I looks like the Democrats have turned against the very things they claim to oppose: Racism, Bigotry and Hatred.
Why do I say this? Because in the California Gubernatorial Recall Election that is happening now, incumbent Gavin Newsome is up for recall because of his disastrous handling of the pandemic and the crushing effects his authoritarian policies have had on the State economy, education and populace. Plus, his open hypocrisy on numerous issues that are well documented has Californians livid.
So, enter Conservative talk show host Larry Elder, a man born and raised in South Central Los Angeles who has risen above his birth circumstances, became educated and successful in business. Now, Elder wants to be Governor, and the Democrats hate him for it.
From the Washington Examiner, an admittedly Conservative leaning publication, comes the following article regarding the recent attacks on Elder by the Democratic Party who are desperate to keep Newsome (and his disastrously failed policies) in Office.
No matter you political affiliation, the facts that this article present are eye-opening, and should alarm every American, even if you are not from California.
Please read...
Democrats Unleash Bigoted Attack on Larry Elder
(by Christopher Tremoglie)
"The "Sage from South Central" is running for governor of California, and liberal Democrats everywhere are nervous that he could win.
Elder is polling well and could pull off an upset to unseat Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom. So, Democrats are unleashing a plethora of bigoted rhetoric they would otherwise denounce themselves. We have reached the point that Democrats claim that voting for a wealthy, white, male for governor over a black man from South Central is fighting white supremacy. As per usual, Democrats claim a Republican candidate is inferior by focusing on the color of his skin.
It started with the article “Larry Elder is the Black face of white supremacy” in the Los Angeles Times. Then, it continued with the bastion of racial equality Joy Reid maniacally calling Elder, a black man, a white supremacist. On Labor Day, at a rally for Newsom hosted by the African American Voter Registration, Education, and Participation Project, the latest verbal bigoted tirade against Elder occurred. With Newsom in attendance, California state Sen. Sydney Kamlager accused Elder of being racist toward black people.
“Racism comes in all shapes and sizes, and we’re not stupid,” Kamlager said.
Melina Abdullah, a Marxist who is a professor at California State University, Los Angeles, also labeled Elder as a racist.
“She didn’t say his name, but I will: Larry Elder is a black face on white supremacy,” Abdullah said.
Attacks on skin color are what Democrats claim to be against. They claim to hate such racism, yet they very quickly weaponize it when they think it will benefit them. No one should be surprised by these attacks. It is what Democrats routinely did in similar attacks against Candace Owens, Stacey Dash, Republican Sen. Tim Scott, and Justice Clarence Thomas over the years. Blacks are marginalized victims of a white supremacist American society — unless they disagree with the Democrats' ideology. Then, they are considered racists too.
Democrats realize that challenging a candidate’s policy will not work because it often will reveal how their own policies are disastrous failures. So, they resort to attacking candidates based on their skin color. It used to be that this was only done to white politicians. However, Democrats have "progressed" to the point where now African Americans can be white supremacists.
The Democrats that use these tactics are as bigoted, perhaps even more so, than the people they claim to denounce. However, it is the 21st century, and their despicable hypocrisy must be called out. This is no path to racial equality. This is fearmongering. This is pandering. This is everything Democrats claim to be against yet weaponize when they find it convenient.
Democrats claim to strive for racial diversity, yet in reality, such diversity is actually their biggest fear. They oppose differing opinions. They chastise opposing thoughts. They abhor the diversity of thought while clamoring for a diversity of races.
Suffice to say, Larry Elder is not a racist. He is not a white supremacist either. He is a black Republican that is offering solutions to California’s many problems. Advocating school choice, promoting self-reliance and less dependence on government, opposing radical environmentalism, and getting criminals off the street are not the ideas of white supremacists. They’re the ideas of a compassionate person who wants to save his state. If his ideas were so awful, they would be easy to refute. However, the bigoted attacks deployed by Democrats are used to distract from their own failures.
Elder’s solutions help all Californians. His solutions are being offered as a result of the failures of a state with a Democratic governor and a supermajority in the California State Legislature. Elder’s solutions are designed to reverse Democratic policies that have resulted in the state’s first yearly loss in population. His solutions offer remedies for the state’s exodus by companies. His solutions offer strategies to reverse the state’s housing affordability crisis. His platform offers ideas to combat the COVID-19 pandemic without closing schools, lockdowns, and incessant mask-wearing. None of these are ideas predicated on race. They are ideas developed from rational thought and designed to help all Californians.
With less than a week until the California recall election, expect the bigoted attacks against a black candidate to continue. Democrats are petrified at the possibility of Elder becoming the first black governor in California’s history. And as Democrats have shown, this fear has everything to do with the color of his skin."