Saturday, November 29, 2008

The PC of "Going Green"

I've never been one to bend the way of the populist movement. Too much like a sheep following a herd. I prefer to actually use my brain, and to decide on my own whether or not I will do this or that, or if I will choose one thing over the other.

The latest movement in America that we are being told we should do is to "Go Green." Simply put, the politico's and private sector agenda pushers want everyone in the USA to blindly and obediently follow the philosophy that we should all be working hard to reduce our so-called 'Carbon Footprint' which we theoretically leave everywhere we go, and in everything we do. Supposedly, our efforts will, cumulatively, help reduce the harmful greenhouse gases we are told are besetting our planet.

Over the past decade we see story after story about how perilous our atmoshere is becoming--and hence, our safety. The news is regulary filled with stories relating the terrifying consequences to us all should our protective UV sheild [over the earth] fail. The polar ice caps are melting; the ozone layer is disintegrating; forests are dying; weather patterns are becoming unpredictable, etc. We are being fed fear en masse as to our fate should the global warming "predicament" go unchecked.

My point here, is that it seems to me that someone, or some group is pushing us all towards this frenzy of Going Green. Cities across this country are bowing to political pressure to reduce carbon emissions. Some counties are requiring new home building to incorporate reduce carbon off-gassing materials so as to further the cause of Green. Whole communities are being built (or rebuilt) to reflect this trend.

Hollywood actors are constantly pushing this agenda either privately, in interviews, or even as spokespersons for the effort. Media and advertisers immerse us with images and illustrations meant to convince everyone that the "Green Cause" is one we should all be actively concerned about, and working towards.

Study after study is released telling us what a trecherous position our home is in, and that we "must act right now to avert the impending environmental disaster." I have even seen an ad which stated that "you are un-American" if you don't do everything possible to reduce your 'Footprint.' (What the #@&%?!!)

Yet, there is another, viable side of this story; one that is quietly, and very quickly brushed under the proverbial rug; one that doesn't fit the push to "Go Green."

Over the past 5-6 years, there infrequently appear stories that relate a different view; a less doom & gloom outlook. A small (but growing) number of scientists are speaking up with serious doubts regarding the tenuous position of our planet. They are citing individual research (in other words, non-corporate interest, corporate subsidized research) which disputes the bandwagon of Greenies.

[Though I don't have the specific articles] The reasearch comes from several scientific disciplines. First, one scientist who studies oceanic currents has stated many times that the oceans are NOT heating up. The temperatures of the major ocean currents have not varied by more than (I believe) a half degree in the last 40 years. Since the ocean currents produce the weather patterns, this information tells us plainly that the supposed changes in the world-wide weather patterns are NOT happening. Instead, the weather is going through its normal patterns.

Secondly, a few years ago a leading researcher who studies the growth patterns of our forests published findings which state that the health of our trees has not changed in the last two hundred years. He reached this conclusion by studying the tree ring record. This is done by cutting down a tree, and examining the rings; looking for the number, color, and width of the rings, and so on.

What is seen tells a trained scientist about the health of a tree, years of drought, years of healthy rainfall, etc. It's a very complicated science. Anyway, this researcher stated publicly that the weather over the last 20 years is no more severe than in the previous 200. According to the tree ring record, there is no catostrophic weather event that has taken place. The ring evidence shows that the growth patterns are going through a normal cycle. Just like the weather, there are years of abundance, and years of lean [ecologically speaking, of course].

Lastly, I have read several different articles which collectively state that the earth itself puts out nearly as much pollution into our air as man does. How? Forest fires, red tide blooms, volcanic activity, etc. True, the influence man has on the environment is unmistakably obvious; but the overall condition is no solely the fault of industry and cars, etc. The earth has been polluting its air, and scrubbing it clean again for millions of years. Why does anyone think this has changed in the last 20 years?

My question or point to this entire article is who is behind this message of the dire straits the earth is in? Why is this whole green movement or agenda moving forward with such rapidity? Who benefits financially from the sudden fear and paranoia about the environment?

