Wednesday, September 26, 2012

80 MPH on Utah Freeways?

There has been a recent push to increase the speeds on Utah's rural freeway system to 80 mph. The responses were a predictable Yes! with various reasoning as to why the respondents thought so.
Here is my response:

"It is amazing the justifications people use to exceed the speed limits on ALL roads here in Utah.
I was trained as a driver in another state and follow the laws as best I can whenever (and wherever) I drive; often resulting in other drivers honking, zooming by me, or pulling unsafe, boneheaded maneuvers all around me. As a former paramedic I have seen the results of speeding on the human body; and what I have seen and worked on would make most people vomit.

In Utah the State Patrol rarely pulls anyone over for speeding because they are too busy breaking the posted speed limit themselves. I have written the Governor and my Reps asking for better State Patrol funding to combat the horrific driving habits in Utah; only to have my inquiries met with silence.

Fact--The faster you go the less margin of error you have; the greater the stopping distance required. Higher speed equals greater trauma in any accident due to the excessive kinetic forces at work.
But, I suppose this too will fall on deaf ears as Utah drivers are too busy speeding (to wherever) to actually consider the issue with any thoughtful deliberation."

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