Friday, August 23, 2013

Baseball Mediocrity Rewarded

A report surfaced yesterday out of Seattle that the Mariners Execs had extended the contract of GM Jack Zduriencik as his initial five year contract is set to expire at the end of the current season.

JackZ--as he's known to Mariner fans--inherited a franchise in disarray following a GM who basically destroyed the club from the inside out. JackZ promised to build the Mariners into a World Series team; but espoused patience in the process. After an initial break even season, the Mariners have had three successive campaigns of sub-500 ball; and this season is headed for a fourth straight losing season. Yes, some things have improved; but other things have not. Bad Free Agent signings, unequal trade results, and poor on-field play have all been recurring issues for the GM.

When CBS News reported the [JackZ] signing, I responded with the following brief, but incredibly valid observation...

If true, then the M's Upper Mgmt. should be awfully proud that JackZ built a sub-500 team from the ground up. Mediocrity as a measure of success...this could rewrite the book on underachieving!

I've said it before, and I'll keep saying it...I'm a lifelong Mariners fan; have been since their inaugural season. But aside from the Lou Pinella years, Seattle really IS the greatest farm team in the Major Leagues! And with yet another sub-500 season well under way, I really don't see this changing anytime soon. Go sub-Mariners!

In the hours since I commented, not a single respondent alluded to, attacked, negated or assailed my observation. Once again, it seems I have a point.