Wednesday, June 4, 2014

A Letter to My Congressional Reps

Following this week's story about the prisoner swap with the Taliban--our enemy--there is a growing uproar that President Obama overstepped his power and authority in making a deal with the Taliban, exchanging five of their Commanders, for one US soldier--and a deserter at that!

I decided this evening to write a letter to my Congressional Representatives (2 Senators and 1 Rep) on the subject of calling for Impeachment and Removal of President Obama for abuse of power and trampling the Constitution. Here's my letter:

"When is Congress going to get off their partisan butts and demand accountability from the President for his abuse of power and blatant attacks on the Constitution?

Benghazi, the hunt for Edward Snowden, the NSA Scandal, pushing immigration reform at the expense of the American people--his bosses!, failing to enforce law (particulary, DOMA) in favor of a personal agenda, openly declaring his "right" to create law and make decisions that bypass Congress, and now, the whole Prisoner swap debacle that is, at it's core, a dereliction of duty by the President for rearming an enemy with personnel while we are still engaged in a conflict with said enemy.

The Presidents seems to think he can do whatever he wants, rather than being constrained by the Balance of Power system that protects this country from a dictator. If anything is inconvenient, the President just brushes it aside and moves unilaterally to do whatever he chooses, while the voice of the people is ignored. This is not right and has gone on long enough! Time for Congress to put a stop to the man who seems to think he is a King, instead of a President.

PLEASE, do whatever must be done to stop Mr. Obama from further damaging the Office of the President of the United States. Congress was established for a reason, and the President obviously thinks it is a meaningless body that is powerless to stop his march to whatever end his agenda dictates. Please stand up and say, "Enough!"

Impeach and Remove this President!"

If you feel President Obama's actions are abusive of his office and the Constitution, PLEASE take a minute to write YOUR Senators and Representative in Congress and demand that they take action to preserve this country!

If you stand by and do nothing, so will Congress. Write, call, email...just get involved and help protect the United States from further damage this President will cause all of us.

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