Over the course of history there has always been some mover behind the great changes that have ocurred--Democracy spread by the conquests of Alexander of Macedon; the consolidation of Catholocism by a relative handful of scholars culminating in the Nicean Creed; the exploration and colonization of the New World by greedy, self-serving nations whose two interests were domination and wealth; etc.

I suspect that such motivators are in play regarding the call to save our environment. Corporations are already lined up to provide the goods and services to help us all do our part; our monies doled out thoughtlessly to powers which have no real interest beyond the almighty dollar, but which profess to care about us and our world leading us to give again, and again, and again--all the while increasing the coffers of whatever corporations are the ultimate benefactors of our good will to help the environment.

About six months ago I read a report which stated that for every pound of carbon we save (offset), there are approximately 2-3 pounds of additionally used carbon. In other words, our very efforts to offset the carbon emmissions are doubling or even tripling the problem. Does that make sense to anyone? I guess my infinitely inferior brain just can't grasp the nuances of this environmental "disaster."

For me there are too many questions...too much doubt as to the validity of this whole movement to "Save the Environment." Yes, I care for the environment, and am extremely concerned about the waste we pump into the atmosphere. But when we are told to be a good sheep and follow the leader because it's "the right thing to do," then I must take a step back and examine the how's, why's, where's, and what's of the issue.

I may not be PC for doing so, but I would be remiss if I blindly, sheepishly, and unquestioningly followed the proponents of Going Green.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Governor Schwarznegger--What Gives?

You know, one thing the voting public in this country really hate is an elected leader not following the will of the people. This happened with Lynden Johnson (ramping up the Vietnam War), George W. Bush ("read my lips...No New Taxes!"), and George H.W. Bush (lingering wars, horrible economic policies, etc), to name a few.

In California, the recent passage of Proposition 8 which [the State of California] Constitutionally defines marriage as between a man and a woman has created many eye-opening events. Homophobia (against backers of Prop 8), bigotry, and defacement of religious properties were the starting point. National Media outcry for homosexual equality quickly followed. Celebrities from Hollywood to MoTown jumped aboard the Frenzy Express to denounce all those who actually voted their conscience and favorably voted for Prop 8.

Politicians were no exception. California AG Jerry Brown, who first made news by re-writing the language of the Proposition after it was submitted, has encouraged the gay community to fight the election results in Court. From what I've read, all the major politicians in the State are either speaking out against the establishment of the law, or are saying nothing, which basically says that they support those who are in an uproar.

By a very FAT 4% margin, the voters of California chose to pass Proposition 8. Now, given that the victory was so wide politically, you'd think that a Governor would stand up and defend the will of the people. After all, a Governor is elected by the People, and should (ideologically at least) have the best interest of the people in mind.

In Sacramento, this thinking does not hold sway. Governor Arnold Schwarznegger, in breaking from the will of the people, has himself called on the California Supreme Court to overturn the newly established law that was, again, passed by a majority of the voters of the State of California. This simple definition has speared the very heart of California, and its Governor is failing in his responsibility to lead the people.

Not once has he raised his voice above the din of protest and ask for calm and reason. He has not denounced the hate crimes being perpetrated by the losing side of the election. He has stood idly by as mobs assailed places of worship; as they accosted backers of Prop 8 with verbal, emotional, and physical attacks; as businesses, whose owners contributed to the passage of 8, became targets of hate and retribution; as members of the gay community angrily did everything they could to harass and intimidate anyone, or any organization that backed or voted for the establishment of a simple definition.

I have to wonder who is in the Governor's back pocket; who is pulling his strings; who is garnering political favor by manipulating a Governor of the United States of America into allowing the trampling of civil rights by those who so forcefully advocate love and tolerance, yet are themselves participating in these heinous actions against their fellow citizens.

Governor Schwarznegger, you should be ashamed of yourself for allowing a small minority of your states' population to dictate hatred against those who think and feel differently. Those who perpetrate these acts are criminals by definition. Yet you, for whatever inexplicable reason, are allowing the bigorty and acts of hate and violence to commence unabated.

