Wednesday, November 9, 2016

The Newly Elected President of the United States

Wednesday, 09 November, 2016.

The latest U.S. General Election is finally over. All those months of political bickering and grandstanding are finished. All the lies coming out of Hillary Clinton's mouth are silenced...for now. All the mud smearing television ads are suddenly off the air. America can finally get back to what's most important...
...our families and day to day living.

In the end, the President-Elect turned out to be Donald Trump, the businessman with zero political experience candidate who was unbelievably elected by voters who are sick and tired of the lala land so many D.C. politicians live in that they no longer seem to represent "the people," instead serving up their best legislative efforts for Special Interests, Big Business and just about everything else that works against the best interest of the American people.

As for Hillary Clinton, her loss came at her own hands. All the lies, scandals, selective memory lapses, attacking the Constitution and Bill of Rights, serious healthy questions and so much more; these all came back to haunt the former First Lady, denying her the chance to become the first woman elected as President. In the end, she has innumerable character flaws that voters just could not ignore. While Trump may not have been a good alternative to Clinton, the issues broiling around the Democratic nominee were just too questionable to pass off as the rumors or innuendo of political activists intent of destroying "Killary," as she is called in various political videos produced to deny her the presidency.

In Congress, the Republican party is enjoying dominating both Houses for the first time in years. Along with a Republican in the White House, it will be quite interesting to see the cooperation between the two on partisan legislation and possibly getting this country back on the right track following the disastrous eight years of King Obama's reign.
While the Republican Majority in both the House of Representatives and the Senate may not be a huge number, the fact that a single Party controls Congress is great for the American people who have seen nothing but bipartisan bickering on every issue since Obama was first elected.

This election cycle will also have a very long-lasting impact on the US Supreme Court. With one judge already missing, and six more who are over the age of 80, the next President will shape the future of the United States by their selections of Supreme Court Nominee's and their political leanings. With an Obama nominee already selection awaiting possible confirmation hearings, the likelihood of the Senate even convening for the Hearings is minuscule, at best.
President-elect Trump must make a selection as soon as he is sworn in, as the Confirmation Hearings can take months to complete.
Then, sometime in the next four years, President Trump will be called upon to nominate up to six more men a/o women to fill the vacated seats. If these nominees were all liberals, we could expect a High Court that regards the Constitution as a so-called "Living Document" that changes with the times and takes in the societal mores that most citizens rebuke, but a few of whom would push their personal agendas on the whole Country via what I term, "Legislation through Litigation."

By nominating Conservative-leaning judges to fill any seat of the US Supreme Court, President Trump will be returning to the days when the rule of law actually meant something, and the Supreme Court upheld the principles the United States was Founded upon, laying aside agendas and Legislation through Litigation.

This election, once thought to be historic with the possible election of a female President, is still historic in's just not how most everyone assumed it would be; instead potentially historic in cooperation and legislation between the White House and the Capitol building, and in the legal landscape decades from now through careful nomination and selection of Supreme Court Justices.

Now, more than ever, we need the blessings of Almighty God to rain down upon us to straighten our course, reaffirm our national priorities and set us once again firmly atop the pillar above the world upon which the Government "of the people, by the people and for the people" will continue to thrive, and the Republic which was founded so long ago, will regain its strength and purpose and elevate all men in ways we cannot comprehend. 

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