(Caution, if you are a free-thinking American dedicated to the principles this country was founded upon, these blurbs will both infuriate and exasperate you at the same time.)
*A few years ago, Stephen Trachtenberg, who was then the president of George Washington University, declared at graduation: “If anyone has a mortarboard, you can move your tassels from right to left, right to left, which is what I hope happened to your politics in the last four years.”
*Bill Savage, a professor at Northwestern University, explained why liberals will dominate in the long-run despite the fact that conservatives have a lot of children.
“The children of red states will seek a higher education,” he explained, “and that education will very often happen in blue states or blue islands in red states. For the foreseeable future, loyal dittoheads will continue to drop off their children at the dorms. After a teary-eyed hug, Mom and Dad will drive their SUV off toward the nearest gas station, leaving their beloved progeny behind … And then they are all mine.”
*When a study revealed that Duke University employed far more politically liberal professors than conservatives, the Chairman of the Philosophy Department defended this disparity saying since “stupid people are generally conservative, then there are lots of conservatives we will never hire.”
This next one is especially mind boggling!
*Campus security arrested Michelle Gregoire and two associates at Kellogg Community College in Michigan for handing out copies of the U.S. Constitution. The school claims these individuals violated its solicitation policy, which requires students to obtain permission from the school before they engage in any expressive activity anywhere on campus.
Ironically, this repressive policy apparently forbids efforts to circulate the very document that protects free speech in our country!
*California State University — San Marcos funds pro-abortion and other favored views with almost $300,000 in mandatory fees charged to all of its students. When the campus president of Students for Life attempted to bring a pro-life speaker to campus and simply asked for $500 in funding, the request was denied.
*A Fresno State University professor instructed students in his class to join him in defacing and erasing Fresno State Students for Life’s sidewalk chalk messages on campus. The professor even had the audacity to claim that “College campuses are not free speech areas.”
These examples are but a few that ADF actively opposes in court in order to protect our college students from the dangers of the current liberal socialistic agenda. They report that the ADF is successful in winning over 90% of their cases against the repressive policies on many college campuses. If this attitude of our institutions of higher learning concern you as much as they do me, I hope that, as parents of college students, or just as concerned citizens, you call or write your elected Representatives and Senators at ALL levels of local, State and National Governments and demand that colleges be returned to places of free thinking, free speech and open ideas of all philosophies wherein our children can learn and express themselves without fear of retribution, intimidation or unfair policies towards unfavored viewpoints.
You may also contribute to the Alliance Defending Freedom so that their freely given legal work continues to defend the Constitution and the Bill of Rights for ALL students on ALL college and school campuses in these United States.