Wednesday, April 27, 2011

TSA's Body Language Profiling

Today, a story emerged that the TSA (our beloved Homeland security Agency) is conducting visual profiling of passengers waiting in the lines of our nation's airports. They are looking for "suspicious behaviors," whatever that is supposed to encompass. I'm sure this new security measure is in other public places as the TSA is so eager to assure the security of American everywhere! (OK, that last sentence was rife with sarcasm; but you get my point.)

I replied on a couple of boards to the various comments those focused solely on how safe we have become because the TSA is a great entity that "benefits all Americans," as one respondent wrote.

The following are my two comments...

"We are witnessing the evolution of a police state right here in the USA; and no one is raising any alarms that our civil rights are being tossed aside in favor of so-called "security measures" that supposedly stop terrorists. Yeah, right. Groping the elderly, children and the handicapped (and everyone else) in the name of security really makes sense. Now, every person that travels via airplanes has to check their body language for fear they'll be singled out? This is asinine!

Every civil rights group in this country should be fighting the TSA and their advocates. Instead, it seems like everyone is rolling over and allowing the blatant abuses of our Constitutionally guaranteed rights. We, as a nation, are literally falling off the proverbial slippery slope."

"Every time the TSA institutes a new "security measure," terrorists who seek the destruction of the United States are one step closer to achieving their agendas. After all, these groups use terror in order to make everyone afraid. Their goal is to bring about the changes they want by cowing governments and citizenry into a stance of fear.

Historically, terrorism as a political movement, has never achieved so much as it has since 9/11 and Gee Dubya Bushie's establishment of the very Nazi sounding, Homeland Security Agency.

Right now, the TSA has instilled that same fear into nearly a majority of US citizens by instituting their so-called "security measures" and telling us we'll all safer now than before these things were in place. Cameras are everywhere; profiling is in high gear; Americans are patted down and assumed to be criminals without a shred of proof; personal belongings are searched without warrant at every airport in the country, etc, etc, etc.

Yeah...we're safer...right...and the terrorist organizations are closer to winning every day without doing anything that would be considered a terrorist act."

**My last comment was posted thirty minutes ago, and I have yet to have anyone disagree with or refute my comments.**

Please, if you're alarmed by the thing the TSA is doing, then write to your elected officials in DC and tell them of your displeasure with the TSA and its policies. I write to my Senator and House rep at least four times a year on this one matter alone. Remember, these folks in every level of government work for US! It is therefore up to each of US to speak out and make our voices heard in order to bring about the positive changes that will 'right the ship,' so to say.

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