Friday, September 18, 2015

A Senator's view of the US Constitution

The following Constitution Day commemoration from Senator Orrin Hatch is simply outstanding! Please read the brief text in its entirety.

"Yesterday marked the 228th anniversary of the signing of the Constitution.  228 years ago, 39 brave and wise men set their names to the document that has guided our government and our politics ever since. 
With each passing year I am increasingly impressed by the genius of those who framed our Constitution.  The world was a very different place back in 1787.  There was no electricity, no railroads, no air conditioning.  Crossing the Atlantic Ocean took months.  News traveled slowly, on horseback.  Our nation, which today covers a continent, comprised only thirteen states with a combined population of 4 million people.   That’s roughly the current population of Oklahoma.  
Despite these vastly different circumstances, the Framers created a system that has endured for over two hundred years and become an example to the world of stability and strength.  They did so by enshrining in the Constitution certain fundamental principles about government and the source of rights, coupled with an objective, honest view of the failings of human nature. 
The Framers recognized that our rights come from God, not government, and that it is the role of government to  secure, not create, rights.  They recognized that government unrestrained is a threat to liberty, and that in order to protect citizens from government’s constant tendency to expand its sphere, ambition must be made to counteract ambition.
Thus the Framers created the separation of powers; federalism; checks and balances; an independent judiciary; a bicameral legislature; and an executive that, while unified, lacked the power of the purse.  Each branch of government would have to share power with the others, just as states and the federal government would have to share power as well. 
By preventing any one branch, or any one level of government, from being able to act unilaterally in its affairs, the Constitution ensured that no one individual or group would be able to run roughshod over any other.  And just as important, the Constitution ensured that no major policy change could occur without substantial support from large numbers of Americans at all levels of government and society.
Unfortunately, there are some today who view the Constitution as an obstacle to overcome, a barrier to supposed progress.  These individuals find fault with the fact that the Constitution makes change difficult and requires broad, long-lasting consensus in order to enact major reform.  Surely the exigencies of the day, they argue, warrant bypassing or even ignoring the separation of powers, federalism, and other critical elements of our constitutional structure.   Although some of these individuals may be well intentioned, they are fundamentally misguided.
The fact is that the Constitution is not an obstacle — it is a guide.  A guide for how we should approach our contemporary problems, for how we should think about our roles as citizens and legislators, for how we should conduct ourselves as we debate the problems of the day.
More than a guide, the Constitution is a miracle.  It is a miracle because it has endured for over two hundred years.  It is a miracle because of what it teaches about prudent government and the need to guard against human failings.  It is a miracle because the lessons it provides are just as relevant today as they were 228 years ago.  May we ever look to the Constitution for guidance and pay it increased fidelity as we discharge our duties here in Washington and across this great land.

A Pennsylvania Proclamation

On this Constitution Day--a commemoration of the US Constitution, I decided to illustrate  one States' proclamation for the observance of a day of worship to be on Sundays. This was done on November 20th, 1782. While not endorsing a single religion, it observes the need for citizens to worship God for the prosperity of our Country.

*This is REAL history, folks, not the sterilized version that so many secularists would have you believe. Please read this eye-opening, inspiring proclamation. (I have added a photocopy of the document below.)

"By the President and Supreme  Executive Council of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,A Proclamation.  

As the best and greatest of Beings commanded mankind into existence with a capacity for happiness, bestowing upon them understanding and many "
good gifts"; so when they, by an abuse of the blessings thus intrusted, had involved themselves in guilt and misery, his compassion was extended towards them, and in "his tender mercies," not  only "seed time and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night," were continued unto them, but "the eternal purposes” were revealed, and the heavenly treasuries opened, to restore the human race to the transcendent privilege from which by transgression they were fallen: AND in this "marvelous work," the laws of righteousness have been with such infinite wisdom adjusted, and united to the obligation of nature, that while they jointly tended to promote the felicity of men in a future state, they evidently cooperate to advance their welfare in the present, and to offend against the sanctions of revelation, of the dictates of reason and conscience, is suredly to betray the joys of this life, as well as those of another.

