Tuesday, December 9, 2008

CHRISTMAS vs Holiday

...we interrupt your Christmas music for the following news...

Headline.....Political Correctness runs amok....Atheists tell the vast majority of religious citizens that god and all religion are a myth perpetrated to enslave minds...political leaders, fearing for future votes, cave in to the demands of this "oppressed" minority...News at 11.......

...Extra! Extra! Read all about it!....Christmas is off! The yearly "Winter Holiday" is officially celebrated on December 25th!...Atheists now feel they are included in a society they claim was NOT founded on Christian principles...There is NO Christmas because Christ does NOT exist...Extra! Extra! Read all about it!...

...Dateline, Olympia, Washington...Governor Christine Gregoire, fearing that the Constitutional rights of a very small handful of people (most of whom aren't even in her constituency) are being denied, today allowed a Wisconsin Atheist group to place a sign next to a Nativity scene [in the Washington State Capital building] that did nothing but spit in the collective faces of all religious folks.
Predictably, the religious response was both swift and on the mark as they stated that Christmas was not just a religious holiday, but one of love, sharing, and giving as well; and anyone who opposed even these precepts had no right imposing their will on everyone else...

...Editorial...Since when does the Christmas Holiday offend anyone...I mean...really!? This reporter suspects that these so-called non-believers have celebrated Christmas for decades, and felt as much a part of society as they do every other day of the year.
In my humble opinion, if they want to enforce their will on 99.999999% of the population,let them try. In the last 10 years there has been a growing backlash against the supposed trampling of civil rights on a few who want to change both the Letter and the Spirit of the Constitution.
I say, boo hoo you poor wretches. No one makes you include religion in the annual holiday. Just share presents, eat good food, and let your friends warm your hearts with smiles and gifts.
Would that really be such a terrible thing? I think not...

...and now, back to more of everyone's favorite CHRISTMAS music...

Gross Advertising Misconduct: The Follow-Up

In my original post called "Gross Advertising Misconduct" I told you about a commercial from Arby's restaurants that was blantantly sexual in nature. There was absolutely no mistaking the message they were putting across.

Well, I'm writing this because I actually received a response from Arby's. The complete text follows:

"Dear Arby’s Friend,

We’re sorry to hear of your dissatisfaction with our current advertising.

Many times we choose to use tongue-in-cheek humor and satire in our commercials in an effort to communicate information about the Arby’s menu in an engaging and entertaining manner.

Your opinion is very important to us, and we thank you for taking the time to provide feedback. The last thing we want to do is offend anyone. We have shared your comments with our marketing and advertising teams so they can be considered in the development of future advertising.

Very truly yours,

Arby’s Customer Relations"

Tongue in cheek humor? Satire? No way. My response to their letter:

"I'm sorry, but this commercial was NOT about humor or satire. It was about sex; plain and simple. If it was merely satirical, why insinuate a sexual encounter in exchange for your food, or simulate the man getting an erection? The explanation I received just doesn't cut it."

Needless to say, but I have not yet received a response to that. How can they? Their position is indefensible.
You see, advertisers generally stick to to a few basic premises to get their message across.
One is Sex.
Two is Humor.
Three is Relevancy [to everyday life].
Four is a combination of any of the first three.

All advertising seeks to manipulate the viewer in some way through visual, audio, or narrative enticement--or again, a combination of all three.

The Arby's ad in question was supposedly intended to be humorous or satirical, but was instead unmistakenly and overtly sexual. I've spoken with other people about this ad, and every one of them said they didn't see any humor; but instead were offended by the sexual nature of the ad.

Arby's is missing the boat. Their flat denial and suggestion of intent is just another manipulatory ploy to get a dissatisfied customer on their side and once again purchasing from their businesses.

My response clearly states the ridiculousness of their claim because I see it (the commercial AND the response) for what it truly is...an attempt to sell me on their product. A sales pitch. One for which I will NOT fall.