Perez Hilton is an idiot. In his ongoing attack against California's Miss USA representative, Carrie Prejean, Hilton has resorted to disgusting name calling.
I don't know if it's because no one will listen, or that people are indeed listening and hanging on his every word, but this immaturity has got to stop.
When will this man be willing to accept that not everyone in this country thinks that the homosexual community deserves the right to be married? The very notion of homosexual marriage goes against the bible--a text revered by billions around the world for over a millenia. Were all these believers wrong and deluded?
Mr. Hilton and friends would have every religious person in the US believe that religion should not shape our thoughts or character. That morals should not be based on mere right or wrong, but on personal choice (Who cares if it goes against millenia of accepted priciples; so long as Perez (or whomever) chooses to think something is right, then everyone else alive should think that way, too!).
After the win of Proposition 8 last November, the gay community (as a whole) has been on a rampage against anyone who thinks marriage should be between a man and a woman.
There is no respecting of opinion from the one side. They have been wronged, and everyone is gonna pay--or so they would have you think. So, when Mr. Hilton challenged Miss Prejean with his obviously slanted, loaded question during the Miss USA Pagaent, it is obvious that only one answer would suffice; and when not given, he feigned anger, and is using the honest response (answered based on personal belief) as a springboard for continued attacks against the proponents of the millenia old view of marriage.
Mr. Hilton, grow up! Stop throwing your little attention grubbing temper tantrum. You remind me of a spoiled brat who whines and whines to anyone who will listen until someone lends a sympathetic ear. And anyone who actually listens to your pouty rant is pathetic...not sympathetic. You will never get your way so long as you try to cram your agenda down everybody's throats.
No one likes being told what to do or think, and your approach just won't work. The harder you push, the more resistance you'll encounter. So lighten up! Take a chill! Continue the slow, steady fight that has won the rights you have attained thus far. If you do, over time, you will see the realization of complete equal rights for the homosexual community.
Until that happens, please allow people to think and believe the way they choose to believe. The way that the Constitution, the very same document you wave in everyone's faces, guarantees all Americans to think, believe, and even speak. Even if their beliefs make your blood boil, you must still respect their individual rights.
If not, then you may never get your way, and your self-indulgent temper tantrum will be ignored for years to come.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Thursday, April 23, 2009
In Support of Miss California
Do we not live in a country where the First Amendment to the Constitution guarantees Freedom of Speech? In that same vein, can we no longer tell someone exactly what we think even if someone else disagrees?
Blogger Perez Hilton, an openly gay 'celebrity' (and I use that word very...hesitantly), and the ever prevelant PC Police are out yet again (in force) to tell the country that it was hateful and bigoted for Carrie Prejean (Miss California in the recently completed Miss USA pageant)to answer a question about how she felt about same sex marriages in a manner Mr. Hilton (and company) personally disagreed with.
To quote, she (Miss Prejean) answered that "it was great that the option is available in some states, but that in my country and in my family, I believe that a marriage should be between a man and a woman -- no offense to anyone out there."
Personally, I think the answer was poignant, yet embracive of everyone listening. Here she was, answering what was assuredly a highly loaded question, and Carrie Prejean answered from her heart, but was all inclusive as well. It was a fabulous answer.
Mr. Hilton however, stated on his blog that he was offended and angered by the answer because it (the answer) "excluded millions of gay and lesbian Americans and their friends." He went on further to state that if Miss California had won the crown, that he would have "gotten on stage and ripped the crown off her head."
Wow! A loaded question answered in an honest way, only to be met head on with venomous hatred. What's wrong with this picture, folks? Here is Perez Hilton displaying the hate and scorn he has been fighting against for years because of an answer given in honesty.
When I grew up, this kind of contempt and hatred was called 'Reverse Discrimination' and Mr. Hilton epitomizes it. I would also call it hypocritical.
But here he is on tv shows whipping the media into a frenzy as he is relentlessly continuing his attack on Miss Prejean and her personal beliefs.
