Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Fight Against CRT in Pennbury, PA School District

The two videos below highlight both the dictatorial stance from the Pennbury School Board, and its attitude towards parents who oppose their district teaching Critical Race Theory to their children; as well as a perfect response from an ex-pat Brit who is fed up with this divisive garbage being promoted by Leftist Democrats, which to be honest, seemingly includes ALL Democratic politicians these days.

Parents, you must fight for your children if your local school board is pushing Critical Race Theory! If you don't, your children will receive "education" that pushes racism, shame for your skin color, community divisiveness, and other harmful ideas that innocent children will accept as fact. 

Educate yourselves, and DEMAND that CRT never be taught in your local schools! 
Never settle for something so awful being taught to any child in the United States of America!

1) School Board shuts down public comments they don't like.

2) A terrific, knowledgeable, slam dunk response.