Thursday, April 18, 2019

U.S. Attorney General Barrs' Press Briefing on the Release of the Mueller Report

It is FINALLY here!

Unlike what the mainstream media are currently going bonkers about, here is the actual press briefing that the United States Attorney General, William Barr, gave directly before the release of the redacted Mueller Report, which exonerates President Trump and his Presidential Campaign of any wrong-doing during the 2016 Presidential Election. 
Please watch...

And below, I am including my comment on his press conference.  

"Is that REALLY Rod Rosenstein on the lectern, or a cardboard cut-out? He is trying his best to show zero reaction to anything AG Barr is saying.     As for the report, I thought the A.G's synopsis was thorough, informative and straight to the point. Unlike the MSM's claims that Barr was a Trump cheerleader in his remarks, the Attorney General was merely emphasizing [several times] that there was NO COLLUSION by the Trump campaign, and that there was no room for any misunderstanding of those findings. Any claims by the MSM of Presidential favoritism are absolutely unfounded, baseless and mere speculatory hysteria solely to whip up and strengthen further anti-Trump bias as the media chooses to do.  Even though the Mueller Report will do nothing to ease the attacks on President Trump, the Attorney General did his job well in representing the facts, as was his professional demeanor and honesty." Oh, so that you understand...I will believe this United States Attorney General over the hateful opinions coming from the leftist-supporting media. I believe in truth, and NOT in the illegal and unconstitutional efforts [by the Democrats] to oust, via coup, our duly elected President. If you care at all about our Republic, the Constitution and the rule of law, you will feel the same.