Saturday, July 11, 2020

SERIOUSLY?! Tucker: Team Biden releases its plan for America

The Joe Biden Campaign team (NOT Joe Biden!) released ITS vision for the United States if Hapless Joe actually get elected President.

What it contains is downright frightening!

This list was put together by a team of radical liberals who seemingly want nothing more than to destroy the United States.

From an Independent voters' standpoint, if you, either Democratic, Independent or Republican voters cast your ballot for Joe Biden in the upcoming Presidential election, then you are quite literally voting for the Country that you know and enjoy; the Country that has given you every opportunity; the Country that most of you have proudly called your home; you would be voting for its destruction, and for the eventual implementation of a socialist caste system that would sooner see you in poverty than thrive. And why do I say that last part about a caste system? Because THAT is the end goal of these socialist liberals.

If you see this video and still like Biden, then you are agreeing with such a future.

You may not care for our President, but despite all of the Mainstream Media hatred of Donald Trump, he is actually getting a lot just never read about it, or see it on CNN, MSNBC, etc because of their blatant bias against the President.

For example, his speech at Mt Rushmore. The MSM labeled the speech "divisive, racist, hateful" and other such words. 
However, if you actually read the speech, it is nothing but unifying, inclusive and patriotic. He touches only briefly on the leftist mobs rampaging around the Country, and those comments are spot on. Other than that, the speech was only positive and forward-looking for the United States.
In my opinion, it was perhaps his best speech of his tenure, and should be read by every is THAT good!

So Democrats, Independents and Republicans...remember this video when you go to the polls to cast your vote for our future! 

(If you want fair and unbiased reporting on the President, look to One America News Network and The Epoch Times. They have no political agenda; just fair, balanced and truthful reporting.)

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