 Wherefore, as we are entirely persuaded that just impressions of the deity are the great supports of morality, AND As the experience of ages demonstrates, that regularity of manners is essential to the tranquility and prosperity of societies, AND the assistance of the Almighty, on which we rely, to establish the inestimable blessings our afflicted country is contending for, cannot be expected without an observance of his holy laws, We esteem it our principal and indispensable duty to endeavor, as much as we can, that a sense of these interesting truths may prevail in the hearts and appear in the lives of the inhabitants of this state; And Therefore have thought proper to issue this Proclamation, sincerely desiring that they seriously meditating on the many signal and unmerited  benefits of public and private import conferred upon them,  the affecting invitations  and munificent promises of divine goodness, and the "
terrors set in array" against disobedient, may be urged to exert themselves in avoiding, discountenancing, and suppressing all vice, profaneness and immorality, and feeling a due gratitude, love, and veneration for their most gracious, all-wise, and omnipotent Benefactor, Sovereign, and Judge, and correspondent temper of resignation to the dispensations of his Supreme Government, may become a people "trusting in him, in whom they live and move and doing good."
And to the intent that these desirable ends may be forwarded, all persons are herby fervently exhorted, to observe the Lord's Day, commonly called Sunday, and thereon constantly to attend the worship of GOD, as a service pleasing to him who is, "
a hearer of prayer," and condescends to "inhabit the praises of his people," and profitable to themselves; a neglect of which duty has, in multitude of instances, been the beginning of a deviation into the ways of presumption, that at length have led into the deepest distresses and severest sorrows:
And As the education of youth is of so much moment to themselves and to the commonwealth, which cannot flourish unless that important point be diligently regarded, the sentiments, dispositions, and habits begin then generally formed that pervade the rest of their lives, all parents, guardians, masters, and tutors are herby strenuously called upon, to discharge the high trust committed to them, and for which they must account, by a faithful attention; that those under their care may be nurtured in piety, filial reverence, submission to superiors in age or station, modesty, sincerity, benevolence, temperance,  industry, consistency of behavior, and frugality regulated by an humble reliance on Providence, and a kind respect for others; that their inexperienced minds may be by wholesome instructions fully convinced, that whatever employment they are designed for, virtue will be a chief promoter of success, and irregularity of conduct the greatest obstacle to it; that the intellectual faculties are aided by moral improvements, but weakened by illicit courses; and in brief, that Religion is the fiend of their peace, health and happiness; and that to displease their Maker, or trespass against their neighbor, is inevitably to inure themselves.
AND we expect and hereby require, that all well disposed persons, and especially those in places of authority, will by their conversation and demeanor encourage and promote piety and virtue, and to their utmost contribute to the rendering these qualities truly laudable and honorable, and the contrary practices justly shameful and contemptible; that thus the  influence of good men, and the dignity of the laws, may be combined in repressing the follies and insolencies of scorners and profligates, in directing the weak and thoughtless, and in preserving them from the pernicious contagion of evil examples; AND for further promoting such reformation, it is hereby enjoined, that all magistrates, and others whom it may concern, be very vigilant and exact in discovering, prosecuting, and punishing all persons who shall be guilty of profanation of the Lord's Day, commonly called Sunday, blasphemy, profane swearing or cursing, drunkenness, lewdness, or other dissolute or immoral practices; that they suppress all gaming houses, and other disorderly houses, that they put in execution the act of General Assembly, entitled, "An Act for the suppression of Vice and Immorality," and all other laws now in force for the punishing and suppressing any vice, profaneness or immorality: AND for the more effectual proceeding herein, all Judges and Justice, having cognizance in the premises, are directed to give strict charges at their respective Courts and Sessions, for the due prosecution and punishment of all who shall presume to offend in any of the kinds aforesaid; and also of all  such as, contrary to their duty, shall be remiss or negligent in putting the laws in execution: And that they do at their respective  Courts and Sessions cause this Proclamation to be publicly read, immediately before the charge is given: AND every Minister of the Gospel is requested strongly to inculcate in the respective congregations where they officiate, a love of piety and virtue, and an abhorrence of vice, profaneness, and immorality.

Given in council, under the hand of the President, and the Seal of the State, at Philadelphia, this twentieth day of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty two.

John Dickinson.
T. Matlack,,  Secretary.

 God Save the Commonwealth."

