Anyhow, the comments that followed the article were either slamming or supporting Hillary, while totally ignoring what she re[presents if elected. I wrote the following response:
And her followers blindly accept every word, every excuse as truth. I am an Independent. I vote for whomever I believe to be best suited for the job instead of blindly going all in as a Democrat or Republican. From everything I've read, Hillary is a train wreck waiting to happen. This country is already floundering as Obama has trampled all over the Constitution. With the Clintons ready to take the Whitehouse once again, we, as Americans, could be seeing some dire years ahead as the latest iteration of the Democratic Party leads us all further and further from the country our Founding Fathers created, wherein the Federal Government was small, the President merely a spokesperson for Congress, States maintained a modicum of self-governing, American rights were more important than illegal immigrants and the Bill of Rights was followed and revered as [basically] sacred rules for every citizen to live by.
Look at the state our Country is in today. The Constitution is barely recognizable anymore as King Obama does whatever he wants while Congress sits by and does nothing to stop him. The Bill of Rights are no longer enjoyed by ALL Americans as individuals and small groups use the Courts to force everyone else to adhere to THEIR beliefs and way of life, The Pledge of Allegience is no longer uttered in our schools for fear of 'offending' someone (Seiously?!), Big Government just gets bigger and bigger, individual privacy is gone, the true history of our Founding is no longer taught as secular revistionists declared that Christianity played no role in the lives of the Founding Fathers and played no role in the formation of this great country. Now too, we read that Illegal Immigrants are being given food, housing, medical care while our President ignores our war veterans, our homeless and the citizens of this country, in favor of illegal immigrants--he is FAILING to uphold the law! The very law he has twice sworn to uphold and protect.
For the record, I don't care about immigrants to this country. Aside from the Native Americans, we are ALL here as a result of immigration. However, when immigrants from the South choose to ignore the laws, as established by Congress, and enter this country illegally and then use the systems in place meant to help the actual citizens of the United States, then I draw the line.
No, I'm probably NOT going to vote for Trump...He's just the wrong choice, as well. But to have Hillary Clinton as President would be disastrous for this country. Freedom, once enjoyed by all Americans, is now more of an illusion than a reality.
This country is teetering, folks, whether you recognize it, or not. Trump is a terrible choice; but Hillary is even worse. I only hope that the next four years do not see us as a nation crumble under the weight of our complacency as we blindly follow leaders who, speaking like a snake oil salesman, tell us "I know what's is best for you. Follow me..." (And the blind and ignorant will follow)
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