Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Earlier this week a story surfaced that indicated that our current Congress was looking at the possibility of taxing America's drivers for each mile they drive their cars.

This is being looked at due to the supposed decrease in revenues caused by the recent inflated costs of energy that has resulted in fewer gallons of fuel being purchased, and hence, fewer taxes rolling in to government coffers.

Subsequently, the politico's in DC are examining various ways to keep that revenue stream going at its recent pace. They claim that more money is needed to shore up the transportation infrastructure across this great nation. Our roads are aging, our bridges are becoming hazardous, etc.

So, the idea of taxing us for the each mile we drive has been floated...again. This is not a new idea. It literally surfaces every few years as tighter and tighter budgets are proposed.

What's disturbing about this concept is that the only realistic way to gauge any car's miles driven is by installing some sort of GPS or other similar technology in every car in the US. THAT smacks of too much governmental intrusion in our lives; a sort of Orwellian prophecy fulfilled.

I immediately emailed my House Rep and said "No, No, NO!" We are already taxed when we buy gas; buy a car; renew our car tabs every year; pay for repairs etc. Why should we pay yet another tax for something we are already paying taxes for--the owning and operating of an automobile? This one stinks!!!

I've got an idea...instead of taxing the US consumers, how about paying the contractors that work on our roads less money? Further, how about insisting that any repair jobs are not only done under budget, but are done so that the fix is permanent; instead of having to go back six months later and repair the same thing yet again? These things can be written in the contracts; and any overages are the responsibility of the contractors--NOT the US government. You do THAT and I guarantee you that costs would drop, and repairs would be better, and last longer.

Enough of taking the hard-earned money out of our pockets. It's time our Senators and Representatives take responsibility for the mess they (and their predecessors) have created. They need to insist on lowered costs across all the various aspects of building and repairing the highways, by-ways, and other national infrastructure.

If this was actually enacted and enforced, I wonder how many billions of dollars we would save every year, and how much safer our infrastructure would actually be.'s just a dream. One I'm sure we'll be taxed on just for having...

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Bailing Out Detroit...Again.

The US taxpayer has already spent $700 Billion dollars to purportedly shore up the weakend financial sector because their over-paid, over-compensated leaders failed to see the disastrous path that they themselves laid out through bad investments, over-zealous mortaging practices, and billions for top level leadership bonuses.

Today, President Obama signed more legislation that will cough up another $787 Billion to further shore up our economy. Together, that's $1.87 TRILLION dollars spent over the past few months that goes to corporations, banks, auto companies, etc.

Also today, both General Motors and Chrysler Corp. announced that they still need an additional $21 Billion dollars in order to stay afloat. Tomorrow (or the next day) we'll see more companies begging for another government handout.

Meanwhile, people are losing their jobs, food is getting more expensive, foreclosures on homes are nearing an all-time yearly high, and personal bankruptcies are up 37% over last year.

My question here...what happened to a free market economy? You know, the normal ups, downs, laterals, openings, closings, etc? Since when is it the responsibility of the government to spend OUR tax dollars to save a huge corporation from folding? We (the American consumer) are already overpaying for goods and services of all types. Now, our tax dollars are being used to financially prop up these failing businesses. What's wrong with this picture? It's like I'm getting screwed twice by the same companies (once by the company itself, then by my tax dollars going to them as well).

In a true free-market economy, a company will prosper or die because of market conditions, consumer preferences, good (or bad) financial accountability, superior (or inferior) products or services, etc.

The previous and current bailouts throw that whole approach right out the window. Why close your business when you can get a loan from the government so the leaders who caused this whole mess within your company can waste even more of OPM (Other People's Money)and then collect hefty bonuses that most American families won't see in their entire lifetimes?

[On a corporate scale] The free market economy is being strangled. Personal and corporate accountability seems to be lost. Thousands of jobs are disappearing because of wasteful financial practices, poor oversight, and a lack of vision as to the future of the economy.

I once heard that big business is not the true strength of our economy; rather it is the small business men and women that really power our economy. I suggest that big business take a few lessons from the small business community about surviving bad times, and being responsible in good times. I guarantee that these two issues go completely hand in hand.

Our small business owners get through the tough times, and survive for many years. They prosper in the times of plenty, and trim the fat in times of lean. But there they remain--the real driving force of the in and day out. No luxury corporate outings; no billion dollar bonuses; no condos or houses in Aspen or the Hamptons; no private jets; no billions in preferred stock options, etc.

Nope, we are economically powered by the hard working men and women who work 10-14 hours a day, 5-6 days a week, who struggle to feed their families, but who gladly do so because they are proud of what they do, and who continue to dream of a better life.

THESE are the lessons those big corporations need to learn. If they did, maybe our hard-earned tax dollars wouldn't be wasted bailing out poorly run businesses.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Entertainment "News"

I don't know about any of you, but I really am getting fed up of all the so-called "entertainment" news being tossed about so blythly these days. It seems as though the more trivial and banal the tidbits of info, the more they are hyped like these things really matter.

For instance, tonight on the MSN homepage the 3rd entertainment headline reads 'Etta James: "I can't stand Beyonce." The article goes on to elaborate about Beyonce singing "At Last" for President Obama at one of the recent Inaugural events. (I only read that much because I am writing this blog!)

Now, I don't know about you, but the very first thought I have whenever I read this type of useless headline is, "WHO CARES?!!!" Really! Yeah, there are enough interested readers out there who will take an avid (and completely ridiculous) interest in such things, and who will swear by the truth of anything they read about any celebrity.

My objection here is that the virtual, print, and video rags that exist make this junk out to be vital to our everyday lives. (To immitate the William Shatner school of pause acting....) We-just-CAN'T-live-without-knowing-
that- John-Doe-actor-said-something-negative-about-his-gardener! (or whatever drivel we are force fed and told is vastly important.)

I know that there will always be people out there who will soak up every piece of irrelevant entertainment news like it was manna from heavan; but get a grip, please!

Entertainers, pro athletes, and anyone who has a high public profile are just like you and me. They have problems of all sorts that they must address every day. They are literally no different than anyone else. It just so happens that their problems have become fodder for entertainment "news."

I have known a number of pro athletes over the years, as well as Congressmen, and a few in the entertainment industry. Believe me when I say that they are just like you and I. They really are. The only real difference being they have more money than we do.

Let me address that one for a minute. I know that many of you will say that though they have problems, celebrities at least have all that money. I want to give you a piece of info that many of you may not realize...Just because you have money certainly does NOT mean that your problems disappear.

Marriages both thrive and suffer, bills still stack up, kids get sick, personal injuries occur, people get robbed, you might be out of work for six months or a year, etc, etc.

I for one have enough to deal with in my life to be putting any thought or energy into what is happening in someone elses. I care about what is real news that truly affects my life; things like the economy, our government, advances in healthcare, the education of our kids, the proper management and stewardship of our environment, and what my friend in Australia (who is a former drug user) is doing with her life.

THESE things are important. These things matter. They matter to me; they SHOULD matter to you. These are things that affect, and effect our lives every day, all around the world.

Let those in the so-called public eye have their privacy. Knowing one more interpersonal spat just doesn't matter one iota. And believe me, these good men and women would really rather keep their lives to themselves instead of feeling like they're in a glass cage twenty-four hours a day.