Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Gingrich the Hypocrite

I've been quietly watching this years' presidential political process--not writing any blogs because of how my brain is processing information--and have not, until now, written anything because I've having difficulty writing clear, coherent and legitimate essays. However, after listening to the New Hampshire Primary coverage, I just have to write even if I don't get my thoughts out properly.

My angst comes from Newt Gingrich's recent attacks on fellow candidate Mitt Romney. Slimy Newt is accusing Romney of being "a liar...and being falsely pious" in his self presentation. Plus, Gingrich is further attacking Romney for his comment yesterday about liking to fire people...a quote taken completely out of context that is intended solely to harm Romney's bid for the presidency.

The real clincher here is that this comes from the lips of a man who resigned from Congress in disgrace over unpaid taxes and some 80+ other ethical violations; and who purposely destroyed Congressional bipartisanship in his 'Contract with America;' and who has demonstrated his lack of moral integrity and commitment by cheating on two wives, and is married to the third woman with whom he cheated on wife number two.

And he is calling another candidate a liar, and questioning his integrity? Mitt Romney has never been removed from office, he ran a successful venture capital firm, and has been married to the same woman for 40+ years.  Plus, Romney ran a successful business, transformed a disastrous Salt Lake City Winter Olympics--scandal ridden and financially destitute--into the best run, most profitable Olympic Games ever, and successfully led a vastly majorative Democratic Massachusetts as a Republican Governor.

Damn that Romney. He just lies, and lies and lies. Poor Newt has never done anything but be honest his entire political career, and always takes the high road both personally and politically.

Newt Gingrich can be summed up in a single, glaring word...Hypocrite.