Sunday, December 4, 2016

David Barton, One Nation Under God

This folks, is REAL and TRUE American history; the actual tenents that the United States is founded upon. Now, there will be some who watch this and shout that this is not real, but fabricated to appease the movement behind a Christian heritage. You can do that. But ultimately, this history shows the inspired men who founded our great country, and why we are the most prosperous nation on the earth.
Like it or not, this is each citizen's history.

Please take the time to watch this incredible and enlightening presentation!

Friday, December 2, 2016

Guilty By Association: The LGBT Community Sinks to a New Low

Today, the HGTV network had to issue a statement that they support the LGBT community and do not tolerate any homophobic actions by anyone in their employ, blah, blah, blah. This in response to a report that network stars Chip and Joanna Gaines (Fixer Upper) happen attend the church of a pastor (Jimmy Seibert) who has dared openly oppose homosexuality and the LGBT movement in general. (Gasp! How dare he!) Someone looking for an excuse to attack the Gaines has basically made them guilty by association, without any proof whatsoever other than knowing the church they attend.

Chip and Joanna Gaines, to their credit, have not responded to the allegation instead, allowing the network to issue a response. This whole thing smacks of intolerant hatred.
Here is my response...

"Let me get this right...

The Gaines attend a church service whose pastor is anti they are guilty by association.

They have done nothing--so far as we know--against anyone....but are guilty by association.

They treat everyone on their show with dignity and respect...but are guilty by association.

As far as we know, they have never said a word about their stance on the LGBT thing, so they are still... guilty by association.

Now, the HGTV Network must defend their employees who are nothing more than...guilty by association.

This is ludicrous! The LGBT folks need to just leave people alone. In their quest for "Equality," they are damaging lives, the income of families, the business reputations of many, and for what? To salve their hurt feelings that someone may not agree with their chosen personal lifestyle? Seriously?!

This country is, and always has been, a melting pot of cultures and thoughts. What these LGBT groups just don't get is that it takes everyone in this great melting pot to respect their fellow citizens even when opinions run contrary to their own.

With Chip and Joanna Gaines, someone seems to be looking for a way to bring pain to this good couple simply because of the church they attend. Where is the respect in that? Without a shred of proof, they declare the Gaines guilty by association and expect everyone to jump on their band wagon of hate...which is exactly what they wanting.

"Oh no, this person is homophobic so we're going to go out and destroy their income just so we can feel better about ourselves!"  That line of thinking is all about HATE. Plain and simple hate. The very groups that worked against hate for so many years, are resorting to using hate against anyone they deem 'hateful, bigoted, homophobic, whatever.' How they can sleep at night with a clear conscience is beyond me.

The term "Live and let live" is aptly applied here. The LGBT groups just need to leave people alone. They need to stop looking for offences and go about bettering their own lives. Instead of any real and substantial fact, they are now seeming to go on insinuation and guilt by association. Again, they just need to stop. If not, their antics could be seen as that of hate groups whose only goal is to punish those who fail to support their line of thinking. Sound like any real hate groups in our history?"