Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The Supreme Court Overturns DOMA

This morning, the United States Supreme Court ruled in a divided Court to overturn The Defense of Marriage Act, the Federal Legislation, passed in 1996 and signed into law by the-President Bill Clinton, which mandated that the Federal Government only recognized marriages that were between one man and one woman, and supporting the definition of a traditional family. DOMA was endorsed by numerous churches and other national entities.

After the ruling was announced, the message boards were aflame with support (by the gay community) for the decision. Anyone with the temerity to disagree was attacked with voraciousness, vehemence, intolerance and hatred; as if having a contrary opinion was a horrific and unconscionable thing.

Here's my response:

"According to the Constitution, the Supreme Court has no jurisdiction to decide this case. The SCOTUS was created and designed by the Founding Fathers to interpret the law ONLY, then to send to Congress their ruling; and Congress would then draft and legislate the law to abide by the ruling of the Supreme Court. That's it. Unfortunately, Lawyers and Special Interest groups have changed the basic role of SCOTUS into the law-making entity it is today.

Justice Scalia was entirely correct when he stated [in the dissenting opinion], "We have no power to decide this case. And even if we did, we have no power under the Constitution to invalidate this democratically adopted legislation. The Court's errors on both points spring forth from the same diseased root: an exalted conception of the role of this institution (SCOTUS) in America."

Right, or wrong, the issue of gay marriage is an issue that should be up to the people as a whole to decide. Let Congress fight it out--as it should! Legislation through legal action only undermines the Constitution and the foundation of democracy that the Republic of the United States was founded upon.

Today's Supreme Court decision will forever alter the check's and balances system that was designed to assure that our Government never had too much power to dictate how Americans should live. Instead, the Supreme Court, the top-tier of Constitutional interpretation, has literally stripped the checks and balances system and bypassed Congress, the law-making entity of the United States Government. And ultimately, that is just plain unconstitutional."

*As of about one hour after posting my opinion, the only comment I had was related to a single typo I had in the text; a single apostrophe placed where it shouldn't have been. There was no addressing my opinion, just an attack because I had an apostrophe in the wrong place.
I love it when I can state my point well enough that no one can tear it down!

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