Sunday, December 21, 2014

Quiz: The Bill of Rights

From The Wall Builders, an organization dedicated to preserving the real American history that is so often glossed over in favor of more popular viewpoints. Take this quiz on our Bill of Rights, and see how much you know!

1)  Which Amendment states "the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed"?

2)  How does the Tenth Amendment limit the federal government?
3)  On the day that the language for the Bill of Rights was finished in September 1789, what did Congress ask President Washington to do?
4)  When was the Bill of Rights ratified?
5)  Who is called the "Father of the Bill of Rights," and why?
6)  In which Amendment in the Bill of Rights does the phrase "separation of Church and state" appear?
How did you do?
(Answers are below...)
1)  The Second Amendment. (For additional information, see "The Founders on the Second Amendment" and The Second Amendment by David Barton.)
2)  By stating that all powers not delegated to the federal government through the Constitution are reserved for the states and the people. (See David's article on "Limiting an Overreaching Federal Government: Is State Nullification the Solution? A Constitutional Analysis" for more information.) 
3)  To recommend a day of thanksgiving. (See this Congressional action in the Annals of Congress.)​ (Read Washington's 1789 Thanksgiving Proclamation online.)  
4)  December 15, 1791. Virginia was the last state to ratify the Bill of Rights, officially adding these ten amendments to the Constitution of the United States. (For more information, check out the Bill of Rights Institute.)
5)  George Mason from Virginia.
​ Because he advocated for a Bill of Rights to be added to the Constitution.​
(To learn more, see "James Madison and Religion in Public" or to learn more about George Mason, purchase George Mason: His Life, Correspondence & Speeches).
6)  NONE!  IT DOESN'T EXIST ANYWHERE IN THE FOUNDING DOCUMENTS of The United States of America! (For additional information see Separation of Church and State and The Truth About Thomas Jefferson & the First Amendment. See also, "Church in the Capitol.")​   
I hope this quiz has opened your eyes to the real history behind the founding of our great country. To learn more, visit They have tons of free info, and loads of books and other materials to purchase.

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