Again, Don't we live in a country where one of the greatest freedoms we are guaranteed is Freedom of Speech? In this day and age of PC speech, expression, etc, it's looking more and more like no one can truly speak their mind for fear of personal attacks and retribution because someone else disagrees with them.
I praise Miss Carrie Prejean for knowing that speaking her mind could cost her the win; but deciding to NOT cave in to perceived social pressures, thereby keeping her morals and personal beliefs intact. This woman should be praised for her stance...not vilified. She certainly doesn't deserve the hateful attacks brought on by a very small minority who sew the same bigotry and hatred they themselves have fought against most of their lives.
Shame on Perez Hilton and his smattering of supporters. They deny someone else their Constitutionally guaranteed right of Free Speech because the answer given to a deliberately loaded question was 'offensive' to them.
Well boo-hoo. Grow up; move on to other things, and continue your fight towards the equality you seek. But don't ever tell someone else that what they think is wrong, even if it causes you to burn with anger inside--just a your opinion may do to someone else. Everyone has a right to their own opinion, just the same as you do.
Let someone else listen to your incessant whining if you can't afford to give the same courtesy that you seek. And if you can't do that, then call the Waaaaahmbulance because I just don't care.
Blogger Perez Hilton, an openly gay 'celebrity' (and I use that word very...hesitantly), and the ever prevelant PC Police are out yet again (in force) to tell the country that it was hateful and bigoted for Carrie Prejean (Miss California in the recently completed Miss USA pageant)to answer a question about how she felt about same sex marriages in a manner Mr. Hilton (and company) personally disagreed with.
To quote, she (Miss Prejean) answered that "it was great that the option is available in some states, but that in my country and in my family, I believe that a marriage should be between a man and a woman -- no offense to anyone out there."
Personally, I think the answer was poignant, yet embracive of everyone listening. Here she was, answering what was assuredly a highly loaded question, and Carrie Prejean answered from her heart, but was all inclusive as well. It was a fabulous answer.
Mr. Hilton however, stated on his blog that he was offended and angered by the answer because it (the answer) "excluded millions of gay and lesbian Americans and their friends." He went on further to state that if Miss California had won the crown, that he would have "gotten on stage and ripped the crown off her head."
Wow! A loaded question answered in an honest way, only to be met head on with venomous hatred. What's wrong with this picture, folks? Here is Perez Hilton displaying the hate and scorn he has been fighting against for years because of an answer given in honesty.
When I grew up, this kind of contempt and hatred was called 'Reverse Discrimination' and Mr. Hilton epitomizes it. I would also call it hypocritical.
But here he is on tv shows whipping the media into a frenzy as he is relentlessly continuing his attack on Miss Prejean and her personal beliefs.
Again, Don't we live in a country where one of the greatest freedoms we are guaranteed is Freedom of Speech? In this day and age of PC speech, expression, etc, it's looking more and more like no one can truly speak their mind for fear of personal attacks and retribution because someone else disagrees with them.
I praise Miss Carrie Prejean for knowing that speaking her mind could cost her the win; but deciding to NOT cave in to perceived social pressures, thereby keeping her morals and personal beliefs intact. This woman should be praised for her stance...not vilified. She certainly doesn't deserve the hateful attacks brought on by a very small minority who sew the same bigotry and hatred they themselves have fought against most of their lives.
Shame on Perez Hilton and his smattering of supporters. They deny someone else their Constitutionally guaranteed right of Free Speech because the answer given to a deliberately loaded question was 'offensive' to them.
Well boo-hoo. Grow up; move on to other things, and continue your fight towards the equality you seek. But don't ever tell someone else that what they think is wrong, even if it causes you to burn with anger inside--just a your opinion may do to someone else. Everyone has a right to their own opinion, just the same as you do.
