I've never been one to bend the way of the populist movement. Too much like a sheep following a herd. I prefer to actually use my brain, and to decide on my own whether or not I will do this or that, or if I will choose one thing over the other.
The latest movement in America that we are being told we should do is to "Go Green." Simply put, the politico's and private sector agenda pushers want everyone in the USA to blindly and obediently follow the philosophy that we should all be working hard to reduce our so-called 'Carbon Footprint' which we theoretically leave everywhere we go, and in everything we do. Supposedly, our efforts will, cumulatively, help reduce the harmful greenhouse gases we are told are besetting our planet.
Over the past decade we see story after story about how perilous our atmoshere is becoming--and hence, our safety. The news is regulary filled with stories relating the terrifying consequences to us all should our protective UV sheild [over the earth] fail. The polar ice caps are melting; the ozone layer is disintegrating; forests are dying; weather patterns are becoming unpredictable, etc. We are being fed fear en masse as to our fate should the global warming "predicament" go unchecked.
My point here, is that it seems to me that someone, or some group is pushing us all towards this frenzy of Going Green. Cities across this country are bowing to political pressure to reduce carbon emissions. Some counties are requiring new home building to incorporate reduce carbon off-gassing materials so as to further the cause of Green. Whole communities are being built (or rebuilt) to reflect this trend.
Hollywood actors are constantly pushing this agenda either privately, in interviews, or even as spokespersons for the effort. Media and advertisers immerse us with images and illustrations meant to convince everyone that the "Green Cause" is one we should all be actively concerned about, and working towards.
Study after study is released telling us what a trecherous position our home is in, and that we "must act right now to avert the impending environmental disaster." I have even seen an ad which stated that "you are un-American" if you don't do everything possible to reduce your 'Footprint.' (What the #@&%?!!)
Yet, there is another, viable side of this story; one that is quietly, and very quickly brushed under the proverbial rug; one that doesn't fit the push to "Go Green."
Over the past 5-6 years, there infrequently appear stories that relate a different view; a less doom & gloom outlook. A small (but growing) number of scientists are speaking up with serious doubts regarding the tenuous position of our planet. They are citing individual research (in other words, non-corporate interest, corporate subsidized research) which disputes the bandwagon of Greenies.
[Though I don't have the specific articles] The reasearch comes from several scientific disciplines. First, one scientist who studies oceanic currents has stated many times that the oceans are NOT heating up. The temperatures of the major ocean currents have not varied by more than (I believe) a half degree in the last 40 years. Since the ocean currents produce the weather patterns, this information tells us plainly that the supposed changes in the world-wide weather patterns are NOT happening. Instead, the weather is going through its normal patterns.
Secondly, a few years ago a leading researcher who studies the growth patterns of our forests published findings which state that the health of our trees has not changed in the last two hundred years. He reached this conclusion by studying the tree ring record. This is done by cutting down a tree, and examining the rings; looking for the number, color, and width of the rings, and so on.
What is seen tells a trained scientist about the health of a tree, years of drought, years of healthy rainfall, etc. It's a very complicated science. Anyway, this researcher stated publicly that the weather over the last 20 years is no more severe than in the previous 200. According to the tree ring record, there is no catostrophic weather event that has taken place. The ring evidence shows that the growth patterns are going through a normal cycle. Just like the weather, there are years of abundance, and years of lean [ecologically speaking, of course].
Lastly, I have read several different articles which collectively state that the earth itself puts out nearly as much pollution into our air as man does. How? Forest fires, red tide blooms, volcanic activity, etc. True, the influence man has on the environment is unmistakably obvious; but the overall condition is no solely the fault of industry and cars, etc. The earth has been polluting its air, and scrubbing it clean again for millions of years. Why does anyone think this has changed in the last 20 years?
My question or point to this entire article is who is behind this message of the dire straits the earth is in? Why is this whole green movement or agenda moving forward with such rapidity? Who benefits financially from the sudden fear and paranoia about the environment?
Over the course of history there has always been some mover behind the great changes that have ocurred--Democracy spread by the conquests of Alexander of Macedon; the consolidation of Catholocism by a relative handful of scholars culminating in the Nicean Creed; the exploration and colonization of the New World by greedy, self-serving nations whose two interests were domination and wealth; etc.
I suspect that such motivators are in play regarding the call to save our environment. Corporations are already lined up to provide the goods and services to help us all do our part; our monies doled out thoughtlessly to powers which have no real interest beyond the almighty dollar, but which profess to care about us and our world leading us to give again, and again, and again--all the while increasing the coffers of whatever corporations are the ultimate benefactors of our good will to help the environment.
About six months ago I read a report which stated that for every pound of carbon we save (offset), there are approximately 2-3 pounds of additionally used carbon. In other words, our very efforts to offset the carbon emmissions are doubling or even tripling the problem. Does that make sense to anyone? I guess my infinitely inferior brain just can't grasp the nuances of this environmental "disaster."
For me there are too many questions...too much doubt as to the validity of this whole movement to "Save the Environment." Yes, I care for the environment, and am extremely concerned about the waste we pump into the atmosphere. But when we are told to be a good sheep and follow the leader because it's "the right thing to do," then I must take a step back and examine the how's, why's, where's, and what's of the issue.
I may not be PC for doing so, but I would be remiss if I blindly, sheepishly, and unquestioningly followed the proponents of Going Green.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
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