Wednesday, November 24, 2010
The Republican Party: Liars, Hypocrites & Jack Asses
"What a bunch of hypocrites.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
No START Treaty?--My Response
The Republican leaders are claiming that the lame-duck session (around the upcoming holidays) doesn't have enough time to sort out the terms of the treaty. In reality, this is just a taste of the political grandstanding that will occur when the Republican party controls the US House of Representatives in late January [following the recent mid-term elections].
Congress has had the terms of the START Treaty for more than eight months and has failed to even address the issue with any urgency. Now, they are using it against the President in order to gain political power throughout DC ahead of the shift in power within the House.)
"Just another pathetic display by the Republicans to show voters that THEY are now in control--again. A party of Jackasses--at least they got the party logo spot on!
So long as the new policy Republican party further widens the political ideology gap away from Democrats (and even the Moderates, too!), Congressional lawmaking will grind to a complete halt, and national policies and programs will all suffer for the cry-baby tantrum these whiners and demagogues are throwing.
What an embarrassment our democracy has become to the world. Party fighting and in-fighting is raging out of control; the uncooperative air in Congress is beyond anything this country has ever witnessed; and it seems that the sole purpose of the Republican party is to attack the President and destroy any hope of bipartisan cooperation that might help the country to move forward.
'To hell with the country, so long as we (the Republicans) are in power! We'll crucify the President, severely damage our tender relations with Russia by NOT passing the START treaty, undo everything the President has implemented, destroy the environment, plunder every natural resource available, allow the destruction of aquifers that are inconveniently near natural gas deposits, and decimate the hopes of 56 MILLION Americans for getting any sort of health coverage! Beyond that, we really don't have a plan; we just want to destroy the credibility of our President, and decimate his effectiveness simply because he's (gasp!)...... a Democrat.'
If you really paid attention to the just concluded election process, that pretty much sums up the goals of the Hee-Haw party. If you don't see it, then you either don't want to, or are completely blind to the hateful, divisive party rhetoric they've been spewing now for the last 14+ years.
Yeah...great plan....Jackasses.
(And by the way--for all you naysayers, I'm a registered Independent, and have always voted for whomever I believe is best suited for office. My ballots reflect votes for Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, etc. I do not favor one party over the other.)"
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Local Congressional Rep Critisizes Federal Wage Earnings
"Typical comment from Chaffetz--What a putz.
He's spewing the latest Republican party rhetoric because they'll have control of the House in late January, and are posturing their 'cock of the walk' (in this case, the House vs. the President) stance well ahead of controlling the House to tell everyone that the Republicans are gonna make things better...well, at least that's their "Do as I say, not as I do" campaign smoke screen.
Chaffetz is a terrible Representative of his District--and yes, I made my vote accordingly on election day--and doesn't have an original political thought in his head. He constantly bows to his Republican masters rather than doing what his constituency wants. That's certainly no way to make a difference; it only further widens the political chasm that divides our Congress.
Former President Jimmy Carter was absolutely correct when he recently stated that the current political landscape in the US is an embarrassment to the rest of the democratic world.
So long as the political parties remain divisive on all issues, nothing positive and forward-thinking will be accomplished in DC."
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
A Very Personal Note
His death was not unexpected due to having contracted prostate cancer, as well as being burdened with advanced Alzheimer's disease.
Jerome Beryl W, a 3rd generation Swedish American; Born 05 Aug. 1932 in Bertha, Minnesota.
He was a great father; my hiking companion; my friend. He taught me responsibility, thrift, an indomitable work ethic, strength of purpose, photography, and a great love of the outdoors.
He also taught me that nothing is impossible so long as you believe, pursue, and effort your very best at all times.
He was a father of six, a grandfather of eleven, and a great grandfather of eight.
He now joins my mother who herself died on 14 Feb. 2001.
05 Aug. 1932 - 03 Nov. 2010 (Age 78)
Saying exactly what they need in order to get elected, the Jack Ass party pulls the ol' snake charmer's move at their earliest opportunity, and screws a gullible public out of $200M...again.
They continue to show the country that Republican campaign promises are nothing more than illusions and ruses utilized to swell public sentiment into a tide for change that, in reality, is nothing more than a continued ebb and flow of greed, deceit, power grabbing and lies that only strengthen a supposedly dead spoils system that is stronger than at any point in history.
Liars...Jack Asses.
And the voters of the United States can only blame themselves for the continuing degradation of of the political landscape because the voters continue to fall under the spell of these snake charmers who openly parade as true champions of the will if the people; yet who, over the course of the last 16 years, show time and again their true colors as the master public manipulators they truly are.
"Elect meeee. I'm a Republican. I care about you. I'll crush those sinful democratsss and lead thisss country to greatnessss. Elect meeee...blah, blah, blah..."
Until the voters wake up and refuse the charms of the Republican party, nothing in Congress will change for the better, and the widening chasm of political ideology will grow ever further away from the middle.
In the meantime, earmarks will drain the Treasury and the relentless Republican propaganda attacks will continue unabated; Corporations will gain ever-increasing control of Congress [and other positions of political power], and the HeeHaw party will relentlessly blame all the woes of our once great country on the Democratic party; thereby hypocritizing themselves even further.
What a bunch of Liars and Jack Asses."