Sunday, July 13, 2008

An Introduction

Hello out there.
I created this blog as an outlet to the incredibley ludicrous things I see going on around me on a local, regional, national, and worldwide basis that just don't seem to make sense.
These will be subjects that may or may not matter to you, but are nonetheless important to everyone in that even the little things can affect us all.
I am a male, age 45, college educated, and pay close attention to the events that are happening all over whether it is local, or on a world stage. The things I write will seek to establish truth of the matter, with the occasional personal viewpoint. Whether you [the reader] agree with me or not, the points I make will still be valid, and should be a reason to pause and think about so that somehow, somewhere, things might start to change for the better, and our world a little less idiotic.
Now, I know that some of you reading this blog will say that my knowledge on a particular subject is lacking; well, that's fine. I don't claim to be an absolute authority on anything. I am simply pointing out things which are foolish, stupid, or otherwise don't make sense.
I will never try to convince anyone on my points of view. You choose to believe what you want. Again, I am merely stating what I see as the idiocies that surround us all.