Thursday, August 27, 2009

A Brief Tribute for Ted

We've lost a great part of America.

An Extraordinary statesman;
A Polarizing figure in Congress;
The Heir to a family political legacy;
A man devastated by the deaths of three older brothers;
Who had a clear, constant vision of the direction this country must take;
A Loving Father and grandfather...

Senator Edward M. Kennedy
22 February 1932 - 25 August 2009

Thank You for your decades of service;
and for all you were forced to sacrifice.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Cheney's Angst & Other Bushie Issues

About a week ago (as a way of generating pre-book publication mouth wagging), former VP DICK Cheney stated that Gee Dubya Bushie got soft on him in the former President's second term. He apparently was giving in to public pressure on issues such as the two wars, the Guantanamo prisoners, etc. DICK felt as if he were alone in making tough decisions.

Awwww. Poor little DICK. He didn't get his way, and now he decides to cry about it. You gotta feel sorry for him....Really...He was so well liked. I mean, his 13% approval rating [at the end of his term] just goes to show that everybody loves DICK.

...And now he actually thinks that someone will listen to his rants about the worst President in our history. Sounds to me more like DICK is crying wolf, and nobody's listening anymore.

-enough about DICK-

As more time passes we are hearing tidit after tidbit about various GEE Dubya Bushie items and the running of his Administration. We already knew about the reports of Bushie's complete disinterest at Cabinet meetings; his NINE vacations a year; his flat out lies about bringing to justice anyone involved in the Valerie Plame CIA name leak case (ummm...if you'll recall the Libby pardon, as well as allowing Karl Rove to flaunt the law and refuse to appear before a Federal Grand Jury, etc); and his pell mell destruction of Natural Resources for the sole benefit of corporate big wigs; among many, many, many other issues.

Now we are hearing that Karl Rove actually endorsed the firing Federal Judges in a blatant trampling of the Separation of Powers. Of course, Rove still denies any knowledge of the issue, and he continues to throw lawyers and legaleze in front of him as a means of insulating himself from the continued investigation of the Federal Grand Jury.
If you ask me, the fact that he refuses the Grand Jury summons tells me he knows far more than he's willing to admit. Maybe he just wants to stay retired on the lecture circuit and make his $115,000 per appearance fee. Or, maybe he just wants to stay out of prison. In either case, Rove continues on with the delusional idea that he is actually above the law.

Next, Bushies beloved creation, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) continues to abuse the very broad definitions of its scope of powers at our nation's ports of entry. Technically, the TSA is supposed to look for weapons, drugs, and and threats coming into the country. Well, they are doing that, and more. Now the TSA is assessing purported odd behaviors of law-abiding citizens leaving the country on business or pleasure trips. Reports of racial profiling are coming to light, as well as unnecessary body searches, detainment without notification, etc.

Congress is really to blame. They allowed GEE Dubya to ramrod a non-specific creation bill through both houses of Congress because of fear. They allowed Bushie to indefinitely extend the provisions of the Patriot Act in 2005 because he made Congress fearful about the security of the United States. Now the TSA is continuing to abuse the letter and spirit of its charter in keeping the United States safe. Where (or when) does it end?

Finally, Today Tom Ridge, former TSA Director stated that the Bushie Administration pressured him to elevate the "Terror Alert Level" prior to the 2004 Presidential Election. True, there was increased chatter and threats against the US, but (from what I've read) nothing out of the ordinary as far as rhetoric and real, assessable threat value. Makes me wonder if the President wanted the Alert Level raised as a way to remind the American public of everything he had done, and that they were safer with him than with another man in the White House. Hmmmm.....

I'm sure we will see even more tidbits come out as time passes. I look forward to reading them.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

NRA Fights a Losing Battle

The National Rifle Association, probably the singularly most powerful Lobby in DC, is finding itself on the losing side of its latest lobby attempts. For the first time in its history, the NRA is seeking to actually influence the outcome of a Senate vote for a Supreme Court Nominee.

The NRA is so powerful it openly dares our lawmakers in Congress to go against their wishes; as if they (the NRA) make policy, not Congress. They can bounce a sitting Rep. or Senator from office [in the next election cycle] if that person votes on a bill contrary to the wishes of the NRA. This is done through their considerable political influence over millions of registered voters. What the NRA says it wants from its members is generally what it gets come election day. The same can be said regarding its influence in Congress in matters of policy it (the NRA) deems vital to the interest of the entire country.

"The NRA derives much of its considerable clout from what has become a kind of mantra on Capitol Hill: Defy the gun lobby on something it cares about and face recriminations at the polls; back it and enjoy a substantial political boost.
It's something of a self-fulfilling prophecy. Lawmakers generally are terrified to test it, and the NRA is politically savvy about which issues it takes on. Its won-loss record adds to its reputation as untouchable."
(msnbc 08/01/09)

With Court nominee Sotomayor, the NRA "came out in opposition to her, calling her "hostile" to the Second Amendment right to bear arms." (msnbc 08/01/09) But it appears this maneauver is going to backfire. Many Senators are seemingly disregarding the objections to Nominee Sotomayor's appointment. They are literally shrugging their collective shoulders and saying, "Well, I've got a good rating [with the NRA] no matter what; so I'll vote however I want to vote."

It will be one of the first times in recent memory that the NRA does not get its way. Then again, wading into the Confirmation of a Supreme Court Nominee is probably not the best move the NRA has ever made. Personally, I think it was a mistake on their part. It's ok (sort of) to influence policy making; it's quite another to get into a fight over the national legal landscape--someplace the NRA really has no place being...and our Congress men/women know it.