Let someone else listen to your incessant whining if you can't afford to give the same courtesy that you seek. And if you can't do that, then call the Waaaaahmbulance because I just don't care.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Sean Hannity--GOP Puppet
Sean Hannity is a Republican party whore. He is so blindly following the pathetic agenda of the republican party that he cannot see the forest through the trees.
I first came to listen to Mr. Hannity on AM Radio while working on a construction site, and my co-workers loved listening to his show. His democrat bashing words would spew out of the radio speakers ad nauseum. It didn't take long to understand that any caller having a differing opinion from this republican prostitute was immediately shut down, and the conversation ended. He isn't the least bit interested in fact...just the advancement of the Republican Party agenda.
Throughout Georgie Dubya Bushie's travesty of an Administration, Hannity was all rah, rah about what the president was doing, yet would relentlessly attack any politician who might question Bushie's policies, decisions, etc. His constant referrals to former President Bill Clinton's infidelities (instead of his actual record of service) only serve to show what a shallow, narrow-minded media whore Mr. Hannity truly is.
Now, I'm neither Democrat, nor Republican. I am a registered, unafilliated voter who crosses all party lines on election day. I choose to vote for those whom I believe will be the best at whatever job they are seeking, no matter what party they belong to. I am an educated, informed person when it comes to politics. Being a student of the democratic process, I ignore party rhetoric, and look at facts, history, voting records, etc.
Anyway, here we are once again with a democrat as President, and once again, Sean Hannity attacks our leader with vicious attacks on his agenda, his plans, and policies.. (I know--a terrible shock, this one...). The latest attack has Mr ho' whipping up his listeners into a frenzy about taxes and getting his small-minded cronies to start little revolutionary 'Tea Parties' across the country to protest the taxes being imposed on the citizens of this country.
I don't know about you, the readers out there, but this to me smacks of nothing more than an attack on our new Democratic President to undermine his ability to try and pull this country out of the economic free-fall it finds itself in because of the reckless spending and war-mongering of Georgie Dubya Bushie and henchmen.
I really don't get why Sean Hannity is attacking Barack Obama when it was the former Republican leadership that got us into this mess in the first place.
Maybe it's because it really wasn't the republican party that was in charge the last eight years...No, Dubya was DEFINITELY a republican. Then maybe it's because Bushie let the democrats in Congress do what they wanted...No,..quite the reverse actually. President Bushie and top Henchman DICK Cheney literally shoved Congress into doing whatever they wanted...even to the ultimate degradation of this country. Ok, how about this--Sean Hannity is attacking President Obama because he is looking to blame anyone but the Republican party for the whole mess we find ourselves in today.
That's it! I've hit it squarely on the head!
I'll be the first to tell you that I am astounded by all the taxes we pay. I even wrote a post about that very subject. However, this country will complete its financial free-fall into unthinkable economic depression if hard choices are not made, enacted, and seen through. There are no easy solutions to fixing the financial problems besetting us today. But if we ignore them, and simply assign blame on an opposing political party/President/Congress, then the problem simply grows to unimaginable complexity that will almost certainly end in ruin for the once strongest economy in the world.
Sean Hannity is not the least bit interested in what HAS to be done to salvage this country. He is merely pushing, spewing, and fomenting the Republican rhetoric that got us here in the first place. He could care less that hard times demand hard choices, and difficult sacrifices by everyone. So long as a Democrat is in office, Sean Hannity is going to attack our President; even when our President is working to rebuild this country after the near complete the destruction left over from a Republican Adminstration.
At least President Obama is trying to fix the problems--unlike his predecessor who was constantly turning a blind eye to the social, economic, and environmental devastation he was causing.
Instead of placing blame, maybe Mr. Hannity should try supporting the efforts of our new President; helping the American people to understand that these difficult times require dedication, hard work, and an unwavering eye on the ultimate goal of economic recovery.