This inaction, by an elected official is just shameful at the very least. Your calls for a Court of Law to overturn the Will of the People is reprehensible. You have not risen to the challenge in this matter, and should face an impeachment by the citizenry of your State. Your stance to wilfully ignore the civil unrest and trampling of civil rights constitutes a negligence I have not seen since the days of former Mississippi Governor George Wallace.

I for one hope that even the liberal Supreme Court of California will recognize what is happening, and enforce the Will of the People and strike down the legal maneauverings of a small minority group. Upholding the law that is Proposition 8 is indeed the Will of the People. Anything less, and we have yet another example of a very small minority literally forcing their will upon the vast majority. Haven't we seen enough of this already?

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Misplaced Anger

Alright. Time to speak up.

On November Fourth of this year, the Voters of California passed (endorsed) a State Constitutional Amendment which strictly defined marriage as between one man and one woman. That's it. There was nothing about trampling civil rights, discriminatory endorsement, homophobic prevarications, etc. The amendment very simply states that a recognized marriage was between a man and a woman.

Instead of taking the defeat in stride and planning a new approach which might steer them towards acceptance, the gay community decided that they would stomp their feet and act like little children who didn't get their way. They started throwing a collective temper tantrum. They looked to blame everybody and everything for the defeat, and began inciting the very things which they themselves are fighting against--hate, violence, misinformation, disinformation, intolerance, bigotry, prejudice, etc.

While not everyone in the gay community participated in these events, nor did they endorse them, the fact is that calls for tolerance and peace were ignored by a majority of their community in favor of slander, bigoted rhetoric, verbal and written vilification against those who choose to feel differently, verbal and written harassment, physical harassment, defacement of places of worship, etc. Where is the "tolerance" the gay community so desperately advocates? Where is the love they espouse and have forced others to recognize? Where is the respect for the democratic process which they have been properly using to make the changes they seek?

Yes, the failure of proposition 8 was a stinging blow to those who seek equality. But to react to the defeat with the very hate they have been fighting against will do nothing but impair the gay communities' ability to finally achieve the acceptance they seek.

Additionally, two things rankle me about this whole thing. First, critics of the defeat rail on about how the Mormon Church took away their rights. What the #@&%!!!
This disinformation is pathetic at best. The Mormon Church did no such thing. The Church Leadership asked its members in California to donate time and money to defeating the measure. As far as I am aware, the Church itself donated NOTHING to that end.

However, a grass-roots effort by church members throughout the state of California heeded that call, donating many personal hours, and millions of California dollars to see that Proposition 8 was passed. Why? Because these registered California voters feel strongly in the millenia old tradition of marriage as between a man and a woman. Plain, and very simple. Beyond Church leadership saying, We'd like you to get involved in this issue, they played no role. Again, only registered voters in the State of California took an active role, as is their Federally Constitutionally mandated right to do so.

Members of the gay community completely misrepresent the facts regarding the involvement of the Mormon Church, choosing instead to spread the disinformation of lies, hate, claims of homophobia, etc, and turned the heart of Proposition 8 from one of a simple definition to one of an attack of civil rights against gays.

Wow. That just boggles my mind. But again, the worst part of this is the very hate they are fighting they are themselves using as a tool against anyone who voted against their wishes.

I've got news for you folks. This is nothing but hypocritical, and will only lead to more adversity in your fight. You used the democratic process and lost. So what? Do it again, and again, and again until you DO win.

Secondly, the national media is jumping on the bandwagon of this wave of hate and intolerance against the "terrible" heterosexual voters and the Mormon Church (and anyone else who supported passage of Proposition 8). Instead of using the proper journalistic morals and writing fair, balanced stories, the media (print, tv, radio, internet, etc) are acting like little sheep and following the shepherd (in this case, the gay community) along the trail like little obedient sheep.

They concentrate on telling the nation (and the world) what a terrible thing the passage of Proposition 8 is, and that some 18,000 "couples" are now denied their rights and freedoms, is irresponsible at best.

