Monday, July 14, 2008

Dubya Is At It Again

Well folks, it looks like Dubya is at it again. This time he has eliminated the Presidental Ban on off-shore drilling [of oil, natural gas] against the wishes of Congress, and most (if not all) of the affected Governors in the Lower 48. (yes, he still has to convince Congress to make a similar move, but the very nature of the repeal is very telling.)
Why? Well, HE states it is to help relieve oil prices and reduce dependence on foreign oil.
...Good one, Mr. Prez...
Did he forget to mention that we won't have any usable oil for at least ten years? Or that this will do absolutely no good in lowering the current speculative run-up in the world-wide oil prices?
Mr. Bush is feeding the American people a pile of horse poo the size of his beloved Texas.
What's really behind this desire to drill off-shore? Well, remember everyone, Mr.Bush made his fortune in oil. His administration has shown throughout the past eight years that oil, energy companies, and special interests are more important than the desire of the American people, and the safety of our environment. He first showed this right after he took office when he scrapped the strict environmental regulations on power and industrial plants that had been placed to assure cleaner air for everyone.
Next, his friends at Enron suddenly created an energy shortage in the Pacific Northwest that made Enron (and Ken Lay and cronies) billions--a shortage that did not exist at all until Dubya took office.
Further, our most hated president (according to all the polls) eliminated the roadless forests act that was enacted as the result of the polling and input of some three million Americans.
Yes, our President is seemingly doing this not for the benefit of the American people. In my opinion, it is a very thinly veiled attempt to put more money into the coffers of the oil companies--friends our beloved Dubya has rubbed elbows with for years. And don't think he's the only one in his administration either.
Our Secretary of State, Condaleeza Rice once sat on the Board of Exxon. She even has a Super Tanker named after her. (Yeah...True!).
This is about money--plain and simple; and it seems that our President will do whatever he can to guarantee he and his cronies (a term aptly used by Lee Iacocca) have a huge, steady income for years. makes this President go round...