The Insanity of Gender Pronouns

An article from the Associate Press (by Collin Binkley) today highlights the growing trend on University campuses nationwide to eliminate Gender Specific designations to accommodate those whose personal choices lead them to identify themselves as anything other than male or female saying they are "sexually fluid" (whatever the HELL that is supposed to mean), or whatever other excuse they can derive to disassociate themselves as being male or female.
The reasoning behind these changes is so as to accommodate everyone's feelings so they don't feel excluded from society because of--again-- their personal choices. Instead of adapting to everyone, they must express themselves and demand that we conform to them. Anyhow, as you can see in my opening, my opinion is otherwise, and I responded with the following:

"Male. Female. That's it. That's all there is. No matter the "gender pronoun" (however the HELL that is supposed to offend anyone), it comes down to just two. Male and Female.
Just because someone feel ostricized from society by their choices certainly doesn't mean they can invent new gender pronouns from which to announce their personal issues to the world.
Talk about the vast minority dictating to the vast majority how they intend to rule others. Geez, I'm on dialysis; have been for three years. In 2013 I had both kidneys removed. Should I demand to receive a special designation because I am living with no kidneys just so others don't offend me when talking about their bladders and having to pee?! Seriously.

That's the kind of crap these LGBT types want to push on all of us heterosexual Americans, and I for one am totally fed up with this garbage. Go live in Canada or Mexico and stop trying to force this country to change to accomodate you. As a group, you remind me of the illegals immigrants in this country--You want everyone to conform to you, but don't want to adapt to this country. Great way to gain respect and acceptance in society.
Here's a thought...
Acceptance is a two way street. How come the very group (LGBT) that espouses tolerance so clearly displays NONE towards anyone who disagrees with their opinions? Some of the worst, most hateful commentaries out there are from those who push the LGBT agenda. If you think I'm wrong, just take a good look at the comments from articles surrounding say, the Supreme Court ruling on gay marriage. Those responses will appall the faint hearted, and offend pretty much most people. The intolerance being displayed is absolutely nauseating! And that is from the winning side!
To have to qualify yourself as anything other than Male or Female is a move towards insanity, and is just another big step in the downfall of what was once the beacon on the hill of humanity."

Monday, September 14, 2015

Serena Williams: The Biggest Sore Loser of All

An article on USA Today by Chris Chase highlights the complete lack of sportsmanship on the part of Tennis champion, Serena Williams. I have comments on this issue numerous times in the past, but this response was especially needing inclusion in this blog. Here's my reply:

"Serena Williams has perhaps the worst sportsmanship in US pro-level competition. She rarely--if ever--acknowledges her competitors whether she wins or loses. But most egregiously, when she loses, she NEVER compliments the winner. All she does is make excuses as to why she lost; as if the mere thought of someone beating her is repugnant to this biggest of all sore losers. Her incessant staged PR shoots codify the fact that she is as ugly on the inside as her lack of sportsmanship is on the outside; as if she's trying to believe her own PR stunts.
Tennis is, historically, a sport of graciousnes
s and dignity. Serena Williams displays her complete contempt for those qualities by continually displaying tactlessness to both competitors and officiating, and her ugliness shines through every time her little tantrums flare up.
I watched Williams' match with Bethany Mattack-Sands, and something occurred during the match that simply floored me--announcer Chris Everet actually made excuses for Serena's poor first Set play; sounding exactly like Serena's press conferences whenever she loses. That was simply pathetic, and clearly demonstrates the fact that Everet has bought into the Serena Williams legend, rather than remaining the objective observer that any announcer should be.
Personally, I think Serena has been influenced too much by her racist father; you know, the same guy whom the USTA banned from all their events because of his race baiting, hateful rhetoric. THAT is where Serena's bad sportsmanship comes from; but I seriously doubt that anyone will say anything to her simply because she's Serena Williams, the greatest tennis player in history (man or woman, in her own mind), and for whom graciousness is as foreign a word as acknowledging her opponent's outstanding efforts is to Ms Williams.
Too bad so many mindless fans buy into her greatness and make excuses for her as much as she does for her losses. Serena could be a great champion. But her complete lack of sportsmanship will forever be a thorn in the side of her legacy; and rightfully so for someone so totally devoid of humility, and so filled with [seeming] disdain for her fellow players and anyone or anything that doesn't further her self-aggrandizing greatness."