Saturday, May 14, 2011

Letter to Congressmen

The current budget debate on Capitol Hill concerns me closely.

Part of the discussion taking place involves the funding/defunding of Medicare and Social security. Normally, I would not be interested in these two portions of the budgetary discussion. However, in light of my health and the future involvement of both Medicare and Social Security, I felt it was imperative that I make my position/concerns known to my *Senators.
My letter:

Senator      ,
I am writing due to my personal interest in the ongoing health care/Medicare/SS debate. In Sept 2009 I was diagnosed with late Stage 4 Polycystic Kidney Disease. In the time since, I have entered End stage, and now await the final drop in kidney function to begin dialysis, get placed on the national transplant list, and await life-saving kidney transplantation.
The ongoing Congressional budget debate concerns me greatly as my very future is tied up in the programs currently under budgetary review. I have no insurance, and until I start dialysis, I am accumulating bills that I cannot pay. Being on dialysis will allow me to receive Medicare benefits and will pay a majority of the costs to maintain my life. Once an organ becomes available, Medicare will pick up the costs of the transplant, as well as the required anti-rejection meds for three full years.
However, should the Medicare program be defunded, my personal ability to receive dialysis (let alone a transplant) is in serious jeopardy. Additionally, I am currently going through the process to receive early SS benefits as I am unable to work due to the nature and advancement of the kidney disease, and would remain on this until such time as I am able to work at a job.
I am not alone in the need for these programs to remain intact and fully funded. This issue concerns millions of Americans in every constituency across the country.  While many are concerned and only await the outcome, I am taking the time to write and plead for the programs currently threatened by budget cuts (Medicare, Social Security, and Health care in general) to remain a part of upcoming budgets, funded as is needed by the people that are depending on these programs for their health and well-being.
I fully realize that the country is in a financial crisis. There are no easy answers, and there exist numerous departments and programs that also desperately need proper funding.  But the monies available are also finite, and burdensome to a majority of the taxpayers. I can only suggest that we were once, not so long ago, well on our way to a balanced national budget. We did it before, and this country can do it again with Education, Medicare, Social Security and Infrastructure budgets remaining intact. Let that goal be the driving force towards the financial prosperity this country needs. Let the resiliency, innovation and determination of the American people return the United States to a prominent place amongst the world’s leaders of economic, educational and industrial standings. To that end, stand up and lead us, the people, towards that goal.
In the meantime, I plead once again that the programs that I desperately need remain funded and available; not only for me, but for millions of other Americans who have no other recourse to turn to.
Thank You for your time, and for your consideration on this matter.

As with every letter I write to both the Utah Senators, I do not expect a response. These men are incredibly busy with their innumerable daily responsibilities. But thus far, I have received a personal response to every letter written.

As I've stated before, writing may not make a huge difference; but if millions write and make their views known then change will occur by the sheer force of the will of the people. So please, if this issue concerns you, then write, call or email your Senator a/o House rep. Speak up and let them know your opinion on this and any other subject which concerns you!

*I'd write my House rep; but every time I do he, without fail, returns obvious party rhetoric rather than addressing any concerns I might have. Not once have I received a reply from Rep. Jason Chaffetz that had anything even remotely resembling an answer to my correspondence. He seems to care more about pleasing his party masters than for the concerns of his constituency. Hence, my decision to exclude him from this particular correspondence.

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