Thursday, March 12, 2009

Out of Touch?

$174,000. That is what each of our Congressional Delegates are now paid every year. This year's cost of living increase was $4,700, a roughly 02.76% increase.

Let's see, last year I took a roughly 33% pay CUT just to stay employed. This also came hand in hand with increased hours, and a dramatic increase in physical effort each day on the job as labor costs also took a huge hit.

Right now, approximately 8.1% of working Americans are unemployed; and that number is growing with each passing day. Millions of households are in financial crisis, adults and children are going hungry, and Congress takes ANOTHER raise.


As time goes on, it is increasingly evident that our Leaders in DC are seriously out of touch with the citizens they claim to represent. Republican or Democrat, or Independent; it doesn't matter. These men and women are seemingly turning a blind eye to the realities of the "average" American household.

In my blog entitled "Who Will Feed America's Hungry?" I alluded that while billion dollar aid packages are being sent overseas, our Congress ignores the rampant hunger problem here in the US. This same problem has since been amplified many-fold as our national (and world) economy sinks to depths nearing depression-level weakness.

Amidst the terrible financial crisis gripping this country, our elected Representatives and Senators take a $4,700 pay raise, and now must try and get by on a mere $174,000.

I don't know about any of you reading this blog, but I'd love to see my Congressmen and women live for a year on what I'm currently making. Maybe then they'll realize that feeding their family, paying their bills, and living without health insurance on a fraction of what they make is more common than they currently think, and is a real and wide-spread problem that must be addressed.

Somehow, I truly doubt that many of our officials really care much about the difficulties many, many American households are having just to live at a subsistance level, let alone being able to move forward.

$174,000. Must be tough to subsist on that.