Thursday, November 19, 2020

2020 Election--Dominion Voting Systems Under Scrutiny for Security


Whether you are Democrat, Republican, Liberal or Independent, this years' Presidential election is fraught with obvious and blatant voter fraud in numerous States. While the MSM  insist the Joe Biden won the election, they completely ignore the voter ballot manipulation that continues to grow bigger and bigger in its scope. 

The election fix by the DNC, Barak Obama, George Soros, Hillary Clinton and many other high profile Democrats is now out in the open, even though the MSM refuses to acknowledge it, and actively seeks to sweep everything under the proverbial rug.

No matter what side you are on, if you love the United States, you need to voice your concerns about the security of your vote! Call your Representatives and Senators! Become active in seeking election security! If you allow the Democrats to literally steal this election away from the American people, then you yourself become complicit in the destruction of our democracy; and what happens to this Country after that is partially your fault.
So speak up, and speak out!

You do not have to like President Trump, or hope that he wins this election...

But you DO have to stand up for our Republic, our Democratic form of government and for the United States Constitution and ALL of your freedoms!

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