Monday, October 11, 2021

President John F Kennedy WARNING us all TODAY!

A warning from the past that is all too evidently happening today with the unconstitutional edicts of the Biden Administration, and its role in the blossoming subversion of the United States from the Democrat Party itself. 

'Comply, or else'; "It's for your safety!" and other such edicts or proclamations come only from tyrants and despots, and are wholly incompatible with liberty and freedom!
Just look around, pay attention, open your eyes to the internal destruction we are witnessing, the censorship, the purposeful division of our citizenry, the blatant attacks on the Bill of Rights, A President all too willing to ignore our immigration laws in favor of a tidal wave of illegal aliens storming our Southern border, attacks on the Supreme Court, the raging war against religion--specifically, Christianity,  and so much more that has happened since Biden took Office just ten months ago.

Just pay attention, question what we are told, and ask yourself if this is liberty and freedom, or something infinitely terrible that is happening from our "leaders" in Washington, D.C..

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