Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Local Congressional Rep Critisizes Federal Wage Earnings

(I made the following comment in my local newspaper after reading an article in which our House Representative, Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah), criticized the average pay rates of Federal employees. In his remarks, Chaffetz falls well short of saying that he himself (and his fellow Congressmen/women) makes too much money--currently at $174,000+.)

"Typical comment from Chaffetz--What a putz.

He's spewing the latest Republican party rhetoric because they'll have control of the House in late January, and are posturing their 'cock of the walk' (in this case, the House vs. the President) stance well ahead of controlling the House to tell everyone that the Republicans are gonna make things better...well, at least that's their "Do as I say, not as I do" campaign smoke screen.

Chaffetz is a terrible Representative of his District--and yes, I made my vote accordingly on election day--and doesn't have an original political thought in his head. He constantly bows to his Republican masters rather than doing what his constituency wants. That's certainly no way to make a difference; it only further widens the political chasm that divides our Congress.

Former President Jimmy Carter was absolutely correct when he recently stated that the current political landscape in the US is an embarrassment to the rest of the democratic world.

So long as the political parties remain divisive on all issues, nothing positive and forward-thinking will be accomplished in DC."

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