Thursday, May 20, 2021

Racism is Racism, Even If It IS Woke and Progressive

 From the Washington Examiner comes a terrific opinion piece that examines Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoots' recent exclamation that from now on, she would only be interviewed one on one by non-white reporters. On other sites I have correctly labeled this as blatant racism. This opinion piece fleshes out my exact thoughts on this woke, progressive matter that does nothing but harm to our Country, our communities and ultimately, to ourselves. Please read...

(By Zachary Faria) 

"Progressive" Racism Is Still Racism, and It Should 

Not Be Tolerated or Shrugged Off"

"Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot's latest decision is racist. There is no other way to describe it. And “progressive” racism like that must be stamped out the same as any other strain.

Lightfoot has decided she will discriminate against reporters based on skin color, only offering one-on-one interviews to nonwhite reporters. Her justification is that Chicago media outlets are too white, and so “in order to progress, we must change.”

But this isn’t progress. Racism will never be progress. And there is no other way to describe Lightfoot’s decision than that it is explicitly racist. It doesn’t matter what kind of woke nonsense about “equity” you try to qualify this decision with. It is racism by any definition, boiling down the entire life and career accomplishments of every member of the Chicago media to their level of melanin.

What’s more, is that this performative woke racism is designed to earn her progressive praise and drown out coverage of her abysmal leadership in the Windy City. There have been 225 homicides in Chicago so far this year, according to the Chicago Sun-Times. In just 139 days, 225 people have been killed on Lightfoot’s watch. The Chicago Tribune puts that number at 227 while noting that Chicago is 36 homicides ahead of its 2020 pace.

While Lightfoot determines who is too white for her to talk to, the Sun-Times list of homicide victims lists 185 black victims, along with 23 Hispanics. The Chicago Tribune tracker states that 596 black people have been killed in Chicago in the last 365 days, along with 66 Hispanic victims.

Lightfoot is a perfect representative of progressive racism. Pretend you care about equity by making a flashy show of discrimination while ignoring real issues in the communities for which you claim to be fighting.

Just because this kind of racism has become mainstream among progressives and leaders of the Democratic Party does not mean it should be shrugged off. It is still grotesque and anti-American and always will be. It is used not to achieve “equity” but to fuel hatred and division. This racial obsession views everyone as unthinking drones, products of one's racial group and little else. It’s a primitive idea that has no place in a civilized society.

Lightfoot’s racism should be called what it is. She should be made to answer for it. And then she should be asked why it is that she is focused on the skin color of journalists while black and other nonwhite residents are being gunned down in record numbers in the streets of Chicago, under her watch."

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