Tuesday, September 13, 2011

President Obama's Work Bill

Last week, President Obama asked to speak to a joint session of Congress. During his address, the President introduced legislation that he claims will put Americans to work, and stimulate the economy. Plus, he claims that the $450B price is already paid for, and that Congress "Must pass this bill now!"--a phrase he pushed numerous times during his address. An article in today's Deseret News reiterated that same call from a speech the President made today in Ohio. The following is my reply...

After reading portions of this bill, and listening to and reading the debate, it seems clear to me that the President is pressing Congress to pass this bill so hard because he knows that this is bad legislation, and wants the provisions enacted before anyone takes a close look at the language, outcome of enaction and financial/budgetary consequences.

If this was a solid bill, then I would certainly expect an invitation to scrutinize the legislation. All we hear is, "Pass this bill!" From his Congressional address [in introducing the bill] to his campaign rhetoric; that same call resonates constantly, and should be a warning to Congress. They should study, calculate and scrutinize everything in the language. If not, they could very well be caught in yet another legislative blunder that is eroding public policy and confidence in our elected leaders.