(Tough decisions?! What the #@&%!!? You mean sending our men and women to war based on lies? Or financially trampling the middle income Americans with made up energy crises? Or irreparably harming our environment through the tossing out of most environmental protections? Or was the decision to no-bid the Iraq war contract to friend and Veep DICK Cheney's company such an agonizing one? About the only tough decision he made was just how many vacations he would take every year in his beloved little Texas--hint, it was at least seven trips to Crawford every year! I wish I could take seven plus vacations each year!)
2) "Like all who have held this office before me, I have experienced setbacks," said Bush. "There are things I would do differently if given the chance. Yet I have always acted with the best interests of our country in mind. I have followed my conscience and done what I thought was right."
(Honestly here--does this man really have a conscience? He was a complete idiot when 9/11 was happening; he organized the money pit of a department called Homeland Security; he LIED to the entire world via the United Nations General Assembly in an effort to finish the war his daddy started; he completely, unethically, and immorally assasinated the good name of Senator John Kerry in the 2004 election; he appointed key cabinet posts to men and women who had no governmental experience whatsoever; he and DICK Cheney told Congress their agenda (post-election, of course) and that anyone who stood in their way would be drummed out via election ASAP (read 'Against the Tide' by Lincoln Chaffee. Eye-opening doesn't even begin to describe Bush's Administration!); His foreign policy was a disaster on nearly every front;
His domestic policies were ludicrous, at best; instead of being the "Uniter" he promised all of us, we are now deeply divided; we are now over Ten TRILLION dollars in debt; we have the worst econmomy since the great depression,...and I could go on and on.
Yeah...he really acted on his conscience and did what he thought was in the best interest of the country...what a pal!)
3) 'Trumpeting his domestic record, Bush said he has presided over higher standards in public schools, a new Medicare prescription drug benefit, lower income taxes, more help for people suffering from drug addiction and the appointment of two justices to the Supreme Court.'
(His so called Higher Standards in Public Schools is a joke. Basically, if schools don't raise their success rates in the core subjects (reading, writing, math, history) the schools lose their Federal funding. In an effort to meet this, many schools had to cut funding to arts, music, drama, sports, etc. Last I read, only 20% of states were able to meet the No Child Left Behind criteria. What a success, though!
Lower medicare prescriptions? He only did this to help the already wealthy drug companies make bigger net profits by basically stopping American dollars (and subsequently tax income) from going to our neighbor to the north. What a win!
Lower income taxes? I'm still paying the same amount...oh that's right! It's the WEALTHY who are paying less taxes....silly me; I forgot...
He may have indeed funneled more money into treatment problems, but the rampant illegal importation of drugs into the US overshadows any success here. We are creating more drug addicts every day than we are able to treat. Another rousing success for Georgie!
And he appointed two judges to the Supreme Court? Big Deal. Just about every president appoints one or two new Judges. So what? This is certainly no cause for celebration.)
So, in his last ditch effort to keep the Spin Machine spinning, Georgie Dubya Bushie was obviously on his own, because that spin cycle is definitely broken, with no repairman in sight.
A Lame (DUCK!) speech by a really Lame (DUCK!) President. Too bad no one was around to insult him by tossing their shoes at his head. It would have been more fitting than the delusional address he gave.
Farewell Georgie; and damned good riddance.
Friday, January 16, 2009
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