Where is the media outcry for those whose businesses and lives have been targets of hate because they chose to participate in the democratic process and voted with their conscience?

Where has the media spoken out against the defacement of sacred religious properties, which acts should clearly be labeled as religious intolerance and hate crimes?

I read report after report about how "wronged" the gays are. But not once have I read any opinion or perspective on why the majority of California voters stated that marriage is between a man and a woman. No one has asked them. Why? Why is THEIR opinion unimportant? Why is their viewpoint irrelevant?

Why is the media NOT vilifying those who are acting hatefully against the proponents of Proposition 8? Why are they defending those who would strip the Constitutional rights of the citizens of California that had the audacity to vote in favor of the definition?

This whole thing is beyond unconscionable. It shows me that this nation is on a VERY slippery slope which, if allowed to continue, will eventually lead to the stripping away of rights, and the establishment of religious intolerance and bigotry. How can we, as a people, allow this to happen? How can the media (as a whole) perpetuate this problem by condoning irresponsible journalism and allowing themselves to be manipulated by a small group, turning a simple wording into a national tragedy?

Personally, I think that the approval of gay marriage is an inevitability. In the mean time, why do those who fight for it spread the same hate and fear that they themselves have battled all their lives for? Why must they wrongly target individuals, business and religions that don't agree with with the choices of a small minority?

The United States of America was founded as a refuge; as a place where differing viewpoints could live side by side; as a place where people could speak their minds and vote their conscience without fear of intimidation or retribution.

It would seem that the gay community would, in their fight for acceptance and equality, turn their backs on the history which has given them the ability to speak out and defend that what they hold dear. They are even now inciting the very same intimidation and retribution which the Founding Fathers sought to eliminate with the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the Declaration of Independence.

Yes, we are on a VERY, VERY slippery slope, and are quickly approaching the edge of the proverbial cliff. What will happen now? Will we fall? Or will we survive?

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Airlines Going Too Far

It looks like all the major air carriers are looking to completely screw their customers. Last Spring when I was traveling to Upstate NY, the airlines announced a $25 fee for checking a second bag; $50 for a third; and $75 for a fourth checked bag. (gulp!) Of course, their First Class passengers, Mileage ticket holders, and special "Sky" class passengers didn't have to pony up the fees. Nope, these ridiculous check-in fees are reserved for the greatest number of passengers (of course!), the Coach Class ticketholders.

Now comes news of an even better way to financially abuse their customers...Today, Delta announced that it is now charging $15 for the FIRST CHECKED BAG. Yep, now any passenger flying to see family, go on vacation, go on a business trip, etc and who actually has the temerity to want to take clothing along with them,...well, they are now penalized for not wanting to wear the same dirty underwear for days at a time.

I know that some of you are screaming about carry-on bags. On that note, most airlines are now extremely restrictive on what you can take on a plane. It is no coincidence that an air traveler who cannot take a large carry-on must check the bag, thereby paying the airline not only for the seat (and ONLY the seat--forget about any snacks nowadays), but also for actually having the guts to tell an air carrier they are taking a single piece of checked luggage! (Gasp!!!!)

Does anyone besides me think this whole thing stinks of a pungent, monopolistic odor? And I mean this REEKS!

The whole thing on these cutbacks (no more meals--except First Class of course, snacks, pillows--in some cases, etc) was 'justified' by rising fuel costs. Routes and numbers of flights were decreased across the board, planes became over-booked, and new fees suddenly began rearing their ugly heads.

Next thing you know we'll be charged for having the gall to use the restroom on a cross country flight; or for asking for a cup of water (I've heard a few airlines are already charging for ice water!), or for getting the bag you paid to have checked off the luggage pickup.

When airline ridership drops to historic lows, or revenues bankrupt most carriers, maybe then (and this is a pretty big maybe) someone will get the brilliant idea that passengers actually want to be treated like their purchase means something more to the company than a warm spot left on the seat when all the passengers have unstuffed themselves from the cramped hollow tube that has been passing for a pleasant flying experience.

...but I doubt it.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Election Day!

