Monday, January 20, 2014

President Obama Compares Marijuana to Alcohol

An article on today's states that US President Barak Obama thinks that marijuana is no more dangerous than alcohol. Here's the brief article:

"President Barack Obama says he doesn’t think marijuana is more dangerous than alcohol.
Obama doesn’t argue for legalizing pot. But he says in an interview with “The New Yorker” that pot is less dangerous than alcohol, quote, “in terms of its impact on the individual consumer.”
The president has acknowledged using pot when he was young and calls it “a bad idea.” He says he’s troubled that poor kids, many of them African American and Latinos, are far more likely to get locked up for smoking pot than middle-class kids.

But Obama urges a cautious approach, saying people who think legalizing pot will solve social problems are, quote, “probably overstating the case.”
When it comes to harder drugs, he says, the harm to users and the social costs are profound."

I take exception to the President's remarks because I feel they are short-sighted and dangerous towards the moral health of the country. As with his comments regarding gay marriage, illegal immigration and his oft-verbalized Jesse Jackson-like beliefs in racial inequality, the President is placing his personal opinion above that of the majority of Americans. What he says is right; and anyone who disagrees is wrong, hateful, etc.

As if its champion, President Obama seems to tout the "What's wrong is actually right; and what's right is now wrong" line of thinking that is now constantly pushed on the country by media, drug users, the gay agenda, anti-religionists, historical revisionists and other such groups or persons who advocate that morally corrupt practices are perfectly acceptable; while those who stand firm in their morals are called hateful, short-sighted, antiquated, bigoted, idiots, etc.

The President seems to be turning his back on the historical truths that formed this country, and made it a beacon of freedom and good to the entire world. As he leads the charge against morality and the greater good of the United States, he does so in the most reckless manner; and, in a way I would have never thought possible of a US President only a few short years ago.

By selectively ignoring the greater good of all Americans, Obama is failing to "Uphold and Defend the Constitution of the United States." He is placing the interests of the Federal Government above that of the individual States, and literally forcing the citizenry to abdicate their freedoms of both thought and fair and equal representation on both the State and Federal levels.

How is this right? As it was devised, the Constitution was designed to assure freedom of thought, freedom of choice and freedom from governmental intrusion in our daily lives. Yet, President Obama tells everyone what is right, what is wrong, how we should think and feel and that big brother is only looking out for the good of everyone.

What a load of hogwash!

One of these days, Americans will awaken to the reality of the moral and ethical decline of the United States; then wonder how we got there. The President's remarks on this, and other subjects, clearly show how this decline is progressing; propagated by a supposed leader who clearly has his own personal agenda that stands above the greater good of the United States.

The comments that followed the article were filled with hateful expressions towards anyone who disagreed with the President. Name-calling was prevalent, and respondents were downright mean and hateful towards anyone who stood against marijuana use. One respondent attacked the classification [by the Federal Govt.] of marijuana as a Class 1 drug. They went on and on about "how stupid" it was that their maryjane was so wrongly listed. Being a former medic, I took exception to this person's viewpoint and responded to that remark. Here is my comment:

"Marijuana is a Class one drug because it alters a person's LOC (Level of Consciousness). Despite what all the bullies on here say, alteration of LOC--no matter how small or large--is NOT a good or acceptable thing.
Name-calling and attempted intimidation by these pro-pot bullies in an effort to cow others into a position of acquiescence only shows how narrow-minded they are; never interested in any real and thoughtful dialogue, but only in their own viewpoint."

As anticipated, I was attacked for my contrary opinion.

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