Thursday, September 16, 2021

It Makes No Sense!

 The messaging coming out of the White House makes no sense whatsoever!

First off, Biden did NOT have any plan to combat the pandemic. That much was obvious when his pre-election team told reporters that they'd have to wait until after Biden was elected in order to know the plan. And guess what...No Plan!

Then, Biden returns fired Doctor Fauci to the WH Advisory Board. This was always a confusing choice because President Trump fired Fauci for a reason; so why was Biden reinstating him? 

When the vaccine was finally available for mass inoculations, I had to wait and hear the recommendation from my Transplant Team as to whether or not I'd need to take it. After my wife received her vaccine, it was my turn. I had my first injection of the Transplant Team recommended Pfizer vaccine in mid-May. The side effects for me lasted about two weeks, and included fever, specifically centered headaches, fuzzy vision, extreme lethargy and a very poor appetite.

My second dosage was given on 15 June. The worst side effects from this lasted over three weeks, and to this day--three months later, I STILL have one or two side effects that happen every day, and at differing times. They can stop at any time! I am seriously considering NOT getting a booster because of the severity of the side effects, as well as the lingering of them, too. Because frankly, this is ridiculous.

Anyhow, as a transplant patient, I had no choice but to get the vaccine (as well as my entire family), because if I get the Wuhan Virus, it will kill me because of my repressed immune system that is inherent with any transplant.

Had I been healthy, there is no way I would get the vaccine because my natural immune system was incredible. I got a cold about every three years, and the flu about every twelve years. A lifetime of exercise--up until my kidney issues--certainly bolstered my immunity to many things.

So, on to the point of this blog entry.

At first were were encouraged to hunker down in place for two weeks in order to "Slow the Spread, or Flatten the Curve." That made sense.

Then we were told to wear masks in public, and to social distance. For me this was no big deal as I have essentially been doing this ever since my transplant in 2017. For everyone else, it was a pain in the butt.   Unfortunately, excepting the continued CDC droning messages, we would later find out that neither masking nor social distancing were at all effective methods of protecting ourselves.

During the Presidential Election cycle, every Democrat politician stated that no one could make you take a vaccine if you chose not to. But once Biden was Inaugurated, these same politicians began telling US citizens that they needed to take the vaccine; and are now demanding that all Americans get it.

Next, we find out that the Wuhan Virus--its proper name since that is where it originated--was likely a manufactured virus, which means that nothing is certain as manufactured viruses have a tendency to not follow the natural progression of mutations. Additionally, we just found out that, despite his numerous and incensed vehement denials in front of Congress, Dr. Fauci DID IN FACT help fund the research that developed this virus.

Next, the MSM began labeling Americans who did not want the vaccine as terrorists, hateful, anti-science, anti-life, selfish, blah, blah, blah. 

Soon after, our Democrat politicians began using the same terms for those who choose not to inject themselves with the vaccine. They pressured schools, cities, parks and other entities to separate students and people between vaccinated and unvaccinated. Social media vitriol became hateful and tense against the unvaccinated, and remains so to this day.

Then, the White House admitted that, while trying to force the vaccine on Americans, it is releasing the hordes of illegal aliens storming across our Southern border without being sure they are tested or vaccinated...and without explanation of any sort!

Now, President Biden is attempting to force companies with 100+ employees to require vaccinations, or force employees to do at least one weekly virus testing. Plus, now we are being told that we must continue to social distance--despite the actual science--and wear masks to protect the vaccinated from the unvaccinated.

Did you catch that?

Those of us who are vaccinated must wear a mask to protect us from those who are not!  


That makes no sense whatsoever!!!

If we have taken the vaccine, then we are immune from the most serious effects of the Wuhan Virus. WHY should we still need protection from the unvaccinated? How could we possibly still be in danger from a virus that we now have immunity against?

Again, this makes no sense whatsoever!

This has all the appearances of an exercise in control, with our "leaders" in DC being unaccountable for their illegal, unethical mandates and actions.

I don't know how many different news sources you personally utilize, but, thanks to the internet, I gather information from news sources across the globe in order to get the best picture of events, issues and other things of great import.        

I've read and heard numerous reports that China is pressuring governments across the globe to use the pandemic as a human petrie dish, of sorts, in order to conduct a massive experiment of human control in order to create a possible single entity of government that is controlled by China, which will also replace the US Dollar as the predominant world wide business currency. This pressure comes from the fact that China has bought much of the world-wide government debt (the US included), and uses the threat of immediate demanded repayment, AND international trade pressure, to help them in their quest to dominate the world.

Now, I'm not saying that this is all fact; but when enough free sources corroborate the same basic information, you know there is at least some credibility to the allegations. How much of it is in fact credible, I don't know. But it is no secret that Chinese Premier Xi is hell-bent on world domination, and he needs Western Powers, and especially the United States, to get out of his way.

We also know that President Biden is morally and ethically compromised via his pay-for-play scheme that is enacted by his son, Hunter. We also know that Biden has personally met with high-ranking Chinese officials before he was elected President.

We know that, despite the MSM and Democrat claims, there are still serious questions regarding the 2020 Election. When Biden stated, "We have the largest election fraud organization in history" during the campaign, his staffers quickly put out a press releasing stating that Biden simply misspoke. However, knowing Biden's serious cognitive decline, you have to wonder if this was indeed a mere misstatement, or the truth leaking out during a lapse of cognitive control.

I am not a conspiracy nut by any stretch. I am simply trying to connect the dots. And I freely admit that I may be way, way off base. But the patterns that we see in hindsight, as well as those that are emerging raise serious questions that are not being answered because the MSM and Big Tech are working hard to suppress truth and free speech.

Again, WHY would we be required to continue to wear masks if we are vaccinated? How could the unvaccinated possible be a danger to the rest of us?

And please don't say, "The Delta variant," because every disease has mutations that might or might not be controlled. That does not mean that we live in fear. We can live cautiously...but not in fear. 

Unfortunately, the President, Democratic politicians, the MSM and Big Tech all seem intent on keeping us afraid. 


Let's hope we figure that out before the United States is set on an irreversible course towards self-destruction.