From Government Watchdog Judicial Watch comes disturbing, disgusting and flat out racist teachings happening in Massachusetts schools; and possibly in YOUR State, as well.
Parents, please educate yourselves about this horrifically dangerous, divisive and racist garbage being foisted on our children around the Country; and especially in Democrat-controlled States! Often, the Governors of the Democrat States ordered this institutional racism by Executive Actions, with no public input or even Legislative debate from their individual States!
The way you fight this un-American, un-Constitutional horror show is by fighting back at the community level. Go to School Board Meetings and express your concerns about Critical Race Theory; organize community opposition; write a/o call your elected State and National Representatives/Senators and DEMAND that CRT is removed from our schools, and kept away from our children! If you live where CRT is being discussed for adoption in your schools, speak up, speak out and work to keep CRT away from your schools!
Anyhow, please read this disturbing, eye-opening hatred being taught to young, impressionable minds across the Country. Thank you!
*If you want to learn more, go to Judicial
"One by one, school districts across the country are being overcome by a racist madness, and we are doing everything we can to expose this leftist totalitarian assault on children and teachers. The latest horror story occurs in Massachusetts.
We received 111 pages of records from Wellesley Public Schools in Massachusetts which confirm the use of “affinity spaces” that divide students and staff based on race as a priority and objective of the school district’s “diversity, equity and inclusion” plan. The school district also admitted that between September 1, 2020 and May 17, 2021, it created “five distinct” segregated spaces.
We obtained the records after filing a May 17 Massachusetts Public Records Law request for records concerning the number of affinity spaces, the policies regarding their creation and use, the topics discussed, and any analysis of whether affinity spaces that exclude certain races are consistent with state and federal law, which would include the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, the MA Equal Rights Amendment and/or the MA School Attendance Law.
The Wellesley Public School records include a document detailing the school district’s “Equity Strategic Plan 2020-2025,” which includes a “District Equity by Design” plan with the stated goal of amplifying student voices by providing “opportunities for affinity spaces for students with shared identity.”
In a section of the document titled “Diversity Staffing,” a stated goal is to “Provide resources for affinity spaces for specialized populations within the wider Faculty/Staff (ie. ALANA, Admin Leaders of Color, LGBTQ+, White Educators for Antiracism, etc.)”
Wellesley Public Schools states in its plan for “Diversity, Equity & Inclusion:” “We will practice risk-taking and challenge one another to continuously examine systems of privilege and bias, and work collectively to disrupt and dismantle inequity in all its forms.”
In an email on March 18 to Director of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Charmie R. Curry, the day of the so-called “healing space,” a Wellesley High School fitness & health teacher writes: “I wanted to check first, is it appropriate for me to go to this healing space?” Curry responds: “This time, we want to hold the space for Asian and Asian American students and faculty/staff. I hope this makes sense.”
In an April 12 email to school district colleagues, Curry notes that “Equity Literacy” is required coursework in the district. Curry writes: “There is still plenty of time to enroll in the two required courses – ‘Understanding Equity and Inequity’ and ‘Learning to Be a Threat to Inequity.’ These courses, with a keen focus on helping us to build/sharpen our structural ideological lenses, are essential to our ability to address inequities in our community. Our students who are being impacted by inequities such as racism, homophobia, ableism, etc. need to be equipped to respond today to their needs in order to positively impact their experiences.”
In addition, the school district admitted that it does not have any records analyzing whether such segregated spaces violate the U.S. Constitution, the Massachusetts Constitution or any other law.
These documents confirm how Wellesley Public Schools segregated students and staff by race in pursuit of extremist critical race theory agenda.
Wellesley marks the latest battle in our fight to expose the hard-left “Critical Race Theory” agenda being pushed nationwide.
In May, we obtained records from Maryland’s Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) which include documents related to their “Anti-racist system audit” and critical race theory classes.
The documents reveal that students of “Maryland’s Largest School District” who attended Thomas Pyle Middle School’s social justice class were taught that the phrase “Make America Great Again” was an example of “covert white supremacy.” The phrase is ranked on a pyramid just below “lynching,” “hate crimes,” “the N-word” and “racial slurs.” They were also taught that “white privilege” means being favored by school authorities and having a positive relationship with the police.
The documents show that Montgomery County Public Schools allocated over $454,000 for an “Anti-racist system audit” by The Mid-Atlantic Equity Consortium, a company that claims that their “expertise in using intersectionality as part of its theory of change makes us uniquely positioned to conduct the Anti-Racist Audit and mitigate the root causes of systemic barriers.”
In February, we filed a federal lawsuit on behalf of David Flynn, the father of two Dedham Public School students, who was removed from his position as head football coach after exercising his right as a citizen to raise concerns about his daughter’s seventh-grade history class curriculum being changed to include biased coursework on politics, race, gender equality, and diversity. You can watch our video presentation on the Flynn case here.
This is work is significant but more is coming. Our children are under assault. Our military is being targeted. Our tax dollars are being abused and our rights are being attacked as the left pursues their radical agenda. Judicial Watch has been exposing and litigating over critical race theory and its progenitors for years – and our efforts will expand, with your support, to meet the increased threats to our Republic."
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