Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Another Apology

I must offer an apology to my readers once again. My entries on this blog have been few and far between once again. My only defense is that, it is a reflection of how I have been feeling.

Writing on my other blog is easy when I'm simply giving info. When I have to be more journalistic (as on this blog), then it takes more mental energy than I've been able to muster up from day to day.

Hang in there with me. I've got lots of things rattling around in my head than need discussing; and I'll get to them as I feel up to it. In the mean time, please feel free to send your questions or thoughts (through the 'Comments' link) about current events. I'll answer them either there, or as a blog in and of itself.

Until then, I send my very best to each and every one of you.

Thank You.
