Do we not live in a country where the First Amendment to the Constitution guarantees Freedom of Speech? In that same vein, can we no longer tell someone exactly what we think even if someone else disagrees?
Blogger Perez Hilton, an openly gay 'celebrity' (and I use that word very...hesitantly), and the ever prevelant PC Police are out yet again (in force) to tell the country that it was hateful and bigoted for Carrie Prejean (Miss California in the recently completed Miss USA pageant)to answer a question about how she felt about same sex marriages in a manner Mr. Hilton (and company) personally disagreed with.
To quote, she (Miss Prejean) answered that "it was great that the option is available in some states, but that in my country and in my family, I believe that a marriage should be between a man and a woman -- no offense to anyone out there."
Personally, I think the answer was poignant, yet embracive of everyone listening. Here she was, answering what was assuredly a highly loaded question, and Carrie Prejean answered from her heart, but was all inclusive as well. It was a fabulous answer.
Mr. Hilton however, stated on his blog that he was offended and angered by the answer because it (the answer) "excluded millions of gay and lesbian Americans and their friends." He went on further to state that if Miss California had won the crown, that he would have "gotten on stage and ripped the crown off her head."
Wow! A loaded question answered in an honest way, only to be met head on with venomous hatred. What's wrong with this picture, folks? Here is Perez Hilton displaying the hate and scorn he has been fighting against for years because of an answer given in honesty.
When I grew up, this kind of contempt and hatred was called 'Reverse Discrimination' and Mr. Hilton epitomizes it. I would also call it hypocritical.
But here he is on tv shows whipping the media into a frenzy as he is relentlessly continuing his attack on Miss Prejean and her personal beliefs.
Again, Don't we live in a country where one of the greatest freedoms we are guaranteed is Freedom of Speech? In this day and age of PC speech, expression, etc, it's looking more and more like no one can truly speak their mind for fear of personal attacks and retribution because someone else disagrees with them.
I praise Miss Carrie Prejean for knowing that speaking her mind could cost her the win; but deciding to NOT cave in to perceived social pressures, thereby keeping her morals and personal beliefs intact. This woman should be praised for her stance...not vilified. She certainly doesn't deserve the hateful attacks brought on by a very small minority who sew the same bigotry and hatred they themselves have fought against most of their lives.
Shame on Perez Hilton and his smattering of supporters. They deny someone else their Constitutionally guaranteed right of Free Speech because the answer given to a deliberately loaded question was 'offensive' to them.
Well boo-hoo. Grow up; move on to other things, and continue your fight towards the equality you seek. But don't ever tell someone else that what they think is wrong, even if it causes you to burn with anger inside--just a your opinion may do to someone else. Everyone has a right to their own opinion, just the same as you do.
Let someone else listen to your incessant whining if you can't afford to give the same courtesy that you seek. And if you can't do that, then call the Waaaaahmbulance because I just don't care.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
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