Monday, January 3, 2011

Letter to My Congressional Representatives--A Reply

I received the following reply [to my latest letter to my Congressional Reps] last week. It is from Sen. Orrin Hatch.

"Thank you for contacting me to express your concerns with airport security and your opposition to body scanners being used to enhance security at some of our nation's airports I appreciate hearing from you.

As you may be aware, threats against our nation's air transportation networks have evolved over time. In response, the screening technologies we rely on to identify and counter these threats must evolve as well. Over the next several years, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) will likely face continuing challenges to address projected growth in passenger airline travel while maintaining and improving upon the efficiency and effectiveness of passenger screening operations.

One of the real benefits of improved and advanced technology will hopefully be a dramatic reduction in the extensive labor force now deployed by the TSA to secure our nation's airports. As you know, the labor and money required to secure the airports is significant and appropriate advancements to reduce this labor force and make the screening process more affordable and efficient would be a welcome step to most taxpayers.
While security is of paramount importance, individual privacy also needs to be protected. As such, the bill requires TSA to continue to protect consumers' privacy by prohibiting the transfer or retention of any body images and requiring remote screening for any personally identifying images. I will continue to support the TSA in improving their privacy protection efforts.

Rest assured. I am working day and night to implement policies that will make Utah and our great nation a peaceful, prosperous, safe and lawful place to live. i appreciate your comments and suggestions and look forward to working towards a solution to this issue that you will find acceptable and in line with your interests.

Your Senator,
Orrin G. Hatch United States Senator"

I sincerely appreciate the Senator's response. He could very well have done as my House Rep did...which was nothing. At the very least, my US Senator knows my thoughts and concerns regarding the TSA and its obvious abuses against US citizens, and the unconstitutional measures it employs on a daily basis.

Again, I encourage each of you to make a habit of writing your Congressional Representatives; both in the House and in the Senate. If you fail to raise your voice then nothing will change, and we will continue to edge closer, as a nation, to the proverbial abyss that awaits us all if the Constitution and the Bill of Rights continue to be both ignored and trampled upon by the very men and women we send to DC to represent each one of us both individually and collectively.

Please...write, email, call, vote, speak out! If not you, then who? Who will speak your mind and voice your concerns? It is your responsibility as a citizen of the United States to raise your voice both in support of, and opposition to, the men and women who lead our great nation so that they continue to lead and guide us in a manner befitting all those who have brought us thus far. Please...Speak out!