Tomorrow, November 4th is Election day! I hope that everybody reading this is registered, and knows exactly when they are getting out to cast their votes. Me, I'm going before work. I will proudly wear my "I Voted" sticker all day.
My kids are both having their first voting experiences. They are excited to actually be participating; and they absolutely SHOULD be! Every time I cast my vote, I leave the polling place feeling happy, grateful, excited, and thankful that I live in a country where my voice is heard through my vote. I never get tired of that feeling, and I hope I never do!

Please! Cast your vote tomorrow! Make your voice heard! No excuses...Just Do It!!!!!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

A Lame Duck Presidents Lame Final Moves

It's common for a an outgoing US President in the final months of his term to enact regulations that don't get Congressional or Public review under the auspices of Executive review and interest. George W. Bush is no exception. However, his administration is taking this practice too far by working to enact reglations not for the benefit of the American people, but for the financial benefit of mining, power, timber, and other big businesses that could take decades to undo if once enacted.

Among the changes:
-Opening the approval process to allow for a ramping up of "Topping" mountains in the Appalachians for the purpose of faster, less expensive access to coal deposits. This practice, denounced by environmental groups and recreational groups, leaves permanent, visible damage to the mountains that cannot be undone. Last I heard, the mining companies had "Topped" over 1200 mountains. Enacting this regulation could quadruple the visible damage within a few short years. Additionally, the mining companies are lobbying hard to remove the restrictions on allowing mining pollution into streams, thereby polluting the water sources for many towns downstream from mining operations. This will add dangerously high levels of lead, mercury, cadmium, and other dangerous toxins contained in the slurry from mining.
-Removing nearly every restriction on coal fired power plants meant to protect the air, streams, lakes, and rivers we all enjoy--not to mention the billions of tons of particulate matter that would be dumped into the atmoshere on a yearly basis. Acid rain absolutely comes to mind when considering the ramifications if this is established.
-Abandoning restrictions on waste and emissions produced by oil refineries. This could very well lead to dangerously high pollution both into the air and into the ground/streams that would pose a very real risk to anyone near the refineries. Remember too, that our most-hated President gained his fortune in the oil industry, so I'm sure he has not only self-interest here, but also the interests of a number of his oil buddies around the country.

There are also the usual number of Presidential pardons (non are controversial--at least not that I've heard), Presidential favors to other Special Interest and Business groups, etc.

While every President uses the Holiday recess to enact various laws and/or regulations, they are usually enacted in the best interest of the American people--or at the very least, with the extensive commentary of public input. True to his deceitful form, Dubya (and Administration Cronies) is acting is his, and his Friends' best interest in mind. Forget about what is best for the Country as long as he and his friends are taken care of long after he leaves office.

After all, he's already assured his biggest Crony, Dick Cheney, guaranteed income for the foreseeable future with the no-bid contracts to Haliburton for both the wars currently being fought.

Talk about Lame.

Possibly THE Worst Drivers In This Country (Part 2)

I thought that I had rid myself of all the angst I feel on a daily basis regarding the drivers here in the [ugly] State of Utah; but alas, I am mistaken.

In addition to everything else I stated in my previous post, I thought I would give additional illustration about what a dangerous place Utah is [as it relates to driving]. To start, I have a friend in Oregon who read my previous post on this subject, and she completely agrees with me. Further, she adds that the drivers in her state (Oregon) are closing the gap on the horrific Utah drivers.

Alright...the illustrations...

-When you merge onto a freeway, the law generally provides that while existing traffic on the road is obligated to allow room for you to merge. At the same time, drivers entering the freeway are obligated to position themselves to provide for a safe merge, even if that means slowing down a bit.

In this state, drivers don't know what the word "merge" means. Why? Because they force their way into traffic--even at the risk of causing accidents. I quickly learned to get out of a lane when cars are "merging" onto the road. Utah drivers barely even look over their shoulders to observe traffic. Fewer use their signals. I've had merging traffic pass me on my RIGHT side (they were driving on the shoulder to do so!) to get in front of me when they entered the road way. Not only is this maneuver illegal, it's just plain dangerous!!!