Wait...I was starting to forget the basic fact here...that Sean Hannity is nothing more than a Republican whore who is doing nothing more than selling the party rhetoric of his agenda-minded republican pimps. You go Hannity. You should get employee of the month! What a ho!
I first came to listen to Mr. Hannity on AM Radio while working on a construction site, and my co-workers loved listening to his show. His democrat bashing words would spew out of the radio speakers ad nauseum. It didn't take long to understand that any caller having a differing opinion from this republican prostitute was immediately shut down, and the conversation ended. He isn't the least bit interested in fact...just the advancement of the Republican Party agenda.
Throughout Georgie Dubya Bushie's travesty of an Administration, Hannity was all rah, rah about what the president was doing, yet would relentlessly attack any politician who might question Bushie's policies, decisions, etc. His constant referrals to former President Bill Clinton's infidelities (instead of his actual record of service) only serve to show what a shallow, narrow-minded media whore Mr. Hannity truly is.
Now, I'm neither Democrat, nor Republican. I am a registered, unafilliated voter who crosses all party lines on election day. I choose to vote for those whom I believe will be the best at whatever job they are seeking, no matter what party they belong to. I am an educated, informed person when it comes to politics. Being a student of the democratic process, I ignore party rhetoric, and look at facts, history, voting records, etc.
Anyway, here we are once again with a democrat as President, and once again, Sean Hannity attacks our leader with vicious attacks on his agenda, his plans, and policies.. (I know--a terrible shock, this one...). The latest attack has Mr ho' whipping up his listeners into a frenzy about taxes and getting his small-minded cronies to start little revolutionary 'Tea Parties' across the country to protest the taxes being imposed on the citizens of this country.
I don't know about you, the readers out there, but this to me smacks of nothing more than an attack on our new Democratic President to undermine his ability to try and pull this country out of the economic free-fall it finds itself in because of the reckless spending and war-mongering of Georgie Dubya Bushie and henchmen.
I really don't get why Sean Hannity is attacking Barack Obama when it was the former Republican leadership that got us into this mess in the first place.
Maybe it's because it really wasn't the republican party that was in charge the last eight years...No, Dubya was DEFINITELY a republican. Then maybe it's because Bushie let the democrats in Congress do what they wanted...No,..quite the reverse actually. President Bushie and top Henchman DICK Cheney literally shoved Congress into doing whatever they wanted...even to the ultimate degradation of this country. Ok, how about this--Sean Hannity is attacking President Obama because he is looking to blame anyone but the Republican party for the whole mess we find ourselves in today.
That's it! I've hit it squarely on the head!
I'll be the first to tell you that I am astounded by all the taxes we pay. I even wrote a post about that very subject. However, this country will complete its financial free-fall into unthinkable economic depression if hard choices are not made, enacted, and seen through. There are no easy solutions to fixing the financial problems besetting us today. But if we ignore them, and simply assign blame on an opposing political party/President/Congress, then the problem simply grows to unimaginable complexity that will almost certainly end in ruin for the once strongest economy in the world.
Sean Hannity is not the least bit interested in what HAS to be done to salvage this country. He is merely pushing, spewing, and fomenting the Republican rhetoric that got us here in the first place. He could care less that hard times demand hard choices, and difficult sacrifices by everyone. So long as a Democrat is in office, Sean Hannity is going to attack our President; even when our President is working to rebuild this country after the near complete the destruction left over from a Republican Adminstration.
At least President Obama is trying to fix the problems--unlike his predecessor who was constantly turning a blind eye to the social, economic, and environmental devastation he was causing.
Instead of placing blame, maybe Mr. Hannity should try supporting the efforts of our new President; helping the American people to understand that these difficult times require dedication, hard work, and an unwavering eye on the ultimate goal of economic recovery.
Wait...I was starting to forget the basic fact here...that Sean Hannity is nothing more than a Republican whore who is doing nothing more than selling the party rhetoric of his agenda-minded republican pimps. You go Hannity. You should get employee of the month! What a ho!
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