Wednesday, September 7, 2016

President Obama's Continued Mismanagement of the United States

An article in the NY Times highlighted the current Asian Rim trip President Obama is on during which his staff and himself have committed numerous international relations faux pas, in pretty much every country he has visited. In my response (below), I got a bit off topic, but the course it steers is right on, and hard to dispute. Please read...

"Obama and his cabinet and staff are a bunch of damned idiots. They can't even get through one foreign diplomacy trip without looking like a gaggle of inept morons. Collectively, they have set this country back probably sixty plus years in every political, economic, social, militarily and world leadership ways that can be measured.
The United States is weaker, less cohesive, untrustworthy; our leadership is filled with corruption and a disdain for our Constitution, our educational system is a wreck, our personal freedoms are nearly gone, religion is under siege like never before, our President would take away the 2nd Amendment if he could; social experiments that ultimately degrade this country are thrust upon us by a President more interested in equalization of everyone, than in helping us all grow and be better citizens; and Obama ignores Congress almost constantly, instead acting like a Monarch on his Royal throne.

Meanwhile, Congress does nothing to reign in the Presidents' recklessness regarding his responsibilities, and voter confidence in Congress is pretty much gone as our elected leaders constantly distance themselves from everyday Americans by giving themselves big yearly raises while insulating their incomes from taxes, and most are in corporate pockets so deep that legislation benefiting the populace is impossible, instead favoring corporate interests at every turn.

It is really no wonder that the majority of Americans feel that the Government can no longer be trusted, that Special Interests are more important than the people, that the Constitution is teetering on the brink of collapse.

As a people, it is OUR responsibility to demand change, and to hold our leaders accountable for their poor governing. Email, write or call our Senators and Representatives and demand that they do better! Ask that they set aside political differences and do what is best for our country, and NOT for special interests. Demand that they hold our President accountable for his actions. Most importantly, VOTE!  Sitting by and assuming there is nothing you can do is the absolutely worst possible thing you can do. If the current state of the US concerns you, get up, speak out and demand change! As a US citizen, that is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY!

If we fail to do this, nothing will change and our country will continue to devolve into something that no longer resembles the representative democracy we have enjoyed for the last 240 years.
It's your choice. Do something, or do nothing."

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