-Speaking of signals, I think a lot of cars here must have broken levers on their signals. Drivers here either don't know, or don't care (more likely) that a signal ahead of any maneuver is to let other drivers know what you're going to do, and can take the proper steps to maintain safety for everyone. I estimate a good 90% of Utah drivers NEVER signal.

-When I moved here I made regular use of turn lanes. Whenever I drive out of state I still do. But while in Utah I don't use it unless I must. Why? Because drivers here freak out if you actually merge into a turn lane. You get honked at, called foul names, get flipped off, etc. Further, I've even seen cars here use the turn lane as a passing lane! Yeah...scary!!

-An all too common occurance on Utah roads is tail-gating. This incredibly dangerous practice happens so frequently that you almost expect it to be going on. I am a defensive driver. I was taught that being so is the safest way to operate a vehicle. I follow the two second rule almost subconciously. Around here though, defensive drivers seem to be few and far between. Instead, offensive driving rules the roads.

I mentioned in my previous post that most drivers here think that speed limits don't really mean much. Right in line with that thinking is tail-gating. Drivers going faster than you will get so close (while in motion!) that you can't see their car hood in your rear view mirror. Yeah, you read that right! The two second rule is non-existant; but is replaced by a 1/100th of a second standard. That is scary no matter how long you've lived here.

If you have to suddenly slow or stop, the pursuing vehicle's front end will be in your passenger compartment before they even realize they have to slow or stop themselves. Extreme tail-gating is one of the reasons there are so many at-fault accidents in Utah.

-Along these lines (or in addition to) is the all too frequent practice of using your high beams when driving...and I mean all the time! Generally, high beam use is permitted as long as you are at a distance greater than 450-500 feet behind a vehicle you are following, and 350-400 feet of a vehicle approaching you in the opposite direction. To be any closer will cause the drivers in either case to be blinded by your headlights.

In this state, drivers use their high beams constantly. Rural driving, city driving, darkened roads or lighted, you will encounter this rude and dangerous practice at any time when headlights are required. And when a driver tail-gating you has their brights on (again to intimidate you into speeding, pulling over, etc), this highly dangerous practice is magnified many-fold.

-I don't think the term "Right of Way" has been taught to the drivers here. They seem to have no concept of what this is. Why? Because every day I see people pulling out in front of oncoming traffic with seeming impugnity. As long as the 'gun it' and speed up fast enough, everything will be ok. Besides, they can drive however they want...right?

-Here's a doozie--Where is it even possibly fathomable (let along legal) for a driver to make a right hand turn out of the middle or even left lane? Well, here in Utah it must be ok, because this incredibly stupid maneuver takesw place every day....and most of the time it happens, the offending driver doesn't use their signal, so all the other drivers around are caught completely unaware when this ILLEGAL move happens. When you honk, they look at you as if to say, "What? What did I do?" Again, at-fault accidents are all too common here.

-Finally, all of these things I've talked about in this post (and the previous one) are all compounded in severity when the weather is rainy. Now, anybody (outside of Utah) knows that when rain is falling, stopping distances double (or triple, depending on conditions), road spray affects driver vision, and vehicle hydroplaning is a very real possibility.

Here, headlights are infrequently turned on in the rain ("I can see just fine. Why do I need to turn on my lights?"), following distances are terrifyingly close, and drivers rely on their brakes far too much.

I hate driving in the rain here, because everything that goes on, all the unbelievably dangerous things, are amplified thousands of times. While I know my driving will be appropriate, I have less than zero confidence that the other drivers have my safety in mind, let alone their own.

So, I hope that I have furthered my case that the drivers here in Utah are the worst in this country. It really is a dangerous thing...driving every day on the roads of this state. So, if you ever find yourself here, please, be extra cautious, and expect the worst to happen. Otherwise, you could wind up having terrible accident that was caused by one of the wonderful, indiginous drivers who were road safety educated by a state (and legislature) that just doesn't care enough to assure the road safety of its citizens.